Meeting Summary
The Governing Board met on Tuesday August 27th, 2019 @6:30 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 9 minutes long meeting. Present: Janelle Wilhite, Harry Stern, Chris Estes, Wanda McKay, Roberta Walker, Suzette Arnold, Karen Shabazz Not Present: Matthew Goodison-Orr
The members considered the following items:
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the Minutes
- Election of Officers
- Meeting Protocal
- Head of School Report
- Report from Governance Committee
- Report from Academic Committee
- Report from Development
- Report from Finance Committee
- Any Other Business
- Public Comment
- Adjournment
The committee considered 16 motions, of which 16 passed, and 0 failed:
- Approve the agenda as submitted with changes (passed)
- Approve the minutes as submitted (passed)
- The board will create an annual innovation award for instruction. (passed)
- Accept the report as presented (passed)
- Approve the contract for the KMG Teacher Development with the corections noted. The amount not to exceed $13,100.00 (passed)
- Approve the purchase of interactive flat panel boards in the amount of $56,215.00. The school must first present the board a complete inventory report of all items that are in the school. Evidence must be provided and sample review completed by the board. (passed)
- Approve the hire 3 teachers: technology, and reading interventionist not to exceed $115,000.00 (passed)
- Approve the Ciridia invoice for the month of August in the amount of $6,020.00. (passed)
- Approve the rental agreement for office space at 4139 Covington Highway North Park Office Center for offsite offices for 5 staff members with the following adjustment: 1 year contract with option to renew for 2 years. Contract must include an exit clause. (passed)
- Approve the repair cost for the ADA ramp to the play field at the back of the school for the amount of $8,688.35. (passed)
- Approve the contract with Painters Delight to paint and installations of partitions in restrooms in the amount of $5,060.00. (passed)
- Approve the purchase of 3 HVAC units from Johnson Controls for the amount of $20,249.00. (passed)
- Approve the increase of administrators' salaries by 3%. The increase is retroactive to July 1, 2019. (passed)
- Approve the increase of academic coaches salaries to include 10 additional days. (passed)
- Increase salary of assistant principal to $72,000.00 to make it more equitable. (passed)
Motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel issues. (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.