DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governance Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday August 9th, 2022 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Tamseel Syed present chair On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Angela Rodgers not present member
Mrs. Wanda McKay not present member
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long present member On Time At Adjournment
Karen Shabazz not present member
Ms. Suzette Arnold present member 30 Minutes Late At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. 

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

In Attendance

The following committee members are present:

Mr. Tamseel Syed, Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long, Ms. Janelle Wilhite, Ms. Suzette Arnold

Approval of Minutes from Jul 16, 2022

Attached for reference

Approve the minutes as submitted

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Committee Chair report

Report of committee health and actions:

Several important items are upcoming for this committee to review so the chair requests for committee members to continue the good work to review material as it becomes available.

Website compliance report

Dr. Brooks-Long mentioned that the website is undergoing constant upgrades and becoming much better everyday.

Board retreat planning update

Discussion regarding preparation for the retreat occurred and Dr. Brooks-Long is coordinating with the representatives from the venue.

Committee goals for FY'22-23

Will be discussed during the retreat.

Prospective board contacts for future board members

Tamseel Syed sent out a few requests for potential board members and will wait to see what feedback is obtained.

ESE Telehealth SLA

It was discussed to forward the legal reviewed document back to the vendor for confirmation about the changes - Dr. Brooks-Long will follow up

Motion to forward the final version of the document to the full board for review during work session pending agreement to changes by the vendor

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

CharterBoards Invoice payment

Tamseel noted that the payment of the invoice will make the use of CharterBoards valid until the end of 2023.

Motion to forward the request to pay CharterBoards invoice to full board to review during work session

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Other Topic Discussions

Any other topics for discussion brought up by committee members - action on any item requires committee vote

Some items for discussion were brought forward and one of them was regarding finding a good staff person for HR operations at DPA.

Motion to forward the board action form/packet to hire HR manager (Shonnia Houston) for full board review during work session

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public comment

There was no public comment

Recommendations to the Board (if applicable)

Motions passed on 08/09/2022 (if any): 

Committee forwards 3 requests to the full board for thorough review during work session -

  1. Final agreement with Telehealth SLA
  2. Payment to CharterBoards for the invoice
  3. HR manager candidate will be presented by Dr. Brook-Long to the whole board for consideration and thorough review.


Motion to adjourn

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:16 am

Motion to adjourn

By: Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold

There was no notable discussion on the motion.