Centennial Academy

Governing Board

Annual Retreat - Saturday June 17th, 2023 @9:00 AM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Egbert Perry present chair On Time At Adjournment
Renee Glover present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Demetrius Patterson present member On Time At Adjournment
Walt Higgins not present member
Howard Grant present member On Time At Adjournment
Christopher Burke present member On Time At Adjournment
Maurice Baker not present member
Virginia Sheppard present member On Time At Adjournment
Chaundra Gipson not present member
Allison Toller present member On Time At Adjournment
Rewa Berry present member On Time At Adjournment
Lizanne DeStefano present member On Time At Adjournment
Aquaria Smith present secretary On Time At Adjournment
Derrick Gervin not present member

Welcome and Review of Agenda

Chair Perry welcomed the Board members and Centennial staff present for coming out to the Board Retreat.

Opening Remarks

Chair Perry emphasized the importance of school culture, setting priorities, and driving academic success. He commented on the responsibilities and commitments the Governing Board has to Centennial Academy's students, families, and staff including implementing the school's original vision and making sure Centennial's staff (and Board) do not embrace a failing culture because of the long-term consequences that result from low academic performance. Mr. Perry further noted that the students deserve our best and that avoiding a culture that promotes low-performing students is mission-critical. 

Centennial Academy Strategic Goals Review

Centennial Academy Executive Leadership Team presented the 2023-24 Strategic Goals on Academic Excellence, School Culture, Professional Capacity, Community Partnerships, and Financial Stability, underscoring the school's commitments, core values, mission, and vision.

Board Training, GCSA

The Governing Board held its final in-person board training for 2022-23 school on Georgia Open Records Act presented by Christa Thomas, VP School Success, Georgia Charter School Association.

Centennial Academy Board Work Plan

Chair Perry summarized the action items for Centennial Academy Executive Leadership Team and the Governing Board to complete due to the 2023-24 Strategic Plan discussion and GCSA Training:

  1. Centennial Academy Executive Leadership to send RELAY Video to the Governing Board
  2. Rework Operations' Goals within the strategic goals framework
  3. Send Dr. DeStefano LKES Credentialing information
  4. Send a copy of the Work Plan matrix to the Governing Board members
  5. Committee Chairs to provide the 2023-24 committee meetings' schedule
  6. Complete the survey that accompanied the GCSA Board Training on GA Open Meetings Act

Closing Comments

Chair Perry deferred closing remarks to the end of the Board meeting.

Regular Board Meeting Welcome & Call to Order

Chair Perry called the meeting to Order at 1:38 pm.

Approval of Agenda & Minutes

The agenda and May Governing Board minutes were approved as presented.

Approve the agenda and May Governing Board minutes as presented

By: Lizanne DeStefano Seconded by: Virginia Sheppard

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Chair's Remark

Chair Perry spoke on the importance of the school culture and commanded Ms. Olowoyo, Head of School and Ms. Hodges, School Principal to capture the key outcomes from the 2022-23 strategic goals in order to drive the critical change necessary for students to increase academic performance. He reviewed the 2023-24 Governing Board meeting schedule and spoke on confidential correspondence sent to the Governing Board.

Public Comment

There were no public comments.

Governance Committee Report

Committee Chair Berry presented the Board slate, officers, and committee members.

Accept the board slate and committee members as presented.

By: Christopher Burke Seconded by: Howard Grant

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Academics and Accountability Committee

Committee Chair Patterson presented the end of year metrics for Centennial Academy's academic target goals and benchmarks. He stated the goals regarding GMAS will be completed when the results are completed and released.

Closing Comments

Chair Perry concluded the meeting by reiterating his commentary from the opening remarks made during the Board Retreat. He conveyed Board's expectations for the upcoming year, thanked the Leadership Team for their time and coordination of the Retreat, and expressed appreciation to the members and staff for the lively engagement throughout today's session. 

The Meeting was Adjourned

Meeting adjourned at 2:10 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Howard Grant Seconded by: Renee Glover

There was no notable discussion on the motion.