Centennial Academy

Academic Accountability Committee

Committee Meeting - Friday November 22nd, 2019 @9:00 AM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to the order.

Review of Agenda & Minutes of Previous Meeting 10 minutes


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted
  2. Approve the minutes of last meeting

Review November Committee Report 20 minutes


Monthly Academic Reporting 30 minutes

  1. % scholars on growth target or other measure? Reporting frequency?
  2. Moby Max vs. STAR
  3. Parent concern w/ Eureka Math (9th grade Algebra only?)
  4. State standard to track for STEAM certification (Oct conference)? Definition of experience/touchpoint?

Monthly Accountability Report 20 minutes

  1. Review other monthly measures that are available
  2. Responsibilities & timing of report for Dec 9 board meeting

Recap: Commitments and Agreements 5 minutes

Confirmation of Attendees & Next Meeting Date 1 minutes

December, 16 2019 5:30 pm