Resurgence Hall- Resurgence Hall Charter School (K-4) Resurgence Hall Middle Academy (5-8)

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Wednesday July 10th, 2024 @7:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting will be called to the order.

Approval of Agenda 5 minutes

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.


  1. Approve the agenda as submitted

Approval of Minutes 5 minutes

Review and approval of prior meeting minutes.


  1. Approve the prior meeting minutes as submitted.

Public Comment 10 minutes

The Resurgence Hall Board Chairperson will recognize individuals who submitted a public comment request per the LEA's public comment procedures as published on the website. Each person recognized to provide public comment shall direct comments to the board as a whole and restrict comments to no more than three (3) minutes. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email.

Committee Reports 15 minutes

  • Academic - Resurgence Hall Charter School: Review the academic dashboard, which includes schoolwide enrollment, attendance averages, demographic data, RHCS entry year, attrition rate and reason for both students and staff, school climate indicators, parent engagement indicators, and staff engagement indicators. Enrollment FY25. Resurgence Hall Middle Academy: Review the academic dashboard, which includes schoolwide enrollment, attendance averages, demographic data, RHMA entry year, attrition rate and reason for both students and staff, school climate indicators, parent engagement indicators, and staff engagement indicators. Enrollment FY25.

  • Governance - Resurgence Hall Charter School: Review board membership, board recruitment, board fundraising progress, and reviewing policies that govern Resurgence Hall Charter School. Resurgence Hall Middle Academy: Review board membership, board recruitment, board fundraising progress, and reviewing of policies that govern Resurgence Hall Middle Academy.

  • Finance - Resurgence Hall Charter School: May Financials. Resurgence Hall Middle Academy: May Financials.


  1. Approve Resurgence Hall Charter School May Financials
  2. Approve Resurgence Hall Middle Academy May Financials.

School Leader Report 30 minutes

The school leader reports on the status of the school.

Discussion and vote 2024-2025 Employee Handbook 15 minutes

Discuss and Vote on the 2024-2025 Employee Handbook


  1. Approve the 2024-2025 Employee Handbook

Chairman's Remarks 1 minutes

Closing remarks from board chair.

Adjournment 1 minutes

End of meeting.