To accept the amended agenda
By: John Cherry Seconded by: Victor Tate (board member)
Yes: Jason Allen, Kanethia Henderson, Elisha Gray
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Jason Allen | present chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Elisha Gray | present vice-chair | 20 Minutes Late | At Adjournment |
Victor Tate (board member) | present Treasurer | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mary Shepherd | not present member | ||
Dr. William Epps (committee member) | not present member | ||
Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Dr. Charcia M. Nichols (NON-voting; Executive Director) | present ex-officio | On Time | At Adjournment |
John Cherry | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
The board discussed to accept the amended agenda to the Governance Session: to remove the Board Policy Presentation
To accept the amended agenda
By: John Cherry Seconded by: Victor Tate (board member)
Yes: Jason Allen, Kanethia Henderson, Elisha Gray
The board reviewed the previous meeting minutes as presented: July 3, 2018, July 26, 2018, August 16, 2018, September 20, 2018 and October 18, 2018.
To accept previous minutes as presented
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: John Cherry
Jason Allen introduced Terra Gay which has completed the process of becoming a board member. Terra Gay has twenty years background in education and will intend to extend support with building bonds
To accept Terra Gay as newest board member
By: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) Seconded by: John Cherry
Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Elisha Gray
Laticia Sharp (CFO) presented Kirkwood and Gwinnett’s financial dashboard. Laticia Sharp provided a handout and discussed Kirkwood’s FY2019 following:
Monthly Financials
Requesting the approval of the September financials presented in the October 18, 2018 board meeting.
October 2018 financials will be presented for discussion
FY18 Audit Report
The FY18 Audit Reports were forwarded to the bond holders as part of compliance.
Amended FY19 Budget and Projection Plan
Work continues on the FY19 Amended Budget.
SCSC Visit
Completed visit with State Charter School Commission on October 5, 2018.
Federal Programs
All FY18 Federal Program drawdowns and completion reports were completed
Completed MOE reporting required for IDEA FY19 Budget submission
All FY19 Federal Grant Budgets have been submitted and approved
Financial Policy/Procedure Manual:
Further revisions were made to the Financial Policies and distributed to the Board for review
Nutrition Reporting
Worked with School Nutrition to bring claims and financials current. Some adjustments may be required following review
YMLA Close-Out
Closed out YMLA’s Georgia Department of Revenue account
Working on final close-out for YMLA for the FY19 audit season
SAM (System for Award Management) Registration
Completed SAM registration renewal, the federal government’s vendor database
Paula Harris-Harvey (Director of Scholar Services) presented the following during her presentation:
ESOL Program (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Occupational, Speech and Language Therapy
Talented and Gifted Program (TAG)
Parent Engagement/Upcoming Events
Charcia Nichols discussed CCRPI data for 3rd through 8th grades and the importance of the five component areas: Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps, Readiness, and Graduation Rate (only for High School). Charcia Nichols discussed the following:
Next Steps
Hired a Math Coach
Increased STAR Assessments to measure Lexile Scores
Focus on Effective Instruction-Data Analysis, Planning and Instructional Strategies
Attendance Incentives
Monitoring Beyond the Core closely
Leadership Cohort
USA Test Prep Usage
Higher Level Questioning
Book Club, Literacy Focus, Math Focus
No public comment
To enter into Executive Session
By: Elisha Gray Seconded by: Victor Tate (board member)
Yes: Jason Allen, John Cherry, Kanethia Henderson
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:54 pm
Motion to adjourn
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Elisha Gray
Yes: Jason Allen, Kanethia Henderson, John Cherry
Board Policy Review
Jason Allen named 44 Board policies that have been reviewed and revised during the Committee of the Whole – Work Sessions. The policies' purpose is to ensure everyone has an understanding of Ivy’s policies. Here are the following policies:
Financial Policy:
Financial Data Reporting
Accounts Receivables
Head of Schools Legal Requirements
Annual Operating Budget
Annual Audit
Records Retention
Cash Management
Purchasing Process
Procurement of Contractor Services
Check Requests
Credit Cards
Purchasing from Employees, Vendor Relations and Prohibited Expenditures
Adult vs. Student Generated Funds
Bank Statement Reconciliation
Transfer of Funds
Internal Controls
Program Manager Reporting Documentation
Grants Financial Management
Admissions/Ticket Sales
Charity/Family Support Funds
Restricted Donations
Field Trips
Fundraising Funds
Inactive Funds
Lost or Damage Learning Resources
Negative Funds Balances
Parent Leadership Organization (PLO)/Booster Clubs
Refunds & Reimbursements
Sales Tax
Board Member Travel
Vending Machines
Concession/T-shirt/Miscellaneous Sales
Inventory of Equipment
Reporting Lost/Stolen Technology and other Equipment
Transfer of Information
Inclement Weather
Mandated Reporter Training for Volunteers
Conflict of Interest - Employee
Gwinnett GAP Year Close Out
Jason Allen discussed duplicating the academic structure of Kirkwood due to data shown that Kirkwood’s academic structure is successful. The board has decided not to move forward with Gwinnett’s GAP year and will vote to end the contract. The board has a target of duplicating another IPAK by 2021/2022 school year.
To accept 44 board policies
By: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) Seconded by: Elisha Gray
Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, John Cherry
To close out Gwinnett Gap Year contract and close school officially
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Elisha Gray
Yes: Jason Allen, Kanethia Henderson, John Cherry