Westside Atlanta Charter School

Finance Committee

January Finance Meeting - Monday January 6th, 2025 @12:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Chris Tuten present member On Time At Adjournment
Pamela Tanner present secretary On Time At Adjournment
Douglas McRae not present member
Jessica Weissinger present chair On Time At Adjournment

Finance report

Finished the month of December 2024 above budget expectations by 92K MTD and 258K above budget expectations YTD. MTD 42K create grant to offset salaries;16K in benefits absorbed by Title 1; Total Expenses under budget by 61K due to under budget conditions and timing differences. YTD Interest earned an unrealized gain on investments 44K Annual giving 18K. Charter school supplement 41K. Salaries absorbed by Title 1 58K and security grant funds of 47K; Create Grant offset 42K. Title 1 submission: 36K 2nd quarter; 58K YTD Investments: As of December 2024, our market value on investments is 1,000,046K on a 1,000,000 investment. Loss of 7K for the month. Gain of 29K YTD. Accounts receivable as of month end: Title 1 58K; Title II 6K; 42K Create

Review Custodial Proposal

William and Dr. Tanner reviewed the options for updates to our custodial agreements and the finance committee agreed to propose to the Board the use of BMS and 1 internal employee for the remainder of the school year. William will prepare a financial analysis prior to the board meeting shows cost savings and Jessica will review procurement policy to ensure we are in compliance, given the contract will be entered into through the APS buy back program.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45AM

Motion to adjourn

By: Jessica Weissinger Seconded by: Chris Tuten

There was no notable discussion on the motion.