Westside Atlanta Charter School

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Thursday February 13th, 2025 @7:00 AM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Jonathan Baker not present member
Hannah Heck present member On Time At Adjournment
Ashley Pruitt not present member
Chris Tuten present member On Time At Adjournment
Alyson West present secretary On Time At Adjournment
Julius Farrington present member On Time At Adjournment
Tiffany Chen present member On Time At Adjournment
Jessica Weissinger present chair On Time At Adjournment
Katrina Mitchell not present vice-chair

Mission Statement

The meeting will begin with a reading of the school's mission statement:

Westside fosters a diverse, tight knit community of lifelong learners, giving each child an excellent academic experience that builds curiosity, critical thinking, and character.

Public Comment

The WACS Board would like to welcome students, parents, staff and community members. In order to facilitate an efficient meeting, if you would like to offer comments please limit your remarks to the public comment period of the agenda. We would ask that sign up on the sign up sheet and limit your comments to 3 minutes. Finally, we ask that you not include comments that reference individual students (other than your own). If you need to reference a specific student, you may do so in writing to governance@wacs.us where the board can protect student privacy. We understand that after the public comment period, you may have questions/comments regarding topics that are discussed during the meeting. Please direct those questions to governance@wacs.us. The Board may not address comments/questions after the public comment period. However, we will work with the school administration to provide a prompt response to your email.

If you have a grievance, we would ask that you follow the board policy of starting first with the lowest level of authority as that is almost always the place where change can happen most effectively. Any grievance directed to the attention of the board, should be sent to governance@wacs.us. We thank you for your cooperation. At this time, we would like to open the floor to public comment.

No comments from the public

Community Council Report

Community Council Co-Chair Laura Spoo gives an update.

  • Canceled meeting due to school closure/weather.
  • Rescheduled for Feb,
  • Teacher breakfast was successful thanks to support from WACS families
  • Percentage Day at Bellwood was a success
  • Room parent meeting discussed Valentine's parties for K-4
  • Supported the Family Dance
  • Community Council Co-chair nominations close on Feb. 28th
  • There are opportunities for additional volunteers: Black History display, garden help, lost & found organization
  • Garage sale 3/29
  • Parent Party 3/21
  • Community Council's independent account is open. They're now able to collect funds through Venmo and PayPal

School Leader Report

The school leader reported on the status of the school.

  • Enrollment: 346
  • Lottery update: 411 applications

  • Summer programming 6/2 - 6/27: tiered payment this year and Encore will be added to the program this year
  • Out Teach outdoor classroom partnership proposal:
  • 3-year commitment
  • OutTeach will provide PD coaching for faculty
  • $15K initial investment in the program, $3,400 in subsequent years

Outdoor learning labs that make science and math accessible that will build on our current urban garden. WACS gets to select included features. Then the site is built on school property. Next WACS teachers are trained and coached on the curriculum components. This aligns with the current 4th grade PBL project. Design & Dine: a community engagement component of the program

  • Map/i-Ready mid-year results
  • Principals Goodson and Powe walked attendees through assessment results (Map scores, i-Ready scores, Lexile levels) providing context about cohorts, comparing their data to district schools, and explaining next steps to accelerate performance.
  • Discussed funds for specialized tutoring and peer-to-peer training internally
  • Ms. Quin, Ms. Fawaz, Ms. Katie have been integral in the success of our reading performance and overall literacy culture
  • Ongoing small group instruction and grade cohort alignment will continue

Approve the proposal with Out Teach, as outlined, for the outdoor classroom space and future professional development through their organization.

By: Jessica Weissinger Seconded by: Julius Farrington

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Finance Committee Report

Finance Committee gave monthly report.

  • Monthly financials review given by William Arterberry
  • We're currently running below expected expenses
  • We had a gain on our investments
  • Federal funding will not be affected by new administration this year
  • We're forecasting budgets for future years with and without Title I funding and other federal programs
  • We received an additional $20K for facility use
  • Discussion on timing of personnel budget approvals

Governance Committee Report

Governance Committee gives monthly report.

  • Facility use policy and facility use agreement
  • This serves as a template and process to protect our school and community in the event the WACS space is used by a third party.
  • Upcoming full board training

Approve facility use policy as is with permitted use modifications to follow

By: Hannah Heck Seconded by: Alyson West

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Development Committee Report

Development Committee gave monthly report.

  • Boosterthon Fundraiser is tomorrow and we're very close to our $15K goal
  • Development Committee Calendar outlining future needs is on the way
  • The Development Committee is now responsible for outreach efforts formerly done by the Governance Committee

Executive Session

Entering into executive session for purpose of discussing a periodic personnel evaluation.

Enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing a periodic personnel evaluation.

By: Jessica Weissinger Seconded by: Alyson West

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Move to end Executive Session

By: Jessica Weissinger Seconded by: Alyson West

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:55 am

Motion to adjourn

By: Chris Tuten Seconded by: Tiffany Chen

There was no notable discussion on the motion.