Meeting Summary
The Governing Board met on Wednesday January 31st, 2024 @9:31 PM for what was scheduled to be a 1 hours and 47 minutes long meeting. Present: Suzette Arnold, Roberta Walker, Janelle Wilhite, Bridget Robinson, Wanda McKay, Dr. Lenise Bostic, Kathy Ann Young Not Present: Tamara Cooper, Jatoyia Franklin
The members considered the following items:
- Head of School Report
- Approval of Agenda
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Committee Reports
- Public Comment
- Other Business
- Executive Session
The committee considered 14 motions, of which 13 passed, and 0 failed:
- Motion to approve the Head of Schools Report as presented. (passed)
- Approve the agenda as submitted (proposed)
- Approval of Agenda (passed)
- (Academic) Motion to amend the agenda to add an Executive Session to review personnel items at the end of the meeting. (passed)
- (Academic) Motion to approve the Academic Committee report as presented. (passed)
- (Finance) 30-1-31-2024 – Purchase of 63 Chromebooks with extended warranty and 2 Joey carts for $29,990.35 with the understanding that the board will receive procedures vetted through the Finance committee. (passed)
- (Finance) Motion to approve the Finance Committee Report and accept unaudited financial as presented. (passed)
- (Development) This is a partnership for free broadband services and devices for qualified households. There is a time constraint. Dr. Bostic just found out about the opportunity a few days ago. Ms. Young stated that a vote can take place, although the item did not go to committee, since it will directly benefit the students and parents. However, in the future, all items to be discussed in the board meeting is to be vetted by the Development Committee. (passed)
- Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and real estate matters at 8:54 p.m. (passed)
- Motion to return from Executive Session and resume regular meeting at 9:23 p.m. (passed)
- (Academic) 1-1-23-2024 Motion to approve the hire of Makia McFarland, Third Grade Teacher - $72,720.43 ($54,004.34 salary + $18,716.09 benefits). (passed)
- (Academic) 2-1-23-2024 Motion to approve the hire of Zalia Saulter, Paraprofessional - $49,929.52 ($32,400.00 salary + $17,529.52 benefits). (passed)
- 3-1-23-2024 Motion to approve the hire of Zina Saulter, 6th Grade Teacher - $59,660.95 ($43,249.60 + $16,411.35 benefits) (passed)
(Governance) 51-1-23-2024 – Motion to approve the move and yearly DPA Central Office space lease - $38,934.00 Discussion regarding the need for additional office space. The office space currently occupied by Central Office staff has 4 offices. There is a space available with 6 offices and one large meeting space. (passed)
The meeting adjourned at 9:31PM