DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governance Committee

Regular Meeting - Thursday November 17th, 2022 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Tamseel Syed present chair On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Angela Rodgers present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay not present member
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long present member On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Suzette Arnold present member 60 Minutes Late At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

Welcome and Call to Order at 6:35 p.m. by Tamseel Syed, Governance Committee Chair

In Attendance

Janelle Wilhite – present

Suzette Arnold – present

Tamseel Syed - present

Wanda McKay - absent

Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long, Ex-Officio - present

Angela Rodgers – present

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approval of Agenda with the addition of the following items:

Governing Board Action Form Submission Schedule

Jackie Thomas, Custodian

Professional Development Day on January 3, 2023

Human Resources Contractor, Susan Hammond, $4,750 – Information only

Motion to approve the agenda:                    Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long

Motion seconded by:                                    Angela Rodgers

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Approval of Agenda with the addition of the following items:

Governing Board Action Form Submission Schedule

Jackie Thomas, Custodian

Professional Development Day on January 3, 2023

Human Resources Contractor, Susan Hammond, $4,750 – Information only

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Angela Rodgers

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Minutes from Oct 21, 2022

Approval of Minutes from October 21, 2022

Motion to approve the minutes:                    Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long

Motion seconded by:                                   Angela Rodgers                                                        

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Approval of Minutes from October 21, 2022

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Angela Rodgers

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Chair report

Committeee Chair Report

Mr. Syed reported that we still need more Board Members. Emails have to be sent for people to join the board. He also highlighted the need for more collaboration to make the process smooth

Governing Board submission schedule

Committee discussed the document presented by Dr. Brooks-Long. The committee will revisit the revised document in January. The committee made recommendations to cut unnecessary steps in the process

Jackie Thomas - contracted custodian

Decision made to table to January. Committee recommended that the position be posted and complete of the hiring process.

Adjustment of salary - Keith Gaines

Decision made to table until January. Completion of performance review will dictate salary adjustment.

Human resource assessment - contractor

This item will be presented at the Governing Board Work Session with supporting documentation for discussion.

Organizational chart adjustment

Extensive discussion regarding addition of a Dean of Students to concentrate on discipline. Discussion regarding the addition of an Administrative Assistant to support the Chief Academic Officer and Chief Financial Officer. Discussion regarding the current Special Assistant for Special Projects’ job evolving into more management of processes, board support and possible staff. There is a need for more administrative support to assist with calendars, organization, memorandums, etc. Ms. Wilhite stated that additions to the organizational chart should be accompanied by a board action form, job descriptions, justification for the positions, budget adjustment, draft organization chart, etc. Also, each committee would need to approve the recommendation for the changes to the organizational structure. Recommendation to Dr. Brooks-Long from Mr. Syed is to meet with the Leadership team to assess the needs of the school and central office prior to making a final recommendation to the board that will be in place for at least 1-2 years. Recommended long-range, school-wide organizational plan. Tabled until January.

Letter of intent - charter renewal

Verbiage was previously approved by the School Attorney. Recommendation to add a Board Action Form present during the Board Work Session on to the Board on Saturday.

Climate Survey Questions

Discussion regarding the questions on the survey. The survey questions will be presented as part of the operational report. Specific information regarding middle school data and justification for the Dean of Students and the Counselor (that has a background in Psychology), as a result of reviewing climate and culture survey results. Ms. Wilhite recommended that when you present the survey to the board, make sure that you speak to the low number in the 6th grade. Discussion regarding there not being any disciplinary data on the dashboard or in Infinite Campus. Discussion regarding ensuring that the discipline process is followed, and that all disciplinary data is captured in Infinite Campus, as appropriate.

Professional development day - January 3

Discussion regarding changing the calendar to make January 3, 2023, an asynchronous learning day so that staff can have one full day of professional development on data driven instruction, data driven supervision and MTSS. Discussion regarding the plans to keep students engaged, particularly since there are not enough computers for each student to have a computer to take home. Ms.Arnold asked for the plan for learning if the students do not have access to laptops. Students without access to technology would be able to use packets and call the teacher if they have questions.

Inventory discussion

Dr. Brooks-Long presented the requested inventory. Extensive discussion regarding the missing items that were previously assigned and currently unaccounted for in the school. Recommendation from committee is to pull the Destiny Inventory and have Ms. Gresham verify the inventory listing and the location of each item. Also, directive given to Dr. Brooks-Long to launch an investigation into the missing inventory items. Prepare a comprehensive summary and check against the inventory, determine who was assigned the inventory item and launch an investigation, and bring back to committee. Brooks-Long stated that the report from Destiny would be pulled on tomorrow. Discussion regarding whether DPA is obligated to follow the DCSD Surplus Procedure. Discussion regarding previous inventory issues and sanctions. 

Update on Submission of Legal Item

All requested documentation was sent to Alexis Walton. This item is completed and closed.

Update on submission of information to Heidi

Dr. Brooks-Long mentioned that she sent the required documents to appropriate parties

Charter 7 – McGuire Woods – FY’22 Wire sheets were submitted to Heidi and receipt response received by Dr. Brooks-Long


ESSR – Inventory Internal Audit Checklist – DCSD approved.

Operational and staff challenges

No discussion

Attendance improvement plan (staff)

The Attendance Improvement Plan has been sent to legal for review. Recommendation to make grammatical changes, remove Rob Fortson’s name from the plan, crosscheck against the staff handbook. Send back to legal. Incorporate content into the Employee Handbook. Extensive discussion regarding previous practices of not docking staff when they missed work but were out of PTO time. This policy will assist with documentation for tardiness, absences and early departures.

Employee handbook

This handbook is to be modified. Remove Carla Pettis’s name and make appropriate updates and changes. Incorporate Attendance Improvement Plan into the handbook. Please incorporate tracked changes into the updated versions of all documents. 

Student handbook

Dr. Brooks-Long presented the Parental Ban Policy. She explained that there have been two recent incidents of perceived threats to staff that have made this policy necessary. Discussion regarding the two incidents and whether complaints were filed with the police. Ms. Arnold warned that documentation is imperative to hold the parents accountable for their behavior and the escalation process.

Add language to the policy about the process: when to call the police, that the School Resource Officer will complete the incident report, etc.  Request from Dr. Brooks-Long that all members vet the policy so that it can be presented in January. Dr. Brooks-Long will notify Ms. Smith that until the policy is approved, it is appropriate to call the authorities. 

Meeting with Allen Mueller

no discussion

Strategic Plan

Great session in Finance Committee. Read over document by Ms. Falco. Cleared out items from there. Will do the same for Governance for this committee’s review.

Executive Session - personnel

No discussion - deferred to work session on 11/19

Finance committee out of compliance

No discussion - reminder to Finance committee to publish missing minutes on website

Other Topic Discussions

Topics for Discussion:

No discussion

Public Comment

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

No public in attendance

Recommendations to the Board (if applicable)

No significant recommendations for approval


Motion to adjourn at 10:32 p.m.

Motion made by:                    Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long

Motion seconded by:             Angela Rodgers

Motion carries:                     Unanimous vote

Motion to adjourn at 10:32 p.m.

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Angela Rodgers

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:37 am

Motion to adjourn

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Angela Rodgers

There was no notable discussion on the motion.