DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Special Called Meeting - Wednesday July 17th, 2024 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold not present chair
Mrs. Roberta Walker present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Bridget Robinson present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Tamara Cooper not present viewer
Dr. Lenise Bostic present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Ms. KathyAnn Young present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Jatoyia Franklin not present Non-voting Administration

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order.

Roll Call for Quorum of the Board

Bridget Robinson

Dr. Lenise Bostic

Kathy Ann Young

Roberta Walker

Janelle Wilhite

Wanda McKay

Approval of Agenda

Approve the agenda as submitted

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Agenda

By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Committee Reports

Academic Committee

Ms. Walker explained that we are looking to approve hires for the new school year. The academic committee met Monday, July 15, 2024. 

Finance Committee

Janelle Wilhite expressed that the finance committee did not meet. 

Move that we approve the hire of Jade Edwards as an Elementary School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $80,703.57.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Amber Scott as an Elementary School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $77,996.46.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Victoria Peart-Murray as an Elementary School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $77,495.57.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Larry Lee Key as an Elementary School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $90,558.82.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote 

Move that we approve the hire of Christina Carpenter as a Middle School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $86,711.70.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Chenessa Colson- Revere as a paraprofessional for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $51,311.99.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Kimic Clay as an Elementary School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $78,264.26.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of LaShondra White as an Elementary School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $76,349.34.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Attania Jean-Funny as a Middle School teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $90,558.82.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Cicely Jones as a Gifted Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $90,486.93.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Kamora Payne as the STEM Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $84,827.58.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Alexis Squires as a Special Education Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $84,827.58.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Aundell Williams as a Special Education Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $84,715.34.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move that we approve the hire of Blair Williams as an Art Teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $84,827.58.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Executive Session

Executive Session @6:54 pm

Motion to enter the executive session.

By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

Kathy Ann Young asked that Dr. Merritt is added to the executive session.

Motion to resume our special called board meeting. @7:25pm

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Unanimous Vote

Move to approve the rehire of Mr. Mims as a middle school teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at a total salary of $79,722.91.

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson

Unanimous Vote/ Kathy Ann Young Abstained 

Public Comment

There were no public comments.

Other Business

Other Business -Kathy Ann Young asked if all exit interviews have been received. -Dr. Bostic answered that we are in the process of receiving all of them. -Roberta Walker asked for them to be forwarded once complete. -Suzette Arnold advised that she received a note for resignation that reached out and would like to meet with the board. She also would like to ensure that the school fulfils the matter that was presented in the last special called meeting. - Roberta Walker stated that we have a scheduled governing board meeting Tuesday, July 23, 2024. - Kathy Ann Young asked if there is an anticipated date for the staff to receive their new contracts with the updated salary. - Dr. Bostic advised that the business manager is out and will return next Monday. So, the new staff should receive their contract during pre-planning. - Janelle Wilhite asked about the financial reports. -Dr. Bostic advised that they have not been sent. She will follow-up with the active CFO to see if she’s ready to present the reports. - Janelle Wilhite questioned if the active CFO is still being paid, to which Dr. Bostic answered yes. - Roberta Walker asked Kathy Ann Young about a meet and greet with the teachers. - Suzette Arnold advised that she cannot make Tuesday.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:33 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.