Centennial Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Monday January 23rd, 2023 @5:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Egbert Perry present chair On Time At Adjournment
Renee Glover present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Demetrius Patterson present member On Time At Adjournment
Walt Higgins not present member
Howard Grant present member On Time At Adjournment
Joseph Handy not present member
Christopher Burke not present member
Maurice Baker not present member
Virginia Sheppard present member On Time At Adjournment
Chaundra Gipson present member On Time At Adjournment
Allison Toller present member On Time At Adjournment
Rewa Berry present member On Time At Adjournment
Lizanne DeStefano present member On Time At Adjournment
Aquaria Smith present secretary On Time At Adjournment

Welcome Call to Order

Chair called to the meeting Order at 5:32 p.m.

Approval of Agenda & Minutes

Motion to approve the agenda and the previous meeting minutes as presented.

By: Lizanne DeStefano Seconded by: Renee Glover

All in favor.

Chair's Remarks

Chair Perry remarked the Board will enter into Executive Session to discuss the school's real estate program and to consider the upcoming charter renewal. No decision will be made during the Executive Session.

Public Comment

No Public Comments

Governance Committee Report

Committee Chair Berry reported on the new Board Member Policy and Onboard Process. She mentioned all members should have received communications from GCSA regarding the mandatory charter board training and reminded everyone to make their annual contributions and encouraged them to donate separately to the Hero Fund.

Academic Accountability Committee Report

Committee Chair Patterson reported on iWinter Readiness diagnostic data, attendance metrics, and other benchmarks, and Ms. Hodges highlighted the strategic interventions plans to increase students proficiency.

Finance Committee Report

Mr. Pressas reported on the school's statement of financial position and statement of activities for the six months ending December 31, 2022, which highlighted the financial ratios and other benchmarks demonstrating the school's compliance with its charter agreement. Committee Chair Glover pivoted the conversation so Mr. Pressas and Ms. Olowoyo could present a high-level overview of the preliminary budget draft for FY23.

Mr. Perry inquired about the difference in financial resources between the FY23 preliminary budget and the FY22 budget, given historical investments for students. Ms. Olowoyo responded that the budget priorities position the school to offer salary commitments in February 2023 and adequately plan for bonus contingency awards based on recent trends from the state. Also, adding one Academy AP to narrow student support and investment in teacher professional development would drive uniform and consistent strategic interventions and curriculums. 

Committee Chair Glover noted Ms. Olowoyo seeks Board approval of $8.4 million in salary and benefits for staff commitments this February, understanding the FY23 budget remains in preliminary status while being fully vetted. Ms. Berry requested a copy of the academic programs and salary as a backup reference.

Approve $8.4 million for salaries, consultants, and benefits.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Allison Toller

All in favor.

Executive Session Call To Order

The Board can call this session to order to discuss records (or portions thereof) exempt from public inspection or disclosure pursuant to Article 4 of Chapter 18 of Title 50, (OCGA 50-18-72).  If called, this will be a closed session.

Convene an Executive Session to discuss real estate facilities and seek board input on the school charter renewal process.

By: Rewa Berry Seconded by: Renee Glover

All in favor.

To adjourn the Executive Session and call the regular Governing meeting back to Order.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Rewa Berry

All in favor. No board action was taken at this time.


The meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm

Head of School Report

Ms. Olowoyo reviewed the HOS January Report, the Charter Renewal Kickoff, the Organizational Chart for FY24 and the 2023-2024 School Calendar which outline asynchronous days. She announced the Legends Centennial-to-College Scholarship, and briefly shared the Head Of School Budget Priorities:

  • Relay Instructional Leadership Development $115k
  • Personalized Reading Software $20k

Adopt the 2023-24 School Calendar.

By: Renee Glover Seconded by: Rewa Berry

All in favor.