DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governance Committee

Regular Meeting - Thursday October 21st, 2021 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present member On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Suzette Arnold not present member
Karen Shabazz present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker not present member
Tamseel Syed present chair On Time At Adjournment
Marcus Vassell not present member
Carla Pettis not present member

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order. 

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.


1. Board calendar preparation plan

2. Strategic plan updates

3. Onboarding guide for HOS

4. Discussion on health policy in Employee handbook

5. Recruiting a potential Board member

Approve the agenda as submitted

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Karen Shabazz

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Discussion on Agenda

Discuss the items on agenda


1. Board calendar preparation plan

An archived calendar was reviewed and cleaned up. Still work in progress. Ms. Wanda is going to reach out to all committee chairs to get their input on important committee work deadlines throughout the year - please be patient as we prepare a comprehensive calendar and make sure the other committees work with Ms. Wanda to give her important tasks and deadlines for your committee work.

2. Strategic plan updates

Ms. Heather will have more details about the progress. All committee goals for the board are also available if need to be included in the strategic plan. January is the internal deadline set by the Governance committee to review the strategic plan.

3. Onboarding guide for HOS

It was decided to prepare documents like: detailed board structure and operations process, HOS and board decisions document, organization chart, committee structure and committee operations, communication protocols (including weekly check-ins), policies documents, by-laws, charter document, strategic plan (when available). 

The committee requests any input that the school leadership can provide to help in this effort.

This guide will be prepared in November 2021.

4. Discussion on health policy in Employee handbook

The committee requests the school leadership to begin drafting a health policy to be included in the employee handbook. This policy should cover at least the following items and anything else that needs to be added by the school leadership:

(i) mask mandates and the rules of implementation

(ii) testing arrangements when news about pandemic spreads

(iii) vaccine requirements (to be reviewed by legal first)

(iv) incentives to employees in cases of a pandemic 

(v) professional/psychological development opportunities during the pandemic

(vi) requirements around having a registered nurse always throughout the year and arrangements in case of emergency

5. Recruiting a potential Board member

The Governance committee will start following up with Marcus Vassell to arrange a meeting with his contact so he can attend some committee meetings of Governance and Academic committee to get introduced to DPA. Then after the candidate attends one or two full board monthly meetings, the on-boarding process will be initiated by the Governance committee.

Other Business:

6. Written HOS hiring process: TBD in November Governance meeting


Create action items and adjourn.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:08 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Karen Shabazz

There was no notable discussion on the motion.