Independence Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Saturday October 19th, 2024 @10:00 AM

Meeting Summary of Actions

Meeting Summary

The Governing Board met on Saturday October 19th, 2024 @10:00 AM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 40 minutes long meeting. Present: Jennifer Underwood, Courtney Turner, Charles Stallworth Not Present: Morgan Russell

The members considered the following items:

  1. Record Attendance and Guests
  2. Welcome and Call to Order
  3. Consider Meeting Agenda
  4. Consider Previous Meeting Minutes
  5. Public Comment
  6. Executive Session
  7. Executive Director Report

The committee considered 3 motions, of which 3 passed, and 0 failed:

  1. Approve the meeting agenda (passed)
  2. Approve minutes of the previous meeting (passed)
  3. Approve Architect Contract (passed)

    The meeting adjourned at 7:01PM