Meeting Summary
The Development met on Wednesday August 21st, 2019 @11:00 AM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 0 minutes long meeting. Present: Harry Stern, Tanya Watkins Not Present: none
The members considered the following items:
- The Meeting was Adjourned
The committee considered 1 motions, of which 1 passed, and 0 failed:
Motion to adjourn (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM
I) Development Office Updates
The August Development Committee Meeting focused on establishing Development Offices fundraising priorities for 2019-2020. The following priorities were identified: • Student Life – Supports Student Life Program activities such as College and Career Counseling, clubs, major trips, etc. • Technology – New hardware, software, ongoing upgrades and AV Learning • Fine Arts – Details TBA • Capital Campaign Planning – Facilities repair, remodel/buildout
II) Fundraising Policies - Centralized Fundraising System for DPA
DPA’s draft Development & Fundraising Campaign Policies have been reviewed and approved for submission by the Head of Schools and Board Development Committee. Final approval of the new policy is being requested by the Board of Directors. A copy of the policy is attached.
The revenue generated from the implementation of plans shaped by these policies, will enable DPA to maintain as well as improve, the operations and educational programs of the school. These policies also highlight the opportunities for DPA to connect with the larger community through online, direct mail pieces and other updates that communicate the school’s mission and accomplishments.
III) Fundraising Plan 2019-2021
On August 7th DPA senior staff met to share ideas and establish funding needs for DPA. This information was considered when establishing the development priorities for this year and are currently being incorporated into DPA’s fundraising plans, grants calendar and Fall “Friends of DPA” campaign solicitation. Other important topics discussed include the need for a funding vision/theme for the year and our capacity to accept donations online via website.
Current Development Projects: • STRIPE: Bloomerang online giving (credit card) merchant servicer set-up; • ANNUAL CAMPAIGN: Blended Measures Meeting - • FOUNDATION GRANTS: Captain America FDN for Project Learning Garden Grant $5K and the Robert & Polly Dunn Foundation for Student Life Program Support (Elementary & Secondary) $5K o Proposal Attachments: Program Budgets & BOD Roster are being developed/revised this week • GOVERNMENT GRANTS: GOSA D3 – Making Math Matter Implementation • MARKETING QUOTES: Kirbo + Ansley (Lillian Ansley), The Bee Colony (Julie Salisbury) and Flylight Creative (Ariana Thomas)
DPA’s new Fundraising Plan outlines financial goals, campaign strategies and when applicable, resources available to meet those goals. Revisions to the plan are underway, so that it reflects the approved funding goal and the new priority areas identified above. The focus of the plan is still foundation and corporate support as well as relationship building with individuals.
Building the foundations of the fundraising program and seeking funding from diverse sources remains the highest priority. This is achievable through the implementation of campaign strategies which contribute to the fiscal viability of the organization and take deliberate action to raise revenue. Specific strategies include, ensuring a full board of directors giving program, creating an annual fund, identifying and submitting grant proposals and marketing the school in ways that will attract new supporters.
Cantu Beauty has partnered with DPA to help enhance our student’s education and exposure through field trips (AV and College Readiness) and other opportunities such as the CANTU panel discussion to be held during our Partner School Visit on October 4th at DeKalb Prep Academy. Board members are formally invited to attend the event to show your support of DPA and its’ first corporate partner. The panel discussion topics will include proper hair care and grooming in support of students learning college and career readiness techniques.
V) Board Campaign Purpose and Campaign Goal Update:
The Development Committee also discussed the purpose of DPA’s initial board campaign. We have agreed to propose to the full board that the campaign is to support DPA’s first scholarship fund (currently unnamed) in support of all students that wish to participate in DPA Student Life Program activities. (i.e. clubs, large field trips, etc.) The fund is still being established and a full description, scholarship eligibility guidelines and a process for selecting students to participate are still in the works. Please let me know by this Friday if you would like for your gift to support a different purpose or where it is needed most. If you do not contact me or Harry, we will assume that you are ok with where your gift will be allocated.
Although we’re closer to our goal, DPA is still working to achieve 100% Board participation in our new Board Campaign. I would like to urge you to make a pledge today using the DPA pledge commitment form, which is payable by December 31, 2019. We can provide an electronic copy of the pledge form to anyone that needs it. Thank you to all who have already made your pledge.
Respectfully Submitted
Tanya Watkins, CFRE Director of Development