Centennial Academy

Academic Accountability Committee

Committee Meeting - Friday March 20th, 2020 @9:00 AM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to the order.

Review of Agenda & Minutes of Previous Meeting 10 minutes


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted
  2. Approve the minutes of last meeting

CCRPI charter goal review 10 minutes

  1. Overall school score goals
  2. Content Master, Progress, & Closing Gaps score goals - Elementary vs. Middle
  3. Value Added Impact score & Beat the Odds indicators

New Items for April Report 20 minutes

  1. STAR results (CPA, transitional, social studies, science)
  2. Improvement plan
  3. Another assessment before Milestones?
  4. PSAT scheduled?
  5. SSAT results for Apr 27 meeting?
  6. STEAM experiences (by quarter)
  7. Leadership - any updates since Dec? SGA gap? (apprenticeship feedback)

Regular Updates for April Report 10 minutes

  1. Attendance
  2. Discipline
  3. Teacher attendance & vacancies
  4. Parent participation

Recap: Commitments and Agreements 10 minutes

Reports needed by Apr 3 for Apr 20 board meeting

Confirm Next Meeting Date 1 minutes

April 27, 2020 5:30 pm