Regular Meeting - Tuesday September 13th, 2022 @6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
Attendance Summary
Arrival Time
Departure Time
Tamseel Syed
present chair
On Time
At Adjournment
Ms. Angela Rodgers
present member
On Time
At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay
present member
5 Minutes Late
At Adjournment
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long
present member
On Time
At Adjournment
Karen Shabazz
not present member
Ms. Suzette Arnold
present member
30 Minutes Late
At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
present member
5 Minutes Late
At Adjournment
Welcome and Call to Order
Welcome and Meeting was Called to Order by Governance Committee Chair, Tamseel Syed at 6:37 p.m.
In Attendance
The following committee members are present:
Tamseel Syed
Janelle Wilhite
Wanda McKay
Suzette Arnold
Wanda Brooks-Long
Angela Rodgers
Approval of Agenda
So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.
Motion to approve the agenda with the modification to allow the Guest Speaker, Blake Coty, to present Telehealth Services information to the Committee.
Motion to approve the agenda with the modification to allow the Guest Speaker, Blake Coty, to present Telehealth Services information to the Committee.
By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long
Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Approval of Minutes from Aug 9, 2022
Motion to Approve Minutes from August 9, 2022
By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long
Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Committee Chair report
Report of committee health and actions:
Tamseel Syed expressed gratitude and appreciation to the committee members for their hard work and asked that committee members continue in their efforts to take DPA from Good to Great.
Presentation Tele Health Grant
Mr. Coty provided an overview of the ESE Telehealth program. He gave a brief description of the services that could be provided to students, staff and parents, if the board decides to approve the Memorandum of Understanding. Mr. Coty informed the board that he has met with DPAs Teleheath Team and is excited about bringing telehealth services to DPA if selected. DPA’s Telehealth Team is comprised of the School Principal, School Nurse, Parent/Community Liaison, Special Assistant for Special Projects, School Counselor, School Social Worker, and Network Manager. Janelle asked questions specific to what the grant entails and what the ESE Telehealth services are. He fielded questions from committee members regarding HIPAA-compliance, payment for services particular for those uninsured students, and the provision of computers. Mr. Coty discussed ideas for determining how many students have no insurance coverage and how to assist parents with getting their healthcare needs supported by providing information about available options they could choose from. He indicated that DPAs Telehealth Team asked some very pertinent questions and that he would get the answers to those questions and provide them to Dr. Brooks-Long and Ms. Rodgers. The Committee requested that the Board Action Form be updated to include a brief description of the program and an overview of what Telehealth is and how it will benefit our school. Board members requested that all Board Action forms include more details to explain why Board Action should be considered.
Mr. Syed explained that the Governance Committee would now forward the Telehealth Services MOU and supporting documentation to the full board at the September meeting for discussion and vote - only upon obtaining a vote by the full board at the September monthly meeting the MoU will be signed and next steps will be implemented.
Motion to forward the Telehealth Services MOU for discussion and approval at the September monthly Board meeting. The MoU helps the social, physical, and emotional health of DPA students, staff and parents
By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long
Seconded by: Ms. Angela Rodgers
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Board retreat debrief
Most committee members commented that the Board Retreat was successful. Dr. Brooks-Long mentioned that one attendee from DPA staff recommended that the board members and staff should be inter-seated instead of staff being separated from board members to facilitate increased collaboration.
Committee goals for FY'22-23
Last year’s goal to increase the number of Board Members was not met. The Committee will work to increase membership.
Employee Handbook has not been approved for this year. DPA is still using the 2021-22 Employee Handbook which Janelle mentioned also still needs approval from the full board. Janelle reminded that the Employee Handbook should be voted upon every year even if no changes are made to it. Dr. Brook-Long sent PTO information and an employee Attendance Improvement Plan (AIP) to Finance Committee for vetting prior to being presented to Governance and included as revisions for the 2022-23 Employee Handbook. Janelle mentioned that the requests on PTO information and employee AIP are not DPA specific and incomplete - Dr. Brooks-Long responded that this request is also to make the Finance Committee aware of the proposal being considered at DPA and more details will be forthcoming.
Janelle requested that Dr. Brooks-Long create an analysis and proposed language for the Finance Committee to review regarding the PTO policy revisions that are planned on being presented. Dr. Brooks-Long and Ms. Yu to provide an analysis of the financial impact on the institution to include options and alternatives.
PTO policy revisions will be tabled until either November or December.
