The Main Street Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Tuesday February 23rd, 2021 @7:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Approval of Agenda 5 minutes

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted

Public Comment 10 minutes

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Approval of Minutes from January 26, 2021 15 minutes

The Governing Board met on Tuesday January 26th, 2021 @7:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 45 minutes long meeting. Present: Cheryl Parker, Bridgett Bell, Dr. Kelly Johnson, Kristal Ramirez, Satonja Gilbert Scott, Kristin Jackson, Willie G. Davis, Jr., Dr. Olamide Moore, Ishmael Abdul-Salam, Mitch Foster II, Kelly Brokenburr, Carla Wagner, Heather Wells
Not Present: Farrah Brown, Jennifer Fine

The members considered the following items:
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Minutes from December 1, 2020
4. Approval of Minutes from December 9, 2020
5. Approval of Minutes from January 12, 2021
6. Principal Report
7. Faculty Report
8. Academic & School Performance Committee Report
9. Communications Report
10. Governance Committee Report
11. Finance Committee Report
12. President’s Report
13. Future Business

The committee considered 11 motions, of which 11 passed, and 0 failed:
1. Approve the agenda as submitted (passed)
2. Approve the minutes as presented. (passed)
3. Approve the minutes as presented. (passed)
4. Approve the minutes as presented. (passed)
5. Approve $1,914.20 reimbursement for the cost of professional certification exam and prep courses. (passed)
6. Approve the amended Post COVID-19 Closure Employee Return-to-Work Handbook (passed)
7. Approve the FFCRA extension to pay for leave through March 31, 2021, retroactive to January 1, 2021. (passed)
8. To amend the agenda to include a motion to host a virtual 5k run/walk event. (passed)
9. To host a 5k run/walk event. (passed)
10. Amend the agenda to include a voting item for VOIP and an update related to the basement renovation project. (passed)
11. Approve the VOIP contract with GoToConnect not to exceed an up front cost of $6,500. (passed)

The meeting adjourned at 8:36PM

Approval of Minutes from November 17, 2020 10 minutes

The Governing Board met on Tuesday November 17th, 2020 @7:01 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 30 minutes long meeting. Present: Cheryl Parker, Bridgett Bell, Dr. Kelly Johnson, Kristal Ramirez, Satonja Gilbert Scott, Kristin Jackson, Willie G. Davis, Jr., Dr. Olamide Moore, Ishmael Abdul-Salam, Mitch Foster II, Heather Wells
Not Present: Farrah Brown, Kelly Brokenburr, Carla Wagner, Jennifer Fine

The members considered the following items:
1. Zoom Meeting Information
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes from October 27, 2020
4. Finance Committee Report
5. Principal Report
6. Academic & School Performance Committee Report
7. Faculty Report
8. Governance Committee Report
9. Public Comment
10. Communications Report
11. Future Business
12. President’s Report
13. Report from Governing Board

The committee considered 7 motions, of which 7 passed, and 0 failed:
1. Approve the agenda as submitted (passed)
2. Approve the minutes from the October 27, 2020 meeting. (passed)
3. Approve the creation of a lock/key system for the school not to exceed $5,500. (passed)
4. Approve three (3) additional exterior cameras to secure hidden areas in the back of the school not to exceed $2,200. (passed)
5. Approve the purchase of two Air Handler units for the first floor to support the Media Center and offices, not to exceed $70,000 and approve the purchase of a dehumidifier not to exceed $7k. (passed)
6. Approve mold testing for the building not to exceed $12,000 and remediation not to exceed $85,000. (passed)
7. Motion to approve the proposed TMSA Teleworking Agreement Proposal with any accepted suggestions and/or updates, if applicable. (passed)

The meeting adjourned at 9:22PM

Principal Report 15 minutes

The school leader reports on the status of the school.

  • i-Ready Data
  • Virtual Visits
  • State of the Charter School
  • Lottery Results SY22

Grade Level Seats (filled) Wait List Available Seats

Kindergarten 70 0 30

1st Grade 100 5 0

2nd Grade 100 2 0

3rd Grade 93 0 7

4th Grade 100 1 0

5th Grade 100 0 0

6th Grade 100 10 0

7th Grade 90 0 10

8th Grade 94 0 6

Total 847 18 53


Re-Opening Committee Report 15 minutes

The Reopening Committee would like to report that as of our last Emergency Board Meeting new COVID cases have dropped in our cache area in South Fulton Cities. The cases per 100,000 are still identified as Substantial Spread (> 100/100,000). At this level the committees continues to monitor community spread to determine the safest and the best time to return to F2F learning. The CDC Guidelines, government health officials, GaDOE and FCS continue to be our primary source of information. In this environment we continue to recommend that students be delivered the highest quality of instruction using the virtual model. Additionally, we continue to monitor vaccine distribution for educators and COVID testing opportunities to help support a safe learning and working environment. We are exploring opportunities to test in our school as long as we can do so lawfully and safely. We have set action plans in order to make determinations as when to reenter safely and to best support our students with the greatest needs. We also seek ways to support our community by providing resources as well as support our teaching staff by listening to their reopening concerns and directing their personal concerns as needed. Finally we continue to meet on Wednesdays at 5pm via Zoom to collaborate on reopening strategies within our framework.

Faculty Report 10 minutes

This report comes from the staff elected faculty member to the board.

Academic & School Performance Committee Report 15 minutes

Communications Report 15 minutes

This report is submitted by the communications chair.

Finance Committee Report 15 minutes

Financial Review

  1. FY21 YTD (January 2021)
  2. Account balance transfer/savings options – The interest rates for CDs are extremely low in the current market. Short-term investments are more viable in today's market (municipal bonds).
  3. Professional development reimbursement requests (2) - Tabled until policy is developed by Governance.
  4. HVAC loan with DLL - Balance $655,437.08 – Lender will not accept lump sum payment, only note, or pay in full. The loan documents will be reviewed to determine if this policy was agreed to.
  5. Student Open Enrollment started for new families – Feb. 2nd – 16th and Virtual lottery – Feb. 23rd

Facility Improvements

  1. Interactive boards
  2. Facility Grant - LED Light quotes (Sending back to Finance for March meeting)
  3. Janitorial Services update
  4. Basement renovation update. Clearing out basement, scheduling walk-through, and bid process.
  5. HVAC updates & GPS Ionization option   


  1. Approve the purchase and installation of interactive boards not to exceed $155,000 with $40,000 from the Federal Charter School Covid relief grant.


Governance Committee Report 10 minutes

  1. Continued Policy Review
  2. Upcoming Training - Dates will be shared soon.

President’s Report 15 minutes

Plan to continue to provide hotspots to students.

Executive Session 15 minutes

Future Business 5 minutes

This is to add new business to next month’s agenda.