- Approve the minutes as submitted
Requests for public comment will be made prior to every vote taken. Members of the public are invited to sign up to speak for up to two minutes and are required to keep their comments limited and relevant to the agenda item the board is voting on.
The meeting moderator will announce the speaker at the appropriate time, speaker is to self-identify with the “raise hand” feature at the bottom of the web page, and meeting moderator will unmute audio. The speaker should state their name and address for the record, public comments are limited to two minutes, per policy. Step-by-step instructions to access the Zoom live-stream can be found on our website (www.bricolagenola.org) and in our public calendar.
Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email (yjones@bricolagenola.org), or speak to the board chair privately.
Discuss the appointment of and contract with interim CEO and Principal
Action Item on appointment of Interim CEO and Principal contract