DeKalb Preparatory Academy

DPA Development Committee

Regular Meeting - Thursday August 8th, 2024 @10:00 AM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold not present member
Mrs. Wanda McKay not present member
Dr. Lenise Bostic present member On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Evelyn Guyton present member On Time At Adjournment
Ms. KathyAnn Young present chair On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Brian Merritt present member On Time At Adjournment
Mr. Michael Newell not present member
Mr. Malcom Brown present member On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Angela Rodgers present member On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by the Kathy Ann Young, committee chair at 10:00 AM

Approve the agenda as submitted

By: Dr. Lenise Bostic Seconded by: Dr. Brian Merritt

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Development Action Items

Set strategic goals for the current and upcoming school year. 2024-2025

  • Discussion regarding setting the financial goal for the 2024-25 school term. Recommendation was made to set the financial goal for the Development Committee at $60,000.


  • Robust discussion regarding Fundraising activities. Fundraisers that were discussed include Fall Festival (tentatively scheduled for October 5), golf fundraiser (October/November), First Friday Bake Sale, Double Good Popcorn Sale, Parents Night Out (December) Santa’s Workshop with a gift wrapping station (December), Gala with a silent auction (Spring), Sip and Paint with scholars (Spring). Dr. Merritt will follow-up with Panola Park and Cottonfields Golf Clubs, Dr. Bostic will follow-up with a contact that she has that is a member of East Lake Golf Course, Mr. Brown will follow-up with the Southland Golf Club.

Extra-Curricular activities

  • Additional discussion items included the development of a Toastmaster’s Gavel Club. Ms. Rodgers will reach out to Ms. Sally Taylor Terry at Peace Baptist Church to discuss a partnership.


  • Partnership with Peace Baptist Church to assist with snacks for sporting events. Ms. Rodgers will follow-up with the Feed the Need Program through the Church Administrator, Tabitha Barnette.


  • Ms. Young will provide First Friday Bake Sale and 4-H informational flyers to Ms. Rodgers to be posted on DOJO and social media platforms.

Gym Renovation

  • Brief discussion regarding the need for gym renovations and funds. Discussion ensued regarding the potential for the Governing Board to provide $50,000 for gym renovations if the Development Committee were able to raise $50,000. Ms. Young indicated that she would discuss this option with the Governing Board.


  • Ms. Young gave a brief overview of 4-H activities and will provide a flyer to be posted on DOJO.

MICO Partnership

  • Dr. Bostic stated that the Academic Committee and Development Committee need to work together on this initiative and possibly designate a sub-committee.

Fall Festival

  • Robust discussion regarding ideas and activities for Fall Festival. Some of the ideas included Homecoming King and Queen, Trunk or Treat, Scary House, Baked Goods Sale, food trucks and vendor sales tables. The tentative date for this activity is October 5 since there is a flag football buy week and the football players and cheerleaders would be available to attend.

Motion to set the financial goal for the 2024-25 school term at $60k.

By: Dr. Brian Merritt Seconded by: Dr. Lenise Bostic

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to have the First Friday Bake Sale beginning September 6, 2024.

By: Dr. Lenise Bostic Seconded by: Dr. Brian Merritt

There was no notable discussion on the motion.


Adjourn Monthly Development Committee Meeting

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:58 a.m.

By: Dr. Lenise Bostic Seconded by: Dr. Brian Merritt

There was no notable discussion on the motion.