DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Finance Committee

Regular Meeting - Saturday April 20th, 2024 @7:30 AM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present chair On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Suzette Arnold present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Lenise Bostic present member On Time At Adjournment
Mr. Wayne Dennis present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Jatoyia Franklin not present Non-voting Administration

Welcome and Call to Order at 7:43 am

The meeting will be called to the order.

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approve Minutes

Approve minutes from the last meeting.

Review Draft Budget

Avolon received the information from Dr. Bostic to join the meeting, but she didn’t receive a response from Avolon regarding attending the meeting. Dr. Bostic asked for permission to share her screen. Budget amendments to address the overages and current. Include grant budget. The final copy was submitted and it was used for the ER meeting, but didn’t approve the amended budget.

Wilhite - when Ankit submitted budget there needed to be some changes. Bostic stated Ankit included the revenue.

Bostic- Each one has its own justification.

Wilthite- start with revenue

Bostic- March financial 1st then amended because this is the amendment

Wilhite- We can start here but Ankit was changing some revenue

Wilhite- Ankit was added 300,000

Bostic- Don’t remember that being amended

Wilhite- He added on line 20. Is it QBE

Bostic- Those are drawdowns from Dekalb. That line has to be adjusted again. It wasn’t budgeted correctly

Wilhite- What was the justification?

Bostic – New midyear budget based on FTE from October (beginning of the year and mid year) sometimes it goes up or down. Due to FTE in October its gone up. Ensuring students are enrolled correctly. Went up a million and Dekalb takes 5% divide it by the allotment sheet. April thru June we will get the $544,000 amount. Going back to the budget it’s reflecting the first amount now has to be adjusted again to show new current amount

Wilhite -Is he making the change of the ESSER 2? What is that based on?

Bostic – Those are the drawdowns we received. Previous CFO wanted all ESSER 2 to got to ESSER 3, but learned we couldn’t do that. Got reimbursement back once we submitted documentations back in September

Wilhite – we have 2.2 million in ESSER to spend? What is the $398

Bostic- Revenue specials funds? Not sure what it is. Let’s look at the justification form. Don’t see justification for that specifically

Wilhite - I don’t know how we can approve and increasing it

B- $398 not sure what it is

W- Let’s move to expense items

Suz – Line 55 what type of equipment are we renting

B – That’s the machines. Mr. Dennis can you explain

D – Stripping wax machine

B- Explain the rental and why

D- Had to rent machines during the summer and Christmas to strip the floors so we had to use a company

S- so it cost $20,000

D- yes had to use the company to strip entire building. We decided to purchase our own

B – we are now able to utilize our employees

S – not allowed to use capital outlays what was the $431,000 for

B – not sure

S – Mr. Dennis what is that for

D – not sure

S – explained to Ankit before

B- may not have been updated this is the info since, but it is the updated

S – to spend almost half a million not sure why and it needs to be fixed and computer repairs $14,000 was something submitted to the board? It wasn’t budgeted and don’t recall this coming to the board and if submitted the action form needs to be updated

B- wonder if that’s an accumulation

D- that’s an accumulation

S – if it’s not budgeted then should it be with computers. It appears it wasn’t budgeted. Need to go under equipment repairs. Contracted services for teachers it was over $100,000 is this the same and if not then why not placed with the contracted teachers


S – way over budget if we budgeted for $35,000 and it’s over then it’s

B- it did come to the board and approved

S- budget must have to be amended we can’t spend out of allocation line and if someone saw this they would be appalled we need to do better with managing finances

W- what did you say the line

B- professional services probably PD we have grants that we have budgeted for teachers

W – can you find out please if its true then we need to move it where it belongs. We have already spent $100,000. Line 63 we have spent too much and line 79 budget $1000 but spent $103,000

B- comes from expendable computers come from grant budget

W- should we table this for now to get clarification there’s almost $400,000 in revenue we don’t know about need clear explanation before we vote

