Motion to adjourn
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Walt Higgins | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Howard Grant | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Aquaria Smith | not present member | ||
Rewa Berry | present chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Maurice Baker | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Derrick Gervin | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Centennial Academy
Governance Committee Meeting Agenda
March 8, 2024 @ 11:30 AM
Attending: Maurice Baker, Rewa Berry (Chair), Julie Denton (Marketing Specialist), Dr. Derrick
Gervin, Dr. Howard Grant, Walt Higgins (Vice Chair), Jessica Olowoyo (HOS),
Call to order 11:35 AM
1. Update from Committee Members - None
2. Strategic Plan and Updates on the state of the school from Jessica Olowoyo, Head of School
o Agenda from Ms. Olowoyo will be given for review
o Board retreat will be July 13, 2024 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM
o Governance Board is required to meet seven times a year for 2024-2025
o Proposed Calendar for Governance Committee meetings: September 2024, November 2024, January 2025, March 2025, May 2025
▪ Proposed Calendar Schedule was voted on and approved.
o March 18, 2024-Trust for Public Lands Ribbon cutting 1:00-2:30 PM
o Entering strategic planning with EL education; reviewed charter contract and made corrections/recommendations sent to Chair and Vic-Chair.
o School review paused- redirect to support middle school to meet more growth like elementary
o 30 days to end of year testing (GMAS); Saturday school being offer for extra
support to scholars
o NASA Space Camp March 2025 - Asking for donations of $500.00 per scholar; scholarships to fund students
▪ Ms Berry asked if PTA would help sponsor like they use to in the past with
5th grade trip.
▪ Ms. Olowoyo stated that PTA is working to enhance their membership to be
able to have more resources to support for example, Scholars that want to
participate in sports have to be a PTA member and must attend
parent/teacher conference.
o Monarch Butterfly Gardening path is over Atlanta. Scholars working to create garden for butterflies to land. Need a Landscaper Designer.
▪ Ms. Berry will send a contact that may be able to assist
o Career Day is 4/17/24-need volunteers to speak about their career.
o Lottery application is closed. Over 300 parents signed up. Kindergarten and 6th grade have the most applications. Lottery drawing will be 3/11/24
o Teacher Fair event this Saturday, 3/9/24. Picked top teachers from phone
conversations for them to come tour the school and will have panel discussions. From this, they will be able to make offers to teachers to be fully staffed.
o New system to evaluate teachers will roll out across state of Georgia. Centennial will pilot. Stipends will be provided to participate.
o Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6/24 to 5/10/24
o End of the year awards and field day will be 05/21/24 to 05/24/24
o End of the Year teacher banquet will be 5/14/24
o Commencement is 05/23/24
o Peter Pan production is 05/25 at Drew Charter School. Julie Denton will work on promos. Ms. Olowoyo’s son moved up to become Peter Pan!
o Centennial to College Brunch 06/08/24- getting Centennial alumni who are
graduating from high school this year to come and be a part
o Working on Centennial 10 year anniversary celebration. Inaugural Alumni
Association is kicking off!
3. Board Training
o There are five (5) Board members that have not met the training requirements. They have been contacted via email with some of these indivisuals provding proof they have met the requirements. Waiting for GSCA to confirm.
o Two (2) Board Members are out of compliance for not attending in-person Board Meetings. They have been notified.
o Keep training the same in having them a part of the Governing meeting
o Training will be on Financing / Governance will be topic. Circulation will start
between us
o For APS Seat: Diane Hays Ed Chang Christy Harris
4. Board Engagement
o Review newsletter
5. Board Giving
o Review newsletter
6. Open floor discussion/ Q&A
o Accreditation is a walk through 03/21. Preparing for this.
7. Adjourned @ 12:35 PM
The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:45 pm
Motion to adjourn
There was no notable discussion on the motion.