Resurgence Hall- Resurgence Hall Charter School (K-4) Resurgence Hall Middle Academy (5-8)

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Wednesday June 22nd, 2022 @8:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Paula Murphy present chair On Time At Adjournment
Tony Jones not present member
Nelmaris Alvarez present member On Time At Adjournment
Natasha Fenili present secretary On Time At Adjournment
Stephen Pritchett not present vice-chair
Michael Daniels not present Treasurer
Khaliff Davis present member On Time At Adjournment

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Motion made to approve the governing board meeting agenda as written.

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order 8:04 pm.

Approval of Minutes

Review and approval of prior meeting minutes.

Motion made to approve the minutes as written for 5.25.22 governing board meeting.

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public Comment

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting by requesting an opportunity to comment by email to the board chair or by sign-up prior to the welcome and call to order, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

No public in attendance.

School Leader Report

The school leader reports on the status of the school.

Construction Update

  • Sanctuary abatement
  • Fencing
  • Received all permits
  • Temporary power
  • Mobile modular pavilion demolition
  • Next Week’s Activities- Begin ground level abatement, begin disconnecting and removing the existing fire alarm system

Resurgence Hall Foundation

  • Launch a separate foundation with the purpose of raising funds on behalf of the schools under Resurgence Hall, Inc.

Committee Reports

Academic / Recruitment - Review the academic dashboard, which includes schoolwide enrollment, attendance averages, demographic data, RHCS entry year, attrition rate and reason for both students and staff, school climate indicators, parent engagement indicators, and staff engagement indicators. Enrollment FY22.

  • Scholar & Family Handbook- Nomenclature updates to capture all schools, RISE to LEAD inclusion, Hours of Operation, Homework 5th-8th, Grading for enrichments and MA, Uniform (shorts, smart watches, responsibility for lost items), Parent Staff communication (social media, DM), Field-trip chaperones
  • Parents Bill of Rights- Section 1, new component regarding access to instructional materials
  • Protect Students First- Will discuss in July board meeting
  • Scholar Mental Health- What degree of autonomy is permissible for scholars to seek out support for self or peers with inhouse
  • school counselor?
  • COVID19 Updates- Shift in requirements in response to COVID19, school-based shifts (communication, reviewing policy language, removing past COVID19 signage)

Governance - Review board membership, board recruitment, board fundraising progress, and the review of policies that govern Resurgence Hall.

  • Training Update- 100% Completion of SCSC training
  • Board Retreat- August 6th 9am-6pm
  • Special Called Meeting July 27th

Finance - Presentation includes monthly financial presentation, balance sheet, budget vs. actuals, cash flow, income statement for May. Review of FY22 Balance Sheet.

  • EdTec - Multi-year contract (review sole source documentation)
  • Additional grant funding
  • Higher then expected revenue from aftercare
  • Savings in Personnel
  • 4K Increase to projected operating income vs the previous forecast
  • SCSC Financial Performance Indicators 95/100

Approval of Financials

Motion made to approve the financial statements as presented for the month of May.

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion made to shift the executive session regarding personnel after the discussion of the board meeting calendar.

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Discussion and Vote RE: Scholar and Family Handbook

Motion made to incorporate the changes made to the Scholar and Family Handbook.

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Discussion and Vote RE: Bill of Rights

Motion made to adopt the Parents Bill of Rights as drafted and discussed.

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Discussion and Vote RE: EdTec Multi-year Contract

Motion made to adopt the edtec multi-year contract as presented.

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Discussion and Vote RE: Protect Students First

Motion made to add July 27th meeting to discuss and vote for the Protect Student First Policy language.

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Discussion and Vote RE: FY23 Board Meeting Calendar

August 24, 2022

September 28, 2022

October 26, 2022

November 16, 2022

December- Will not meet

January 25, 2023

February 22, 2023

March 22, 2023

April 26, 2023

May 24, 2023

June 25, 2023 (3pm-4pm)

June 24th-25th- Retreat

Motion made to add July 27th meeting at 7pm and select November 16th, remove December meeting, and modify the June meeting to June 25th from 3pm-4pm and the retreat on June 24th-25th.

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Nelmaris Alvarez

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion made to move into the Executive Session for a personnel matter at 8:53 pm.

By: Khaliff Davis Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion made to exit out of the executive session at 10:07 pm.

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Khaliff Davis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion made to accept the terms of the contract for the Executive Director as discussed during the executive session.

By: Natasha Fenili Seconded by: Nelmaris Alvarez

There was no notable discussion on the motion.


End of meeting.

Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 10:09 pm.

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:09 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Nelmaris Alvarez Seconded by: Natasha Fenili

There was no notable discussion on the motion.