Centennial Academy

Academic Accountability Committee

Committee Meeting - Monday September 13th, 2021 @5:30 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to the order.

Review of Agenda & Minutes of Previous Meeting 5 minutes


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted
  2. Approve the minutes of last meeting

Review committee description 5 minutes

“The Academic Accountability committee tracks, analyzes, and reports progress against goals that contribute to the academic success of our scholars. This committee ensures that the reported metrics align with the Charter Goals and annual Strategic Goals of Centennial Academy. Those metrics cover the following areas: academics (assessment results), attendance, discipline, leadership, success preparation, teacher quality, and parent engagement.”

Update on open roles 5 minutes

  1. Director of Data Analytics
  2. Personalized Learning Specialist

Tracking scholar diversity 5 minutes

economic, racial, etc.

Reporting Framework Updates 10 minutes

  1. Charter goals (CCRPI overall score)
  2. STEAM certification goal, based on 16 standards from Cognia
  3. Teacher leadership metrics (Fellowship Program participation, etc. - feedback from HR)

2021-2022 work plan 10 minutes

  1. DRA & Common Assessment results for K-2 ELA & Math?
  2. Timing for all assessments

New Items for September Report 5 minutes

  1. GA Milestones results

Regular Updates for September Report 10 minutes

  1. Scholar attendance
  2. Discipline
  3. Leadership
  4. Teacher attendance & vacancies
  5. Parent participation

Recap: Commitments and Agreements 5 minutes

Data needed by Sep 22 for Sep 27 board meeting

Confirm Next Meeting Date 5 minutes

Friday, October 8, 2021 9:00am