Ivy Preparatory Academy

Finance Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday December 6th, 2022 @6:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Attorney Kristie Battle (board treasurer) present chair On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Kanethia Henderson (committee member) present member 20 Minutes Late At Adjournment
Ms. Leslie Purifoy Plunkett (board secretary) present member 10 Minutes Late At Adjournment

Ivy Preparatory Academy Finance Committee Meeting Information

LOCATION: Committee meetings are held at Ivy Preparatory Academy at Kirkwood, located at 1807 Memorial Drive, SE Atlanta, GA 30317.

AGENDA: Committee meeting agenda items are scheduled to be considered as noted in this agenda; however, agenda items may be taken out of the order presented on the agenda at the discretion of the chair. 

ACCOMODATIONS: Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate persons with a disability. Please contact Dr. Charcia Nichols at 404-622-2727. Request should be made as early as possible to arrange the accommodations, no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: The Public Comment time period is for the public to address the Committee. Those who wish to speak must sign-up before the start of the meeting. Speakers may have up to three minutes to speak. 

Welcome and Call to Order

Call Meeting to Order - Committee Chair

Meeting called to order at 6:22pm

By: Ms. Leslie Purifoy Plunkett (board secretary) Seconded by: Attorney Kristie Battle (board treasurer)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to approve agenda as presented

By: Ms. Leslie Purifoy Plunkett (board secretary) Seconded by: Attorney Kristie Battle (board treasurer)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Agenda

Approve Committee Meeting Agenda - Committee Chair

Public Comment

Public Comments - Committee Chair

Transparency: Committee meetings are a public forum to provide transparency into the governance of the school. Engagement from the community is strongly encouraged and vital to that governance.

Time Limit: A total of 30 minutes shall be set aside for public comment. Each speaker will have a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. A speaker may not sign up to speak more than once during the same public comment period.

Board Action: Committee members shall not provide responses nor engage in direct conversation with speakers during public comments. The committee will bring the matter to the board to engage the Head of School or the Chief Financial Officer in responding at a later time as necessary and appropriate.

Civil Discourse: Speakers are encouraged to maintain decorum and present their comments in a civil manner. The committee reserves the right to request any speaker engaging in personal attacks, or the use of obscene or derogatory language, to restate their position in a manner more appropriate for a school environment.

Finance Committee Work Session

Finance Committee Chair Remarks 

CFO Updates:

  • Provide Annual Fundraising Campaign update
  • Provide board member giving update
  • Report of overall student enrollment with emphasis on data from newly approved areas (Clayton/South Fulton)

Finance Committee Member Work:

Information Items

Updates from CFO

  • Bond refinancing update - review email and meeting w/Parker overview
  • October official enrollment count - 450
  • Start work on the FY23 Amended Budget DRAFT 
  • 5-Year Projection update - basis 477 FTEs
  • Fundraising Plans - current annualized budget of $4,650; $25K originally. Review SMART Fundraising goals.
  • Double Good Popcorn (Rashaun & Kristie)
  • Classy
  • Fundraising goals for board members - goal for completion June 2023
  • Next fundraiser(s): car magnets and technology raffle
  • Father/daughter dance "Ties & Tiaras" (February 11, 2023)
  • Angel Tree campaign to support 90 scholars for Christmas

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:29 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Attorney Kristie Battle (board treasurer) Seconded by: Ms. Leslie Purifoy Plunkett (board secretary)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.