The Main Street Academy

Finance Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday April 23rd, 2019 @6:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

Approval of Agenda 5 minutes

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Acceptance of Minutes 10 minutes

Acceptance of Minutes of March 2019 meeting


  1. Approve the Minutes of March 2019 meeting

PTO Financials 5 minutes

Financial Review 30 minutes

  1. FY20 draft budget-Set two Public Finance dates
  2. Banking Options – Update

Facility Improvements 5 minutes

  1. HVAC updates and additional items needed
  2. Follow-up on tread vendors  
  3. Approve scoreboard replacement cost of $14,000


  1. Approve scoreboard replacement cost up to exceed $15,000
  2. Approve tread repairs up to $25,000

Other Items for Discussion 5 minutes

Fundraising, Sponsorship, & Grant Updates 15 minutes

Board Updates 5 minutes

  1. Approved TriNet as the new payroll and benefits broker at current rates submitted to TMSA effective June 1, 2019. TriNet required us to also move our payroll services in order to bundle the services..
  2. Increased TMSA's employer contribution from $75 per month to a maximum of $450 per month for employees not electing medical coverage to be used for vision and dental benefits effective June 1, 2019.
  3. Approved the request for consulting services not to exceed to $15,000 plus required travel expenses for re-charter petition and application.
  4. Approved the request to increase the board's professional development and travel budget to $15,000 per fiscal year beginning FY20.
  5. Approved the creation of a new full-time Communications position and to authorize staff and communications committee to finalize the job title, job description, and starting salary.
  6. Approved the banking option with Regions Bank. 
  7. Approved the governing board luncheon for the 8th grade graduating class not to exceed $15,000.

Next Meeting's Agenda Items 5 minutes