Centennial Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Monday October 23rd, 2023 @5:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Egbert Perry present chair On Time At Adjournment
Renee Glover present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Demetrius Patterson present member On Time At Adjournment
Walt Higgins present member On Time At Adjournment
Howard Grant present member On Time At Adjournment
Christopher Burke not present member
Maurice Baker present member On Time At Adjournment
Virginia Sheppard present member On Time At Adjournment
Chaundra Gipson not present member
Allison Toller present member On Time At Adjournment
Rewa Berry present member On Time At Adjournment
Lizanne DeStefano present member On Time At Adjournment
Aquaria Smith present secretary On Time At Adjournment
Derrick Gervin present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome Call to Order

Chair Perry called the meeting to Order at 5:31 pm and welcome the Board and guests present.

Approval of Agenda & Previous Meeting Minutes

Approve agenda and August minutes as presented.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Rewa Berry

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Chair's Remarks

Chair Perry commented on the Centennial Place Academy School's Charter renewal application status and ongoing conversations with Atlanta Public Schools officials.

Public Comment

There were no public comments.

Finance Committee Report

Committee Chair Glover introduced Jessica Story, Partner from Warren Averett, CPAs and Advisors, who presented the unmodified auditor's opinion of Centennial Place Academy Charter School financial statements ending June 30, 2023. She reviewed the school's total assets and liabilities and a year-over-year comparative snapshot of the school's income and expenses. Mr. Pressas reported on the Statement of Activities and monthly YTD Actuals to Budget from July to September 30, 2023.

Accept unmodified audit opinion as presented by Warren Averett CPAs and Advisors.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Lizanne DeStefano

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approve recommendations presented by Human Resources for 2022-2023 school term bonus and title change for Jessica Olowoyo and include a bonus plan for Stephanie Hodges, K-8 Principal effective 2023-2024 school term.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Howard Grant

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Governance Committee Report

Committee Chair Berry reported that the Committee voted to meet bi-monthly. She reminded the Board that the next in-person Georgia Charter Board training will occur on December 11, during the Governing Board meeting. Regarding Board engagement and philanthropic giving opportunities, Julie Denton spoke about Giving Tuesday's $30K campaign goal. Chair Berry reminded the Board to bring Halloween candy for the Trunk-or-Treat Festival and prepare for the Thanksgiving baskets and Christmas Angel Tree. 

Academic Accountability Committee Report

Committee Chair Patterson reported on the school's performance metrics regarding attendance, August and September test scores and other benchmarks.

Head of School Report

Jessica Olowoyo briefly highlighted the activities from the September Head of School and Report. She mentioned that Atlanta Public Schools requested a meeting regarding the facilities' lease agreements to discuss the Charter Renewal. She will update the Board when more information is provided. 

Executive Session Call To Order

The Board can call this session to order to discuss records (or portions thereof) exempt from public inspection or disclosure pursuant to Article 4 of Chapter 18 of Title 50, (OCGA 50-18-72).  If called, this will be a closed session.

Moved to Executive Session to discuss Real Estate and Personnel matters.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Rewa Berry

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Adjourn from Executive Session and return Governing Board meeting.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Howard Grant

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.

Motion to adjourn

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Rewa Berry

There was no notable discussion on the motion.