Ivy Preparatory Academy

Academic Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday September 10th, 2024 @6:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Jina Meadows (Community Member) not present member
Ms. Danielle Harrington (Board Member) present chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (Board Vice Chair) present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Pelita Merideth (Director of Curriculum & Instruction) present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Charcia M. Nichols (NON-voting; Executive Director) present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Candis Holt (School Principal) present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Committee Chair, Stephanie Twitty-Carmon at 6:03 pm

Approve the agenda as submitted

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by Stephanie Twitty-Carmon and seconded by Danielle Herring with the amendment of the agenda to include the addition of the following policies for review:

  • Bullying
  • Virtual Learning Attendance
  • Inclement Weather
  • Class Size
  • Records
  • Use of Personal Vehicles to transport scholars

Approve the agenda with the following policies: Bullying, Virtual Learning Attendance, Inclement Weather, Class Size, Records, and Use of Personal Vehicles to Transport scholars

By: Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (Board Vice Chair) Seconded by: Ms. Danielle Harrington (Board Member)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of August 2024 Committee Minutes

Dr. Nichols read the minutes from the August 13, 2024, committee meeting.

Approve minutes from the Academic Accountability Committee Meeting on August 13, 2024.

By: Ms. Danielle Harrington (Board Member) Seconded by: Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (Board Vice Chair)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm

By: Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (Board Vice Chair) Seconded by: Ms. Danielle Harrington (Board Member)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Academic Work Session

Dr. Nichols shared the following information with the team:

  • MAP
  • Dr. Nichols reviewed the work session for September’s Academic meeting
  • MAP has not been completed, but will be administered September 23rd-27th
  • Another source of data to triangulate
  • Grades 3-8 (ELA and Math)
  • Grades 5&8 (Science)
  • Review Scholar BOY Diagnostic Data
  • August Faculty Meeting- Principal Holt led a discussion on where are gaps are in i-Ready Reading and Math
  • Families have been provided with the BOY data
  • Lunch and Learn Session with Parents on August 30th was a huge success. There were 30 parents present
  • Academics Team Meetings
  • Reviewed data as a team
  • Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month
  • Discussed how we will prepare the teachers and which protocol we will use
  • PLC Protocol
  • Trained to know the look-fors for PLC
  • Teachers will dig deeper and look into their data
  • Consistency amongst all grade levels
  • PLC practices have been revised for this school year
  • Derived from the PLC paybook
  • Gifted Scholars
  • Gifted coordinator will understand her role and how it plays in MTSS
  • Additional training is needed in Tier 1 instruction
  • Improve practices in the classroom
  • 20 scholars will be tested for gifted during the Fall 2024
  • Review GMAS Math data
  • GMAS Math Spring 2024 Data
  • 28% in 3rd grade Level 3 and 4 scholars
  • 35% in 4th grade Level 3 and 4 scholars
  • Scholar Attendance
  • 3rd (93.98%) and 6th grade(93.66%) are the targeted grades
  • The remaining grade levels are at 94% or above 
  • Principal Holt is looking at incentives for scholars
  • Attendance data and the master schedule will be reviewed tomorrow in the Academics Meeting on September 11th. 
  • 3rd grade scholars are challenged with being present and will win a pizza party if their class wins. 
  • Teacher Attendance (no significant difference for the ten day period)
  • Scholar Discipline
  • Review of incidents per grade level: hitting a teacher, fighting on the bus, stealing, disruptive behavior
  • Parent Participation
  • i-Ready Lunch and Learn (33 parents)
  • Kindergarten Parent Meeting (30 parents)
  • 2nd grade parent meeting (13 parents)
  • New scholar ceremony (over 100 parents)
  • Enrollment Updates
  • 445 enrolled
  • Need 449 to meet our target enrollment number
  • Dyslexia Update
  • August -September 2024
  • All Kindergarten scholars will be screened in Letter Naming Fluency and Rapid Automatized Naming as the Fall Benchmarks
  • Curriculum Focus Walks
  • September 16, 2024
  • Calibrated with the instructional team
  • Walkthroughs will continue throughout the year
  • What is happening at the teacher station? 
  • Training assistant principals and coaches on the instructional practices
  • SCSC Monitoring
  • Uploaded by October 1st
  • Strategic Plan Update
  • Kick Off Meeting: September 3rd
  • Focused on Priorities 1 and 2
  • Next Meeting on October 1st
  • Policy Review
  • Policies need to be reviewed by the board members and submitted by September 20th
  • There are a few policies that are time sensitive. Dr. Nichols will highlight these on the spreadsheet and submit them to the board. 
  • TKES Updates-Staff currently taking part in the pre-conferences

Academic Accountability Policy Review

Members should review the following policies: Bullying, Virtual Learning Attendance, Inclement Weather, Class Size, Records, and Use of Personal Vehicles to transport scholars Feedback is due to Dr. Nichols by September 20th via email.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:14 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (Board Vice Chair) Seconded by: Ms. Danielle Harrington (Board Member)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.