DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Special Called Meeting - Wednesday January 31st, 2024 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold present chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Bridget Robinson present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Tamara Cooper not present viewer
Dr. Lenise Bostic present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Ms. KathyAnn Young present member On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Jatoyia Franklin not present Non-voting Administration

Welcome and Call to Order

Welcome and Call to Order – Roberta Walker at 6:36 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.

Approve the agenda as submitted

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of Agenda

By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Head of School Report

Dr. Bostic gave an overview and shared the video that was presented at the DeKalb County School District Board of Education meeting as part of the reauthorization process. The DCSD school board approved the renewal application for three years with one year of probation. The next steps are for the state to approve the charter in March.


Instructional Updates - Upgrades have taken place and are currently being utilized or implemented in the classrooms include CANVAS, Write Score, School Messenger, Easy CBM, Lennections, Map, Six Systems PD, and Bulldog Learning Lounge.


Instructional Challenges that are being addressed on an on-going basis are: Special Education, MTSS, Progress Monitoring, and Professional Development.



MAP Data Update-Dr. Bostic reviewed the MAP Growth and Achievement data from Fall and Winter MAP testing. Overall, there is a decline in scores. The data is utilized to identify students and develop individualized instructional plans to aid in student growth and achievement.

Middle School PSAT- 8th graders took the PSAT to forecast their performance on the SAT. DPA scored higher than the district in some areas but not the state. The goal is to always beat the district and the state.



As of November 27, 2023, enrollment was at 539.


Facilities Upgrades include HVAC Repairs, Water Tower Replacement, Security Enhancements, Educational Equipment, Environmental, Technology Advancements, and Infrastructure Upgrades.


Partnerships -New partnership recommendations will be presented later in the meeting.


Student Recruitment – DPA participated in the School Choice Fair on Saturday, January 20, 2024.


Teacher Recruitment – DPA will participate in the Georgia Charter School Association job fair on Saturday, February 3, 2024.

Motion to approve the Head of Schools Report as presented.

By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Committee Reports

Academic Committee – Roberta Walker

Dr. Bostic stated that the focus of the January Academic Committee focused on MTSS, Special Education and Progress Monitoring. The team discussed the deliverables to the Authorizer required moving forward. Infinite Campus will be utilized to ensure timely and accurate progress monitoring and to schedule IEP meetings in a timely manner. An article from AJC regarding the status of DeKalb Preparatory Academy’s renewal status was shared with the committee. Discussion regarding Title I am funding and allocations for this year and changes that would be made to the plan for next year. Discussion of the purchase and use of additional computers that are being forwarded to the board for consideration and board approval. Discussion regarding Georgia Milestones testing and the Title I computer designation plan. Academic Calendars were presented to the committee and a recommendation will be forwarded to the board for consideration and approval.


Ms. Young asked if the plan of correction should be discussed during Executive Session. Ms. Walker clarified that the plan of correction could be discussed during the open session.

Finance Committee- Janelle Wilhite

Ms. Wilhite stated that the Finance Committee did not meet due to scheduling conflicts. However, Dr. Bostic was permitted to give an overview of the financials. Dr. Bostic reviewed the financial snapshot for December. Changes previously recommended by the board that are now on the report (month to month accrual based off of the existing budget). This will be posted on the school website. Profit and loss budget vs actual and vendor payments to date were presented. DPA has begun requesting reimbursements from the Authorizer for the grants (Title I, ESSER, and ESSER III). Therefore, we should see some reimbursements in the financials by March. Ms. Wilhite requested that the projections be added to the snapshot. Ms. Arnold requested vendor payments over $5,000. Ms. Wilhite reminded the board that it is budget season again and requested that the finance team provide the initial enrollment and revenue projections at the next finance meeting. This information is required to initiate budget discussions. She would like to discuss the budget process and next steps offline.


