Meeting Summary
The Governing Board met on Thursday October 18th, 2018 @6:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 47 minutes long meeting. Present: Jason Allen, Elisha Gray, Victor Tate, Mary Shepherd, Dr. William Epps, Kanethia Henderson, Dr. Charcia Nichols Not Present: John Cherry
The members considered the following items:
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
- Review of the Previous Meeting Minutes
- Board Policy Presentation
- Finance Session
- Scholar Presentation
- Head of Schools Report
- Ivy Comprehensive Assessment
- Governance Session
- Public Comment
- Executive Session
The committee considered 5 motions, of which 5 passed, and 0 failed:
- Motion to approve the agenda with the following changes: Agenda should read Board Training Review instead of Policy Review and section for new business should go before executive session. (passed)
- Motion to accept the following presented policies:
Board Meeting Policy Employee Grievance Policy Background Check Attendance and Leave School Community Communications Personnel File (passed)
- Legal, Personnel and Property (passed)
- Motion to have Head of Schools Contract finalized by November 15th. (passed)
Motion to have CFO contract finalized by November 15. (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 7:44PM