Discussion regarding whether policy revisions should go to Governance Committee prior to Finance Committee. It was decided that once Finance committee has proper supporting documents the policies will go to Finance committee first to explore fiscal sustainability and then will be reviewed at one of the future Governance committee meetings.
The Committee requested that the Student and Employee Handbooks be presented at the Governing Board Work Session for review and approval by the board whether or not changes were made to the FY'21-22 copy. Dr. Brooks-Long and Ms. Rodgers will provide the handbooks to the Board Members for review. Ms. Rodgers to ensure that the review of the Student and Employee Handbooks is included on the Governing Board Work Session Agenda.
Prospective board contacts for future board members
Mr. Syed is going to send emails with Board Member roles and responsibilities along with application forms to eligible prospective board members.
Strategic Plan discussion
All Board members, school leaders and staff have been provided the draft Strategic Plan. Input has been requested and changes will be made after comments have been collected and changes made. Mr. Syed will forward his notes to Dr. Brooks-Long for inclusion in the Strategic Plan. All staff, board members and school leaders should send their recommended changes to Dr. Brooks-Long. Discussions regarding the change of 5G to possibly 5Gs and making the Strategic Plan a 5-year plan. Discussion regarding the inclusion of previously vetted goals and the addition of SMART goals and standards.
Discussion regarding goals being assigned to committees for inclusion on the committee agendas. Comments, corrections and changes are due via email to Dr. Brooks-Long by the end of October.
Goal 1: Academic Academic Committee
Goal 2: Leadership Executive Committee and Dr. Brooks-Long / Suzette Arnold
Goal 3: School Culture and Climate Development Committee
Ms. Falco will need the Strategic Plan prior to the commencement of the Re-Authorization document review process.
Board Operations Manual
Draft was previously forwarded to all Committee members for review and comment. Request made to send the document to all members as a Word document. Plan appears to be very thorough.
Each Committee member as well as each committee should review and add the Committees Statement of Work. Ms. Rodgers will assist Mr. Syed with developing “typical board action categories and committees responsible for it.”
New hire for School Business administrator
Hold for additional supporting documentation – job description, matrices, rubric for School Business Administrator, resumes and all supporting documentation (how long the position was posted and how many people applied) for candidate and other applicants. Request for Human Resources to work closely on this item to ensure that all supporting documentation is provided. Discussion regarding the position being posted again to ensure that the most qualified candidate is selected. Brief discussion brought up by Ms. Rodgers regarding the unexpected resignation of the newly hired Human Resources Manager and the Resignation/Termination process. The board chair requested Exit Interviews and all proper protocols as per the contract to be followed in this circumstance
New hire - grants manager
Hold for additional supporting documentation – job description, matrices, rubric for Grants Manager, resumes and all supporting documentation (how long the position was posted and how many people applied) for candidate and other applicants. Discussion regarding the difference between Grants Manager, Grants Analyst, and Grants Administrator.
Additional discussion - school resource officer
Holding for additional information. Due to the verbiage on the Board Action Form, the committee is unclear of what is being requested. Is the ask for an additional full-time School Resource Officer and a part-time School Resource Officer or is the current School Resource Officer vacating his position or is the request to increase the School Resource Officer’s salary? Committee requested the sustainability plan for the next 3 years. If additional staff are being requested, submission of a Budget Amendment and change to Organization Chart is required. Committee requested plan detailing how the School Resource Officer (both full-time and part-time) would be utilized in operations - a proper procedure document was requested.
Policy review cycle
Not reviewed so no discussion occured
AIP Policy
Staff attendance is negatively affecting the CCRPI score. This plan was presented to assist with managing the Staff attendance issues. Suzette mentioned that the plan needs to be approved by our Legal Attorney group. Discussion regarding if half-days off are allowable/existing at DeKalb Preparatory Academy should also be proposed as part of the PTO policy or in the AIP policy. Committee determined that the Attendance Improvement Plan and PTO plan are not ready for presentation. The Attendance Improvement Plan appears to be for internal use in the Human Resources Department - the purpose of the policy needs to be clarified. Discussion regarding substitute teachers and getting a handle on staff absences was encouraged by Suzette Arnold.
Other Topic Discussions
Discussion on Board Training calendar and training resources for FY’22-23
Discussion regarding the term that we procure with Georgia Charter School Association. GCSA is a preferred vendor. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the $3,000 fee has been submitted for to GCSA for to board training for this year.
Ms. Rodgers will report back to the board whether Ms. Falco’s contract includes writing the Charter Renewal Contract and Professional Development or Professional Development only. This will be added to the Finance Committee agenda for discussion.
