DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Finance Committee

Regular Meeting - Tuesday May 21st, 2024 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present chair On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Suzette Arnold present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Lenise Bostic present member On Time At Adjournment
Mr. Wayne Dennis present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Jatoyia Franklin present Non-voting Administration On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order 6:30pm

The meeting will be called to the order at 6:30 pm

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approve Minutes

All minutes must be updated no later than the next board meeting. 

Review budget

r. Bostic and Ms. Lee reviewed the budget. Ms. Lee discussed the idea of a part-time registered nurse. Provides quarterly training to staff to form an aid team to support the school. She discussed staff adjustments. Lease purchase with a buyout option for teachers and staff which could help lower expenses. Suzette Arnold asked about insurance and the cost of the leasing program. Suzette mentioned the report that the board is waiting for to account for two hundred plus laptops. (Ms. Lee) suggested that teachers and staff are held accountable for the damage and misplacement of the devices. Suzette Arnold expressed that she does not agree with the teacher/ staff leasing device option.

Suzette questioned the increase for the security officer salary presented on the spreadsheet. Mr. Dennis explained that it is two positions combined. He stated that one is a crossing guard, and one is a part-time police officer. Ms. Arnold asked for the topic to be parking lotted. She asked clarity for line one for $166,886.97. The presented explained that this is for personnel (custodial). Dr. Bostic explained that there are seven employees for this line. Two custodians’ during the day and five custodians at night. With the additional evening custodians, we save money for waxing and deep cleaning. Janelle questioned when the new workers were hired in which Dr. Bostic answered questionably October. There was a robust discussion regarding the custodial projected salary and the necessity of having budget amendments.  Suzette Arnold asked for a representative of administration to pull the Board Action Form for the hiring of the evening custodial staff.

School Nutrition is the same as it is this current year.

Suzette Arnold questioned the executive director position and Chief Academic Officer. She stated that one should be removed as they are the same position. She also questioned business administration in which was explained that….. Suzette Arnold asked about the title of the IT person/ network manager and asked whether he has any help. Mr. Dennis advised that we have partners such as ADT that assists our internal help (Jeffrey Thomas). Dr. Bostic expressed that there is a position available for IT support. Suzette Arnold questioned the absence of a social worker on the new staff roster with the scholar’s demanding support. She asked that the position is replaced.

Janelle Wilhite is requesting:

·      Narrative justifications for FY25- She provided an exemplar of her expectations.

·      Narrative justifications for change sheet 24

·      560 is the target so we need something lower as a contingency.  We need the target at 480 for FTE.

·      We will need the budget by line item.

·      She would like the spread sheet summarized and grouped together in the major categories when presented to the board. She would also like the monthly financials summarized and grouped also.  

Arnold questioned the facilities percentage being at 14% instead of 6%.

·      Explanation of the function codes and what they cover.

·      Wilhite would like titles over the salary expenses line giving clarity to 25.

Suzette Arnold asked the suggested salaries for substitutes and special education teachers. She questioned the note about a water tower on the line with special education teachers.

Wilhite- Does the salary include the governor’s increase?

Dr. Bostic- no.

Wilhite- How do you plan to account for that?

Arnold- Suggested reading the bill and getting clarity on the increase.

Wilhite suggested including that as a changed item. “We should at least know what the proposed amount should be”.  

·      Wilhite also advised reaching out to DeKalb County to gain clarity.

Wilhite questioned the facilities grant which is $78,000.

Dr. Bostic explained that we offset the facilities amount on the water tower. (fencing, gym air, and media project). The funds have already been included in the projected budget of $110,000.

·      She would like an updated list and supporting documents for subscriptions and vendors.

·      She would like a spreadsheet about facilities which Mr. Dennis confirmed he can provide.

The finance committee will meet again tentatively on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Dr. Bostic will send all updated documents by Friday, May 24, 2024.

** Be sure to include if the motion was approved on the board action forms. **

Candy Yu gave a synopsis of the budget amendment.

Wilhite pointed out the document showing a negative revenue on the spread sheet. Wilhite asked Candy Yu to send over the monthly spreadsheet. J. Wilhite is questioning the deficit being changed to a $900,00 surplus. Candy Yu explained that the surplus is not additional money, but reimbursements that are owed to us from DeKalb County. Wilhite questioned the 11million dollar budget. 

Review April Financial Statements

Candy Yu discussed the April financials. Wilhite asked for the backup documents from DeKalb County monthly. Candy Yu advised that DeKalb County no longer sends back up documents. Candy Yu advised that we utilize bank statements.

Candy Yu thoroughly explained the monthly statement. She reiterated the matter of Dekalb Preparatory Academy receiving their reimbursement from Dekalb County. Wilhite questioned the possibility of not receiving a reimbursement. Ms. Yu advised that there is a slight chance, but there is a good chance that we will get something back.

Wilhite would like to see the full budget, projections, forecast, a spread sheet with totals and including annual budgets. Candy Yu vowed to attempt to create a spread sheet as such.

Other Business

There was no other business.


Adjournment 9:29 pm.

By: Dr. Lenise Bostic Seconded by: Mr. Wayne Dennis

The motion was seconded by Dr. Merritt 

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:22 am

Motion to adjourn

By: Dr. Lenise Bostic Seconded by: Mr. Wayne Dennis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.