Ivy Preparatory Academy

Academic Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday September 12th, 2023 @6:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to order by the Academic Committee Chair

Approval of Agenda 5 minutes

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted

Report from Academic Committee 15 minutes

The Academic Committee met on Tuesday August 8th, 2023 @6:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 58 minutes long meeting. Present: Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (board member), Ms. Jina Meadows (Community Member), Dr. Charcia M. Nichols (NON-voting; Head of Schools), Attorney Marquetta Bryan (NON voting; board attorney), Dr. Raymond Mooring (Parent)
Not Present: Mr. Ronnie Banyard Jr (board vice chair)

The members considered the following items:
1. Welcome & Call to Order
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Academic Work Session
5. Informational Items
6. Adjournment

The committee considered 2 motions, of which 2 passed, and 0 failed:
1. Approve the agenda as submitted (passed)
2. Ms. Meadows made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 pm. (passed)

The meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm

Academic Work Session 45 minutes

  • Policy Review
  • Cellphones (2nd Read)
  • Academic Integrity (2nd Read)
  • Use of Personal Vehicles to Transport Scholars (1st Read)
  • Seclusion and Restraint (1st Read)
  • Enrollment Updates (Percentages by county, grade and withdrawals)
  • MTSS Updates
  • EIP Number
  • REP Number
  • iReady Diagnostic Beginning of the Year Baseline Data
  • Attendance Updates
  • Scholar
  • Staff
  • Discussion of procedures for Georgia Early Literacy Act
  • Unified Enrollment System