Ivy Preparatory Academy

Academic Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday January 11th, 2022 @6:45 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Mr. RaShaun Kemp present chair On Time At Adjournment
Dr. William Epps (committee member) present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to order by the Academic Committee Chair, RaShaun Holliman

Approve agenda

By: Dr. William Epps (committee member) Seconded by: Mr. RaShaun Kemp

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Academic Work Session

Academic Committee Remarks - Committee Chair

Academic Updates and Work - Head of School

  • Review iReady Pre Benchmark
  • Monthly Scholar Attendance - see folder; concerned about grade 5 and attendance; attendance specialist resigned (duties distributed to current staff until position is filled); seeking 95% or better; number of scholars did not complete virtual learning, given grace:

Kindergarten 93.27%

1st grade 91.41%

2nd grade 95.68%

3rd grade 92.13%

4th grade 90%

5th grade 89.93%

6th grade 92.60%

7th grade 95.92%

8th grade 92.28%

  • Review Benchmark 2 Pre & Post Data 2021-2022 - see folder - number of scholars who still need to test; examples 8th grade ELA moved; 7th grade ELA without a teacher; 6th grade concerns (discussed math and science as well)
  • Review SLO (Student Learning Objective) Data - see folder - Connections Courses Spanish, Art, Theatre, Dance participated; PE and Health did not participate this cycle;
  • Monthly Staff Attendance - see folder
  • Monthly Discipline - see folder
  • Discuss No zero policy - see folder - developing a list of points regarding what will be in the potential policy (including recovery options)
  • Discuss Foreign language options - see folder - opportunity would be for Mandarin Chinese; would explore parent interest; could be a part of new honors work
  • Review school calendar - see folder - three versions for consideration version 1 aligns with DeKalb except for asynchronous days; version 2 ; version 3.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:24 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Mr. RaShaun Kemp Seconded by: Dr. William Epps (committee member)

There was no notable discussion on the motion.