Approve the agenda as submitted
By: Mr. Ronnie Banyard Jr (Board Chair) Seconded by: Ms. Jina Meadows (Community Member)
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Mr. Ronnie Banyard Jr (Board Chair) | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon (Board Vice Chair) | present chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Ms. Jina Meadows (Community Member) | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Dr. Charcia M. Nichols (NON-voting; Executive Director) | present ex-officio | On Time | At Adjournment |
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by the chair, Mrs. Stephanie Twitty-Carmon.
Public Comments - Committee Chair
So that there is agreement between committee members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.
Approve the agenda as submitted
By: Mr. Ronnie Banyard Jr (Board Chair) Seconded by: Ms. Jina Meadows (Community Member)
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
FY 24 Focus
Dr. Nichols reported to the committee that Ivy is setting higher expectations for staff to inspire their leadership abilities
with a plan to focus strategies in five key areas of:
1. Leadership
2. Goals and Direct Action Steps to Increase Performance
3. Security and Organization
4. Important Processes and Systems
5. Ongoing Evaluations and Commitment to Continuous Improvement
Dr. Nichols reported staffing updates as Ivy prepares for the 23/24 school year. Ms. Merideth will serve as Interim Principal and the school is currently conducting interviews and recruiting activities for its remaining openings. Ivy
current has 6 staffing vacancies (Kindergarten, 4 th , 5 th , 8 th , and 2 Special Education teachers). Interviews for the openings are ongoing, and the school will hold a staffing fair on July 22. Ivy is also hiring for a math coach, but the are strong resources internally and readily available if needed.
Review CLIP Draft
Dr. Nichols reported that Ivy submitted the school/district Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan as required by state
and federal law, and the school is awaiting feedback from GaDOE regarding corrections and improvements. Dr. Nichols provided a brief overview regarding the school’s process for developing the CLIP and aligning I vy’s strategic initiatives.
Create Goals based on data and ensure CLIP alignment
Next, Dr. Nichols discussed the process and methods the school used to develop specific goals and strategies based on student needs and school improvement goals. Dr. Nichols discussed each goal of the CLIP in detail and outlined the school’s use of federal resources to enhance Ivy’s programming and support to improve student outcomes. The committee discussed the CLIP’s school improvement activities and initiatives and applauded the school’s emphasis on academic coaching, restorative practices, and social and emotional support.
Work plan update
The committee then discussed a detailed action plan to outline the work of the Academic Committee for the upcoming school year. Dr. Nichols presented the committee work plan from 2022-2023 and the committee made minor
adjustments to remove leader performance evaluation items for review by another board committee, adding semester attendance and student reports in lieu of December reports for abbreviated months. Dr. Nichols will provide a revised work plan reflecting the changes to the committee.
Governing Board Meeting: Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at 6:00 pm Art Room
Open House: Tuesday, August 1st and Thursday, August 3rd from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Academic Meeting: Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at 6:00 pm Room 202
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:13PM
Motion to adjourn
By: Mr. Ronnie Banyard Jr (Board Chair) Seconded by: Ms. Jina Meadows (Community Member)
There was no notable discussion on the motion.