Hope Community Charter School

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Thursday October 11th, 2018 @5:30 PM

Meeting Agenda

Welcome and Call to Order 1 minutes

The meeting was called to order at _____pm, beginning with the pledge of allegiance.

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Robin Ruiz Executive Director/Lead Person Present _______

Joelle Quick Staff Representative Present _______

Glenn Richardson, Board Secretary/SBA _______

Sunshine Law 1 minutes

The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the rights of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon.

In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Hope Community Charter School has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted in the Courier Post and to the Office of the Camden City Clerk

Resolution 2018-10-1 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approve the agenda for this meeting

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Executive Session - Not Applicable 1 minutes

Resolved that pursuant to Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act, the public shall be excluded from that portion of the meeting involving the discussion of confidential Personnel Matters. Further resolved that discussion of such subject matter in Executive Session can be disclosed to the public either at the resumption of the public session at the conclusion of the Executive Session, or at a public session at some later date when the need for confidentiality no longer exists.

Resolved that the Board of Trustees move into Executive Session at ____:

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________

Resolved that the Board of Trustees move out of Executive Session at _____:

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________

Resolution 2018-10-2 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the September 13, 2017 Regular and Executive Session Minutes.

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Executive Director's Report 10 minutes

The school leader reports on the status of the school.

Enrollment as of October 11, 2018 is 158 students

Status update on:

Resolution 2018-10-3 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the Executive Director's report

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-4 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the following field trips

Crystal Caves

Kutztown, PA

November 9, 2018

Grades - 3rd and 4th

Total cost - $474 plus 1 bus (cost TBD)

NJ State House and NJ Old Barracks Museum

Trenton, NJ

June 13, 2019

Grades - 4th

Total cost - $134 plus 1 bus (cost TBD)

Atlantic City Aquarium

Atlantic City

June 14, 2019

Grades - 1st

Total cost - $270 plus 1 bus (cost TBD)

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______


Resolution 2018-10-5 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the following field trip

Nutcracker Ballet

Kimmel Center, Philadelphia

December 14, 2018

2nd Grade-5th grade

$15/ticket per student/teacher and 2 buses (costs TBD)

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-6 - Motion Cancelled. 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the updated Hope Community Charter School Wellness Policy (See attached)

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Board Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________

Resolution 2018-7 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the Hope's Creation Step Dance Team (see attached for details)

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______


Resolution 2018-10-8 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the Hope Community Charter School Student Council for grades 2nd through 5th, lead on a volunteer basis by Kim Leibovitz, Tracy Foedisch and Maria Osorio.

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Finance 15 minutes

Resolution 2018-10-9 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approve the Board Secretary’s Reports for the months of August 2018. In accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9. I certify that as of June 2018, no budgetary line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the schools financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

______________ _______________

Board Secretary Date

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-10 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approve the Reconciliation Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the months of August 2018. The Reconciliation Reports and Secretary’s Reports are in agreement for the months of August 2018.

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-11 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approve the Board Secretary’s Certifications for the month August 2018. I certify in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources

______________ _________

Board Secretary Date

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-12 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves, pursuant to N.J.A.C 6A:23A-16.10 (c) 4, and after review of the Board Secretary’s monthly financial reports (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that, to the best of the Boards’ knowledge, no major account or fund has been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10 (b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the school’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. 

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-13 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approve the attached transfers in the Hope Community Charter School Fund 10.

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Resolution 2018-10-14 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approve the bills list in the amount of $248,743.80.

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Board Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________

Resolution 2018-15 1 minutes

Resolve that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the copy machine lease agreement with Stewart Business Solutions, State Contract G2075.

Stewart Business Solutions

1 Color Copier 70pg/min- $138.70/60 months - C $.039/copy, B/W $.004/copy

1 B/W Copier 45pg/min- $106.90/60 months - $.0059/copy


1 Color Copier 60pg/min - $216.95/60 months - C $.045/cop, B/W $.005/copy

1 B/W Copier 50pg/min - $129.95/60 months - $.005/copy


1 Color Copier 55pg/min- $233.25/60 months - C $.0437/copy, B/W $.0058/copy

1 B/W Copier 45pg/min - $117.69/60 months - $.0058/copy

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Board Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________

Public Comment 10 minutes

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

Resolution 2018-10-16 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees approves the School Business Administrator and Executive Director to enter into a Snow Removal agreement to be ratified at the November 15 meeting.

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Board Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________

Resolution 2018-10-17 1 minutes

Resolved that the Board of Trustees approved the submission to the New Jersey Department of Education, Charter School Office, a Charter School Amendment Application for Hope Community Charter School. The approved amendment to the Charter Application is to include additional grade levels of 6-8th grade, starting in the 2019-2020 school year, adding one grade level each year with a reduction in total enrollment.

Motion: Second:

Robert Delengowski Board Chair _______

Matthew Myers Vice Chair _______

Christian Galietta Trustee _______

Barbara Wallace Trustee _______

Eric Bringman Trustee _______

Next Meeting 1 minutes

November 15 - 5:30 PM

836 S. 4th St. Camden NJ

Resolution 2018-10-18 1 minutes

Resolved that the Hope Community Charter School Board of Trustees adjourn the meeting at ____.

Motion:______________ Seconded________________

Robert Delengowski Board Chair ________

Matthew Myers Vice Board Chair ________

Christian Galietta Trustee ________

Barbara Wallace Trustee ________

Eric Bringman Trustee ________