Motion to amend the agenda to move the finance report to the beginning of the agenda.
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
Unanimous Vote
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Ms. Suzette Arnold | present vice-chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Roberta Walker | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite | present Treasurer | On Time | At Adjournment |
Ms. Bridget Robinson | present secretary | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Wanda McKay | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Ms. KathyAnn Young | present chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Dr. Lenise Bostic | present ex-officio | On Time | At Adjournment |
Welcome and Call to Order @ 6:37pm.
Motion to amend the agenda to move the finance report to the beginning of the agenda.
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
Unanimous Vote
The committee approves the agenda items.
Approve the minutes as submitted
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Approval of Minutes from July 31, 2024.
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold
Unanimous Vote
Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 9:34
Motion to adjourn the meeting @ 9:34
By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
Unanimous Vote
Personnel Matters
Motion to resume the regular meeting @ 9:32 pm.
By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young
Unanimous Vote
Motion to approve the retention and new hire bonus in the amount $349,887.50.
By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson
Unanimous Vote
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:34 pm
Motion to adjourn
By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Ms. Arnold, Ms. Walker, Ms. Wilhite, Ms. Young, Ms. Robinson, Ms. McKay, and Dr. Bostic were all present at the meeting. The roles during the meeting were:
This information was not reflected in the meeting's summary report, as the minutes were submitted after the board roles had been updated in Charter Boards.
All board members cast their votes to determine which member would assume each position. Before the voting took place, Ms. Walker provided a detailed explanation of the responsibilities for each role. The selections are listed below.
Board Chair- Ms. Young
Vice Chair- Ms. Arnold
Second in Command- Ms. Walker
Treasure- Ms. Wilhite
Secretary of Board- an unannounced DPA employee.
Secretary Representative- Ms. Robinson
Ms. Arnold congratulated all members and asked that Ms. Walker be named second in command in which there was a unanimous agreement amongst the board members.
Dr. Bostic explained the status of the audit. Dr. Bostic stated that the auditor is in the next phase which is writing the report. The auditor is waiting for the FY24 closeout. We are on track with the audit. They have everything but the FY24 closeout. The appraiser has completed their 2 day they are in the writing phase. We have an audit update for our next finance committee meeting.
(ESSR)Ms. Lee said that all the ESSR reimbursements have been submitted. They are in the process of being reviewed. Ms. Lee has submitted reimbursements totaling 1.5 million.
Janelle Wilhite asked if Dekalb County indicated how long it will take to notify DPA? Ms. Lee explained that DeKalb County did not indicate how long it will take to notify DPA.
July Financials
Ms. Lee gave an in-depth overview of the July financials.
Ms. Arnold asked for all surplus to be green on the financial spread sheet and all deficits be red. Ms. Arnold stated that we have spent 7% of our annual budget. Ms. Arnold stated that she would like to see a budget amendment once all the federal grants are in.
Ms. Arnold questioned the amount of money spent in the first month of the school year in which Ms. Lee confirmed it was an error that she will correct.
Mr. Dennis presented the company that he has selected to fix the broken water tower. Mr. Dennis stated that if approved the company can begin tomorrow with an approximate labor time of 2 to 3 weeks. Currently DPA only have one pump working which is affecting the flow of water in the school.
Motion to approve HVH Mechanical Partners in the amount of $97, 400 to replace the condenser water pump.
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold
Unanimous Vote
Move to approve the repair for the air conditioner in the amount of 13,879.50 with R PRO Remodeling.
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson
Unanimous Vote
Roberta Walker reported that the academic committee met on August 14, 2024. During the meeting, they discussed student enrollment, the hiring of a middle school teacher, and the need for potential tutors.
Dr. Bostic provided an overview of the MAP assessment and explained that both teachers and principals have been trained on how to interpret the MAP data. Dr. Bostic also mentioned that there will be a MAP training session during curriculum night to help parents understand their children’s scores.
Ms. Arnold inquired about strategies to ensure parents attend curriculum night. Dr. Bostic responded by sharing that Ms. Baker is organizing more activities to encourage greater parent participation.
Ms. Arnold also expressed interest in knowing the ratio of new teachers to experienced ones and how this correlates with MAP scores, as well as identifying returning students and their MAP score connections. Dr. Bostic said she would gather this information and include it in the board report.
Additionally, Dr. Bostic discussed the PEC (special education) department, confirming that all annual IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) are up to date. Ms. Robinson asked about the number of PEC students in co-taught vs. pull-out settings and whether the progress or regression of students in the Tier process is being tracked. Dr. Bostic explained that Mrs. West has this data, which will also be included in the report.
Dr. Bostic reviewed DPA’S progress in the corrective action plan.
Move to hire Dajah Burkett as a middle school teacher salaries and benefits totaling 64,210.65.
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson
Unanimous Vote
Ms. Young reported that Development Committee met in August and discussed the Fall festival. The proceeds will go to the possible renovations of the gym. Ms. Young mentioned that fundraisers are on hold until further notice until the payment system is finalized. The committee is still working on partnerships.
Ms. Robinson reported that the governance committee met on August 21, 2024, discussed the current board calendar. Discussed the board retreat. They also looked into board training.
Ms. Robinson expressed that the organizational structure and staff contracts should be discussed in the executive session.
Ms. Dent asked if it is possible for the board members to have name tags to identify the board members.
Motion to move to executive session to discuss personnel matters.
By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
Unanimous Vote