Resurgence Hall- Resurgence Hall Charter School (K-4) Resurgence Hall Middle Academy (5-8)

Committee of the Whole

Regular Meeting - Wednesday July 10th, 2024 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Stephen Pritchett present member On Time At Adjournment
Paula Murphy present member On Time At Adjournment
Nelmaris Alvarez not present member
Khaliff Davis present member On Time At Adjournment
Natasha Fenili present member On Time At Adjournment
Tony Jones not present member
Michael Daniels present member On Time At Adjournment
Tori Jackson Hines present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order.

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Minutes

Review and approval of prior meeting minutes.

Approve the prior meeting minutes as submitted.

By: Khaliff Davis Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

Approval of minutes from May 22nd Committee of the Whole meeting.

Finance Committee

  • Resurgence Hall Charter School: May Financials
  • A handful of areas of savings as we closed out the year
  • Minor adjustments to true up actuals
  • Staffing true ups based on leave and departures
  • Strong cash position 4.5 million
  • CPF indicators - projected to score above 80 point threshold for full points for financial compliance
  • Resurgence Hall Middle Academy: May Financials
  • Depreciation changes
  • Cash position 1.4 million
  • CPF indicators - projected to score 90 point threshold for full points for financial compliance
  • FY24 Audit
  • Audit beginning
  • End of year calculation, which changes expenses related to TRS - - may impact that line item, but we will not know until July

Governance Committee

  • Action items received via email - conflicts of interest, headshots, updated resumes
  • FY25 Committee of the Whole and Governing Board date published, and Google invites sent
  • 2024-2025 Employee Handbook
  • Review proposed changes to the handbook
  • Add "event" to military section
  • All other changes as written are acceptable


End of meeting.

Motion to adjourn Committee of the Whole meeting.

By: Stephen Pritchett Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

Meeting is adjourned

Academic Committee

Resurgence Hall Charter School:

  • Review Employee Totals 43 full-time & 6 part-time

  • 14 New positions for FY25

  • Tenure of Team - 27  - brand new to Resurgence Hall
  • 17  - 1 year of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 10 - 2 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 7 - 3 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 7 - 4 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 2 - 5 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 2 - 6 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 1 - 7 years of service to Resurgence Hall

  • Scholar Enrollment Status
  • K - 83
  • 1 - 79
  • 2 - 85
  • 3 - 85
  • 4 - 78

Will pull off waitlist 7.11

Resurgence Hall Middle Academy:

  • Review Employee Totals 23 full-time & 3 part-time

  • 14 New positions for FY25

  • Tenure of Team (org)- 27  - brand new to Resurgence Hall
  • 17  - 1 year of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 10 - 2 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 7 - 3 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 7 - 4 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 2 - 5 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 2 - 6 years of service to Resurgence Hall
  • 1 - 7 years of service to Resurgence Hall

  • Scholar Enrollment Status
  • 5 - 77
  • 6 - 70
  • 7 - 64

Will pull off waitlist 7.11

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:00 pm

Motion to adjourn

There was no notable discussion on the motion.