Discussion on professional development needs for DPA Staff
Dr. Brooks-Long shared the professional development needs for staff. She indicated that the needs would be met through the Academic Plan for Professional Development. Dr. Brooks-Long will be working with Elisa Falco, Georgia Charter community and State Charter community. Central Office staff will get all pertinent training for their individual job functions and cross-training, as appropriate. Board Chair requested that the appropriate School Leaders and Central Office Leaders receive Professional Development along with Dr. Brooks-Long regarding the Reauthorization process and the development of the Charter Renewal Contract.
Brief discussion regarding Reauthorization deadlines and the Letter of Intent. Ms. Rodgers to query the DeKalb County School District website for report deadlines and due dates. The Reauthorization Exhibits are in the Dropbox. The Annual Report information has been provided to Dr. Brooks-Long and Ms. Rodgers via email on June 15. The Annual Report now has to be submitted on the GaDoE portal after approval by the Governing Board. Mr. Syed will provide Governing Board members’ training compliance to Dr. Brooks-Long for inclusion in the Annual Report. Dr. Brooks-Long will complete by the end of September and bring it forward for approval by October board meeting.
Board calendar action item-collection of important dates/deadlines in the year
There needs to be a central document with reports and deadlines. Assistance is needed from the school to update the important dates and deadlines.
CharterBoards logistics and recommendations for improving workflow and Upcoming reports due and corresponding deadlines
Committee members were requested to think about these two items and bring ideas back to the board.
Does the Board have to return to in-person meeting and if so, when?
Ms. Arnold stated that we have to comply with Georgia requirements. A decision should be made in the next Governing Board Work Session. Mr. Syed to follow-up with Ms. Ayana Clark to determine the state and districts current requirements. Discussion regarding the number of in-person meetings vs. virtual meetings. The Governing Board By-laws set the parameters for DeKalb Preparatory Academy.
Contract Services
Request by Board Chair to discuss Scheduling Contractor in the September Finance Meeting. She raised concerns regarding the contract term i.e., period for performance. Question is being asked because the Board Chair would like to know if the performance is commensurate with the services that were rendered relative to the cost. Dr. Brooks-Long provided the background regarding the need for the Scheduling Contractor. Discussion regarding contractors for service and timely communication to the Governing Board. Details will be discussed in the Finance Committee meeting next week. The Board Action Form to continue the services for the Scheduling Contract is going to Academic Committee on tomorrow and will then forward to the Finance Committee. Dr. Brooks-Long requested that DPA define “emergencies” and the process to receive emergency services. Tamseel Syed mentioned that the provision to hold emergency meetings according to the bylaws are more pertinent to situations where there is a life threatening emergency to either a staff or student at DPA – this does not require the condition of posting agenda at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to be met. In most other cases, a special called meeting would be ideal for any non-emergency issues that arise from pressing needs at DPA. Tamseel also mentioned that if an action was taken in the past, the informational section of the board action form can be used to keep the board members abreast of the situation and action taken. Janelle agreed and added that any contractor will need approval by the board before beginning work at DPA whereas any vendor that comes in for immediate repair needs like plumbing, etc. could be discussed as part of informational section of the board action form. Tamseel and Wanda McKay mentioned that typically the contractor has a proper SOW and length of contract identified.
Employment Contract for Chief Academic Officer: HOS
Discussion regarding the status of the employment contract for the Chief Academic Officer: HOS. The Board Chair and Vice Chair have been charged with completing the Performance Appraisal prior to providing the Employment Contract to the Chief Academic Officer: HOS. The board chair apologized for not being able to schedule the meeting prior to September and ensured that the process was being completed to draft a new contract. She noted that the board members have provided their feedback and the feedback needs to be discussed with CAO/HOS to draft goals for FY’22-23 and also appreciated the patience of Dr. Brooks-Long in the process.
Public comment
No public comment was made
Recommendations to the Board (if applicable)
Motions passed on 09/13/2022 (if any):
Motion to forward the Telehealth Services MOU for discussion and approval at the September monthly Board meeting was approved by the Comittee. The MoU helps the social, physical, and emotional health of DPA students, staff and parents
Motion to adjourn at 9:58 p.m.
Tamseel Syed thanked all members of the committee for their patience as the committee went through the discussions and mentioned that the process can be shortened by obtaining the pertinent information via email in advance and encouraged all members to review the documents before the meeting day.