Approve the agenda as submitted
By: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) Seconded by: Braxton Nelson
Yes, Victor Tate, William Epps and Elisha Gay
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Victor Tate (board member) | present Treasurer | On Time | At Adjournment |
Dr. William Epps (committee member) | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Braxton Nelson | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Laticia Sharp (NON-voting; Chief Financial Officer) | present Non-voting Administration | On Time | At Adjournment |
Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) | present secretary | On Time | At Adjournment |
Dr. Charcia M. Nichols (NON-voting; Executive Director) | present Non-voting Administration | On Time | At Adjournment |
Elisha Gray | present vice-chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
CALL TO ORDER by Victor Tate at 6:12 p.m.
Roll Call
Meeting Facilitator: Tate
Board Members: Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate. Via Phone: Gray
Staff Members: Nichols, HOS; Sharp, CFO; Harris-Harvey; Edgerton; Greene
Contractors: LEADright/Burks, Dingle
Agenda Approval
Presenter: Henderson
Motion by Henderson; Seconded by Nelson
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Approve the agenda as submitted
By: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) Seconded by: Braxton Nelson
Yes, Victor Tate, William Epps and Elisha Gay
Previous Board Minutes Approval
Minutes Review (July 18, 2019 Board Meeting and August 1, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting all minutes as amended)
Presenter: Henderson
Motion by Henderson; Seconded by Epps
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Approve the minutes for July 18, 2019, Board Meeting and August 1, 2019, Committee of the Whole Meeting.
By: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)
Yes, Victor Tate, Braxton Nelson and Elisha Gray
Agenda Item A.1
Presenter: Nichols
Topic: Head of Schools Report
FAB Four: Charter Performance Framework
Nutrition: Ms. Bolton is new food service consultant; point of sale up to date.
Facilities/Maintenances: Submitted grant for computer science; HVAC repaired
Information Technology: GLIP and Google Hangout training; Quarterly Microsoft Training for parents
Operations: Lockers distributed; Knight Security Services
After School: Training Dates
The IT Factor: Culture checks in place; addressing tardies and absences
New Additions:
Upcoming Dates:
Motion by Tate; Seconded by Nelson
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Agenda Item A.2
Presenter: Nichols
Topic: Resource Development Report; text to give campaign
Approve Head of Schools Report
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Braxton Nelson
Yes, Dr. William Epps, Elisha Gray and Kanethia Henderson
Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted three minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.
Agenda Item G.1
Presenter: Tate
Topic: Amend the Agenda to move the order of the vote for the slate of officers
Motion by Tate; Seconded by Henderson
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Agenda Item G.2
Presenter: Tate
Topic: Elect slate of officers
Motion by Tate; Seconded by Nelson
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Amend the Agenda to move the order of the vote for the slate of officers
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member)
Yes, William Epps, Elisha Gray and Kanethia Henderson
Elect slate of officers
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Braxton Nelson
Yes, William Epps, Kanethia Henderson and Elisha Gray
Agenda Item F.1
Presenter: Sharp
Topic: CFO Report - Financial Overview and Bond/Debt Reduction; current enrollment; $138,000 loss
Motion by Tate; Seconded by Epps
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Agenda Item F.2
Presenter: Tate
Topic: Finance Committee Report / July 2019 Financial Report (including Contract with Real Estate representative to handle leasing of parcels; HOS engaged attorney to review contracts)
Motion by Tate; Seconded by Epps
Final Resolution Motion Carries
Vote: 5 Support (Epps, Henderson, Nelson, Tate, Gray); 0 Oppose; 0 Abstain
Approve CFO Report
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)
Yes, Braxton Nelson, Elisha Gray and Kanethia Henderson
Approve Finance Committee Report
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)
Yes, Braxton Nelson, Elisha Gray and Kanethia Henderson
The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:20 pm
Motion to adjourn
By: Victor Tate (board member) Seconded by: Braxton Nelson
There was no notable discussion on the motion.