DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Special Called Meeting - Friday January 31st, 2025 @5:00 PM

Meeting Summary of Actions

Meeting Summary

The Governing Board met on Friday January 31st, 2025 @5:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 28 minutes long meeting. Present: Ms. KathyAnn Young, Ms. Suzette Arnold, Ms. Bridget Robinson, Mrs. Wanda McKay, Dr. Lenise Bostic Not Present: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite, Mrs. Roberta Walker

The members considered the following items:

  1. Welcome Call To Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Executive Session
  4. Head of School Report
  5. Finance Committee Report
  6. Development Committee Report - KathyAnn Robinson
  7. Governance Committee Report - Bridget Robinson
  8. Executive Session
  9. Governance Committee Report (continued after Executive Session)
  10. Public Comment

The committee considered 10 motions, of which 10 passed, and 0 failed:

  1. Motion to approve the agenda with the removal of the Academic Committee report since the committee chair is not present. (passed)
  2. Motion to go into Executive Session (passed)
  3. Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 5:50 p.m. (passed)
  4. Motion to return from Executive Session and resume the regular meeting. (passed)
  5. Motion to approve the New Hire and Employee Retention Policy (passed)
  6. Motion to hire Lionel Manomano as a Special Education Teacher for a total cost of $70,015.06. (passed)
  7. Motion to hire Kristen Page Paschal as a Special Education Teacher for a total cost of $76,349.34 (passed)
  8. Motion to hire Morgan Collier as an Elementary School Teacher for a total cost of $77,495.57 (passed)
  9. Motion to hire Charnier Nichols as the School Office Manager for a total cost of $59,787.42 (passed)
  10. Motion to hire Traquita Lee as the Chief Financial Officer for a total cost $139,128.36 (passed)

    The meeting adjourned at 7:51 PM