DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Special Meeting - Thursday August 2nd, 2018 @6:30 AM

Meeting Summary of Actions

Meeting Summary

The Governing Board met on Thursday August 2nd, 2018 @6:30 AM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 24 minutes long meeting. Present: Janelle Wilhite, Brian Woods, Chris Estes, Wanda McKay, Roberta Walker, Suzette Arnold Not Present: Harry Stern, Matthew Goodison-Orr

The members considered the following items:

  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Meeting Protocol Announcement
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Items Needing Attention and Board Approval
  5. Other Business
  6. Adjounment

The committee considered 8 motions, of which 8 passed, and 0 failed:

  1. motion to approve the agenda with the following addition: ascertain a quorum (passed)
  2. Motion to accept the Charter Petition document that will be submitted for application for Charter Renewal for the next 5 year term beginning in July 1, 2019. (passed)
  3. Motion to accept the policy changes presented regarding the Drug Free Workplace. (passed)
  4. Motion to accept the policy changes presented for the Employee PTO (passed)
  5. Motion to approve the Student Handbook for 2018-2019 school year (passed)
  6. Motion to approve the Employee Handbook for the 2018-2019 school year with the amendments adjustments for Drug Free Workplace and Employee PTO policies (passed)
  7. Motion to accept the Google Calendar with future by each committee chair (passed)
  8. Motion to accept the Resolution (passed)

    The meeting adjourned at 8:58PM