Meeting Summary
The Finance Committee met on Tuesday March 19th, 2019 @6:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 26 minutes long meeting. Present: Erin Rodgers, Cheryl Parker, Jennifer Fine, Virginia Smith, Bridgett Bell Not Present: Kimnese Abdul-Salaam, Dr. DeAndre S. Pickett, Chandra Graves
The members considered the following items:
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Acceptance of Minutes
- PTO Financials
- Other Items for Discussion
- Financial Review
- Fundraising, Sponsorship, & Grant Updates
- Facility Improvements
- Board Updates
- Governing Board Luncheon for 1st 8th Grade
The committee considered 12 motions, of which 7 passed, and 0 failed:
- Approve the agenda as submitted (passed)
- Approve the Minutes of February 2019 meeting (passed)
- Approve the request for consulting services not to exceed to $15,000 plus required travel expenses for re-charter petition and application. (passed)
- Approve the request to increase the board's professional development and travel budget to $15,000 per fiscal year beginning FY20. (passed)
- Approve request for contract to design TMSA's information packet not to exceed $750 for interviews, copywriting, and design plus the additional cost to print 500 inserts and packets. (tabled)
- Approve the creation of a new full-time Communications position and to authorize staff and communications committee to finalize the job title, job description, and starting salary. (passed)
- Approve the banking option with Regions Bank. (passed)
- Approve an external grant writer. (tabled)
- Approve the replacement of the treads on all stairwells not to exceed $25,000. (tabled)
- Approve request for mobile scoreboard not to exceed $7,000. (tabled)
- Approve funding to cover gaps between partitions and walls in all bathrooms not to exceed $. (tabled)
Approve the governing board luncheon for 8th grade graduating class not to exceed $15,000. (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 9:15PM