Ivy Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Thursday October 18th, 2018 @6:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Jason Allen present chair On Time At Adjournment
Elisha Gray present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Victor Tate (board member) present Treasurer 15 Minutes Late At Adjournment
Mary Shepherd present member 20 Minutes Late At Adjournment
Dr. William Epps (committee member) present member On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) present member On Time At Adjournment
John Cherry not present member
Dr. Charcia M. Nichols (NON-voting; Executive Director) present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by chair, Jason Allen, at 6:07pm. 

Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda with the following changes: Agenda should read Board Training Review instead of Policy Review and section for new business should go before executive session.

By: Elisha Gray Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)

Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Mary Shepherd, Kanethia Henderson, Charcia Nichols

Board Policy Presentation

Motion to accept the following presented policies:

Board Meeting Policy Employee Grievance Policy Background Check Attendance and Leave School Community Communications Personnel File

By: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)

Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Mary Shepherd, Elisha Gray, Charcia Nichols

Finance Session

  • The September 2018 financials were presented for discussion
  • Work has begun on the amended FY19 budget following the October FTE count and a three-to-five year projection plan
  • The FY18 audit has been submitted to the State Charter School Commission
  • GADOE issued FY18 Audit clearance letters for both schools, thereby closing the audit reports
  • The reported October FTE count was 508 scholars. We are currently being funded for 580. Monthly QBE funding will be reduced to account for FTE reduction until the excess funds are requested to be returned to the state
  • FY19 Federal Grants Budgets are being drafted and submitted for approval
  • The Financial Policy and Procedure Manual has been revised and distributed to the board for review
  • The network will begin utilizing Asset Tiger, a free cloud-based management tool, to centralize its record of assets into one location which will allow for ease of reporting
  • The Connections liability settlement was finalized in August 2018.
  • CPI is currently being prepared for submission
  • We have started bond interest payment restructuring discussion with our bond holder
  • The bond holder was present for the meeting and expressed that he is pleased with the changes that have been implemented and believes as if Ivy is moving in the right direction. He appreciates the board's increased transparency.

Scholar Presentation

The second grade scholars presented projects on Simple Machines. Scholars gave visual and oral presentation on the various types of simple machines and their functions.

Head of Schools Report

  • Reviewed various Keep, Change, Start and Stop ideas and practices that were discussed and identified in the network team meeting.
  • Provided an enrollment report broken down by grade level. We currently have 508 scholars
  • Reviewed FY17 Charter Performance Framework. The most recently updated policies were drafted based on team the feedback and an internal assessment
  • The Operations department is working to create a facilities calendar. The enrollment office is reviewing and revising a calendar to begin the re-enrollment and lottery process. The enrollment and data office is also working to update parent emails to help ensure effective communication. The Director of Operations is working with the Finance Department to streamline the purchasing process


  • Focusing on effective instruction: planning data strategies
  • Faculty is receiving professional learning three days per week. Administrators and coaches in classes three days per week based on new model according to LeadRight
  • A streamlined data has been implemented with teachers
  • Our assessment calendar has changed to reflect STAR monthly for Kindergarten through 2nd grade
  • The Palmetto School of Protocol is providing monthly sessions and weekly curriculum for all scholars

Upcoming Dates

Leadership Academy Session II - 10/25/18

Head of Schools Breakthrough Coaching - 10/18-19/18

Coffee and Conversation - 10/26/18

FTE Sign Off - 10/23/18

Night of the Arts - 10/24/18

Ivy Comprehensive Assessment

The District and School Improvement Specialist presented the areas of focus for the year.

During the last faculty meeting, leadership and faculty went through the elements of effective instruction and the Five Why's related to data.

Vision and Mission

Approximately two years ago the school stakeholders collaborated to create a vision and mission for Ivy Kirkwood. Individuals were able to create individual statements. Their statements were fused and a new mission and vision was developed.

School Culture

The school is in an evolving stage of establishing a new school culture

Administrative Leadership

At the current time, the administrative leadership is the highest rated of all of the categories. Data shows that the administrative and district leadership members are proficient and effective to continue to develop the network.

School Governance Board

The board is still in the developing stage. Adding new members has been helpful with increased capacity.

Governance Session

Board Training Review

  • All board members should have selected a training date for the SCSC governance training. All November participants should have completed their registration. If there is a question please contact the Head of Schools
  • The board would like to express its gratitude for Mrs. Elisa Falco. Mrs. Falco has served as the GCSA governance advisor to Ivy for the past two years. Mrs. Falco is now moving on to assist newly approved charter schools. Jeff Homan will serve as the GCSA advisor
  • Board Elections will be held this upcoming December. All trustees are asked to evaluate their expertise and how it can strengthen Ivy
  • The board is actively seeking new members with legal, fundraising, real-estate and grant-writing experience

Gwinnett Close Out

Jason Allen shared with the board the following:

  • The issues from Gwinnett began to occur in October 2017.
  • Planning around the school was ongoing; however, the financial backing needed to continue was not available
  • Despite a strong desire to continue moving forward with the Gwinnett contract, the board felt that it would be best to terminate the current charter for Gwinnett

Executive Session

The board went into Executive Session to discuss legal, personnel and property matters at 7:18pm.

Legal, Personnel and Property

By: Dr. William Epps (committee member) Seconded by: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member)

Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Mary Shepherd, Elisha Gray, Charcia Nichols

Motion to have Head of Schools Contract finalized by November 15th.

By: Elisha Gray Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)

Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Mary Shepherd, Kanethia Henderson, Charcia Nichols

Motion to have CFO contract finalized by November 15, 2018

By: Dr. William Epps (committee member) Seconded by: Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member)

Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Mary Shepherd, Elisha Gray, Charcia Nichols

Public Comment

No public comment.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:44 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Elisha Gray Seconded by: Mary Shepherd

Yes: Jason Allen, Victor Tate, Will Epps, Kanethia Henderson, Charcia Nichols