Ivy Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Tuesday September 22nd, 2020 @6:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Ivy Preparatory Academy 1 minutes

Held at the following location:
Ivy Preparatory Academy @Kirkwood
1807 Memorial Drive, SE
Atlanta, GA 30317

Below is an agenda of items scheduled to be considered. Unless otherwise stated, items may be taken out of the order presented on the agenda at the discretion of the chair.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with a disability. Please contact Dr. Charcia Nichols at 404-622-2727. Request should be made as early as possible to arrange the accommodations, no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting

Welcome and Vision/Mission 5 minutes

Meeting Call to order: Victor Tate (Chair)

Roll Call: Victor Tate (Chair)

Vision: William Epps (Vice Chair)

The Ivy Preparatory Academy for Girls at Kirkwood cultivates leaders who manifest change in the world.


The Ivy Preparatory Academy for Girls at Kirkwood fosters a culture of collaboration, passion for learning, integrity, and servant leadership.

Public Comment 10 minutes

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted three minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Routine Business 5 minutes

Approval of Agenda- Kanethia Henderson (Board Secretary)

Oral Reports 20 minutes

Head of Schools- Network Report - Dr. Charcia Nichols

Chief Financial Officer - Financial Report - Mrs. Laticia Sharp

Accountability Specialist - Cognia’s accreditation Presentation- Dr. Tony Burks

Committee Reports 20 minutes

Governance Committee Report: Dr. William Epps ( Board Vice Chair)

Academic Committee Report: Kanethia Henderson (Board Secretary)

Finance Committee Report: Braxton Nelson (Board Treasurer)

Strategic Planning and Development 15 minutes

Board Retreat Updates

Committee Meeting Updates

Property Updates

Action Items 5 minutes

Employee Dress Code Policy (Revised)

Scholar Dress Code Policy (Revised)

Consent Items 5 minutes

Approval of Head of School Report

Approval of Financial Report

Executive Session 30 minutes

The Board closed its meeting as permitted by the Open Meeting Act of Georgia. The only matters considered or discussed during the closed portion or executive session of its meeting is as follows:
* To review an appeal from a Student Disciplinary Tribunal
* To Consider a matter involving the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student's educational records;
*To discuss the future acquisition of real estate;
*To discuss or deliberate upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary actions or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a public officer or employee;
* To consult and meet with legal counsel pertaining to pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial employee or in which the officer or employee may be directly involved.

Adjournment 5 minutes

Next Month Meetings: All meeting start at 6 p.m.

Governance Meeting: October 12, 2020

Academic and Finance Committee Meeting: October 13, 2020

Board Meeting: October 27, 2020