Meeting Summary
The Governing Board met on Tuesday September 24th, 2019 @6:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 49 minutes long meeting. Present: Janelle Wilhite, Harry Stern, Chris Estes, Roberta Walker, Suzette Arnold Not Present: Wanda McKay, Matthew Goodison-Orr, Karen Shabazz
The members considered the following items:
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Meeting Protocol Announcemnt
- Approval of Agenda
- Report from Governing Board
- Head of School Report
- Report from Academic Committee
- Report from Development
- Report from Finance Committee
- Election of Officers
- Public Comment
- Adjournment
The committee considered 17 motions, of which 17 passed, and 0 failed:
- Approve as outlined (passed)
- Approve the minutes of the last meeting. (passed)
- Accept report as presented by HOS (passed)
- Accept report as presented (passed)
- Approve puchase of IReady from Curriculum Associates for the amount of $6,536.00 (passed)
- Approve the purchase of USA Test Prep in the amount of 8,211.00 (passed)
- Purchase license for NWEA Map Assessment for the amount of $10,497.50 (passed)
- Approve the purchase of My Own Reading for the amount of $6,050.00 (passed)
- Approve hiring Deidra Burson as a Reading Interventionist part time for $24,000.00 (passed)
- Accept the report as presented (passed)
- Accept report as presented (passed)
- Approve the Ciridia invoice for the month of September in the amount of 6,565.00. (passed)
- Approve the hiring of a cafeteria monitor in amount of $4,410.00 (passed)
- Call a special meeting for the election of officers. The meeting will be held before our next monthly meeting. (passed)
- Adjourn to executive session. (passed)
- Accept the resignation of Harry Stern as Board member. He will continue to serve as ex officio member of the development committee. (passed)
Approve Marcus Vassell as member of the DeKalb Prep governing board (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 9:32 PM