Centennial Academy

Governing Board

Annual Retreat - Saturday July 20th, 2019 @8:00 AM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome Call to Order - Annual Retreat 1 minutes

Chair or delegate presiding

Approval of Agenda 1 minutes


  1. Approve the agenda. Quorom required to proceed with motion.

Strategic Plan Review 90 minutes

Presenter: Tequila Lamar, Interim Head of School - Centennial Academy

New Charter Contract

Academy Mission & Vision

Academic Goals & Strategy

Financial/Fundraising Goals & Strategy

School Culture

Human Capital

Parent/Community Involvement & Partnerships

Student Enrollment & Retention

Marketing/Branding/Alumni Testimonials - CA in the Community


Break 15 minutes

Board Training 60 minutes

Charterboards: Overview, Logon Access, Bios

Presenter (video): Clay Johnson, Owner - CharterBoards

Board Training: Policies, Charter Expectations, Development

Presenter: Jeff Homan, Director of Education & Training - Georgia Charter Association (GCSA)

Forms, SY'19-'20 Seats, Committees & Committee Members

Presenter: Panya Lei Yarber-King, Board Member/Governance Committee Chair - Centennial Academy

Building the Work Plan 10 minutes

Carryover from 2018-2019

New for 2019-2020

Calendar of Events: School holidays, Board meeting & Committee meeting dates


Adjourn - Annual Retreat 1 minutes


  1. Adjourn the annual retreat session.

Break 15 minutes

Welcome Call to Order - Board of Directors Regular Meeting 1 minutes

Chair or delegate presiding.

Summary of Prior Meeting Minutes - for Approval 1 minutes

The Governing Board met on Monday June 24th, 2019 @5:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 27 minutes long meeting. Present: Tequila Lamar, LaKrista Jordan, Egbert Perry, Renee Glover, Panya Lei Yarber-King, Demetrius Patterson, Rewa Berry, Walt Higgins, Howard Grant, Joseph Handy, Christopher Burke, Maurice Baker, Virginia Sheppard
Not Present: Isaac Sparks, Lauren Koontz

The members considered the following items:
1. Public Comment
2. Chair's Remarks
3. Head of School Report
4. Approval of Agenda & Previous Meeting Minutes
5. Finance Committee Report
6. Governance Committee Report
7. Academic Accountability Committee Report
8. Executive Session Call to Order
9. Work Plan Review

The committee considered 7 motions, of which 5 passed, and 0 failed:
1. To discuss a personnel, legal, or student matter. (passed)
2. To approve current agenda and previous minutes. (passed)
3. To approve the 2019-2020 budget. (passed)
4. To approve the Warren Averette terms of engagement. (passed)
5. To renew Rewa Berry as member for 1 year. (passed)
6. To review term of Lauren Koontz. (tabled)
7. To review term of Isaac Sparks. (tabled)

The meeting adjourned at 7:58AM


  1. Approve the prior meeting minutes. Quorom is required to proceed with motion.

Chair's Remarks - E. Perry 10 minutes

Chair or delegate presiding

Public Comment 10 minutes

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the Board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Head of School Report - T. Lamar 30 minutes

State of the Academy

Amended Budget FY20

Grievances reported as required per policy


Finance Committee Report - R. Glover 10 minutes

Regular financial reports include Monthly YTD Actuals to Budget, and the Annual Audit Readout.

Governance Committee Report - P. Yarber-King 5 minutes

Board governance status of: Training Hours Progress, Compliance Forms Completion, and other strategic items.


Academic Accountability Committee Report - D. Patterson 5 minutes

School performance metrics against target: Attendance, standardized test scores and other benchmarks.

Adjourn - Regular Board Meeting 1 minutes


  1. To Adjourn.