S- Line 79 there is a question add 300 chrome books was this recent

B- this is recent

S- Confused because board approve $30,000 for computers

B- $30,000 was in Title 1 budget didn’t come ER call meeting where we ordered 120 coming from ESSER and previously budget and included the grant into budget it was already approved from last year. Last year presented and approve for ESSER 3 it’s already outline for what it is supposed to spent on

S- When you say recent was it this fiscal year

B- This fiscal year but from budget from last year and outline for how it is supposed to be spent

S- $300,000 for the chrome books was it done in this fiscal year

B – no

S- if not then why is it in this budget fiscal year

W- Last time we saw this it was the actual vs propose where is that sheet

B- not sure where that is but this is the most recent

W- this will help answer the questions because it was showing all the monthly expenses and changes. Asked Ankit why it came up and he couldn’t explain.

B- Do remember but not the specifics

W- Seeing that will help answer the questions that Suzette is asking


B – we haven’t purchased 300 chrome books it was on the wish list teachers are using their personal computers and we haven’t purchased 50 teacher laptops

S- Do you have an amendment that reflects what we need

B- this was done before Title 1 and ER board meeting

S- Candy doesn’t have an updated amendment. We can’t use for an amendment we can’t go to a hearing. This isn’t the budget we should be using to determine where we are

B- this is what I asked for to present before we did the amendment

S- so these numbers will change

B- correct if we approve the budget as is therefore, we will not need to purchase 300 computers need additional but not the 300. We will need teacher computers once we do final count then we will know. May not need all money allocated on these line items

S – confused we may have to move things around to see where we are numbers need to be more accurate not sure to keep asking and wait

W – think we should table because we saw information before so we can make a decision don’t need to go forward

S- say two things there was cost I saw for food we didn’t have food budgeted and we spent $50,000. If we spent this amount on food we need documentation. Can’t use federal dollars budgeted for field trips and over budget. Conversation needs to be had

W- When yall are approving expenses who is looking at the line budget

B – I am final approver. Working with Mrs. Quillian to create a process to eliminate this. Parent pays for field trip and what is being done is not reflected. Process being amended

S- not just for field trips but all line items

B – has one grant and building out for grants and general funding as well. Creating a tracking system

W – there is a guide which is the budget that was approved however the expenses was approved by the board before going over submit an amendment request. If CFO set up expenses to track against approve budget and that will tell you what you need to know

S – Liability insurance amount and the tech services need to be placed under equipment. We should be spending based on how the board budget. Categories doesn’t look right and money isn’t placed in the right places so Avolon needs to categories accurately. The food category is a concern.

B- Ankit has another spreadsheet to answer questions regarding the spreadsheet

S- Urgently requesting that we hire someone that is experienced to fix this. Concerning and ready to term Avolon

B- not disagree with the next step what do we do in the meantime if we move forward with term

S- if Janelle agrees we can dismiss the staff

W- we haven’t discussed the budget so we need to move on to the budget before dismissing

B – retrieved budget for discussion. There are several drafts within the budget. Different budgets proposed within the salary ranges

W- start with revenue what is the projected

B – Showed budget based on different amount of students enrolled.

W- reviewed the budget where are the budgets from last year. There is a format we use that we use to seeing. The summarize version we use a more arrogated format used for approval

B- asked that the information be formatted and used that was used last year. Avolon stated this was the document that was used last year

W- will look for file that was used last year asked Suzette if she had any questions

S – didn’t have questions because she is not familiar with what she is looking at

W – showed format that shows the different scenarios side by side and provided details the board needs to see grand totals and will approve the grand totals. Need to utilize the board format.

Review Financial Statements

Review Finance Reports.

Other Business

There is no other business


The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 am

Motion to adjourn

By: Dr. Lenise Bostic Seconded by: Mr. Wayne Dennis

There was no notable discussion on the motion.