Discussion regarding the purchase of 63 Chrome books for $30,000.00 that was budgeted as a Title I purchase. The remaining $10 will be reallocated to the Title I budget to a different line item. Ms. Young asked if the computers are for a specific purpose (testing, AVC, etc.). Dr. Bostic stated that since the computers are to be purchased from Title I funds, we are limited to using them in the general classroom setting for literacy, mathematics and science including testing. Ms. Wilhite asked if other quotes were acquired. Dr. Bostic explained that three (3) quotes were submitted to DCSD, but this was the only vendor’s quote that was accepted by Title I. The other vendors would have had to have become preferred vendors, and they were unable to become preferred vendors. Ms. Arnold asked if a preferred vendors list was requested from DCSD. Dr. Bostic stated that DCSD did not have a preferred vendor list to provide and explained their process for getting vendors approved. Many vendors are not willing to go through that process. DCSD has a database but does not share it with the regular schools or charter schools. Ms. Arnold stated that she previously requested a report from the school regarding how many computers there are at DPA and still wants the information provided to the board. She would like to know what the inventory looks like prior to purchasing other computers. Dr. Bostic shared the inventory with the board and explained that the funds for this purchase would come from Title I funds. Per Ms. Arnold, there used to be a computer for each student and all staff members. Based on the report from Dr. Bostic, there are approximately 259 computers currently in the building for use by students and staff. Ms. Young asked if there was any historical documentation that is currently available from when there 1:1 computer for students during virtual learning. Dr. Bostic does not have the information to reconcile computer assignments from the past vs what we currently have on hand. Dr. Bostic explained that moving forward there will be a bar code inventory control system utilized. Ms. Arnold stated that when the students were assigned computers in the past, all parents signed computer distribution forms. She stated that those forms should be available someplace. If computers were placed on a surplus list, there should be a list of those items and where they are housed. Ms. Walker added that after the return from virtual learning (due to COVID), many computers were broken and that computers were purchased again to ensure there were enough devices for Georgia Milestones testing. Dr. Bostic stated that she has done an exhaustive search for documentation and devices and the information being requested is just not available. Dr. Bostic explained that DCSD conducts Title I inventory audits and we are compliant with DCSD. While we continue to look for information regarding the previous computer purchases, Dr. Bostic requests that DPA is able to utilize the monies allocated through Title I to initiate the purchase of 63 chrome books. Ms. Arnold stated the Title I plan was submitted to DCSD without the board’s review. In the future, the board needs to approve any plans, etc. that go to the Authorizer. Ms. Young asked if there are enough computers for Georgia Milestones testing. While there are enough devices, there are not enough devices to ensure that the students can utilize the same computer each day. This inconsistency could cause user issues during testing, which could result in lower test scores. Ms. Wilhite asked for a more detailed drill down on the information Dr. Bostic provided to the board from Asset Services, particularly the location of the devices. Dr. Bostic shared the detailed information. Ms. Young requests that the board be informed how many student vs teacher computers have been distributed. There are 188 computers assigned to students and 71 assigned to staff. Ms. Wilhite asked for the status of the development of procedures to ensure that the computer inventory is properly tracked. Mr. Dennis and Mr. Thomas have begun to barcode and track all new devices. This inventory is kept on the cloud.  Ms. Wilhite asked that the board be provided with the policy and procedure once finalized. Dr. Bostic will provide the policy and procedure at the next committee meeting. Ms. Arnold asked that the Macbooks be included on the list from Asset Services. The detailed inventory from Asset Services will be shared with the board at the next committee meeting. Ms. Young asked that the plan include verbiage regarding parent responsibility when laptops are taken out of the building. Ms. Wilhite asked if there is a deadline from Title I to purchase the computers. Dr. Bostic explained that the urgency to purchase is due to the impending testing and the lengthy process for purchasing, inventory and preparing computers for use by testing. Ms. Wilhite stated that when monies are to be spent for grant purchases, the board must review and approve the purchase to ensure that the purchase meets the budget.

 31-1-31-2024 – Governor’s Retention Bonus - $67,500.00 - Deferred     

Discussion regarding whether all employees will receive the stipend or just those employees that will be reimbursed by the governor’s office. Robust discussion regarding the reimbursement of funds to those that qualified. Ms. Young asked if the funds had already been distributed. Dr. Bostic stated that the funds were distributed along with the last regular payroll. Ms. Wilhite cautioned the school to get approval from the board to expend funds for salary adjustments prior to distribution. Ms. Wilhite stated that, for consistency, only DPA full and part-time staff should receive the stipend. Ms. Walker and Ms. McKay agreed. Ms. Walker asked for clarification on the board action form. Ms. Young asked which positions were not eligible to receive the stipend. Dr. Bostic reviewed the list with the board. DPA employees that qualify only - $67,500. Ms. Young expressed her desire to add the additional staff. Ms. Wilhite stated that the board action form should needs to be reflective of the request-staff vs contractors. Ms. Walker stated that there should be two board action forms; one board action form for the monies already distributed and the second should be for everyone not included in the bonus.


32-1-31-2024 – Dekalb Preparatory Academy Retention Bonus - $70,550.00 – Information only

This is the second half of the retention bonus that was previously approved by the board paid for by ESSER. The first half was paid at the beginning of the first semester. This is the balance that was scheduled to be paid at the beginning of second semester.


33-1-31-2024 – DeKalb Preparatory Academy Salary Scale – Variable - Deferred

Discussion regarding the current DPA salary scale compared to DCSD salary scale. Recommendation is to increase the certified teacher salary scale to match DeKalb plus one step above. Dr. Bostic showed the DeKalb, Henry and Fulton County salary scales for comparison. Ms. Young asked if all teachers have a bachelor’s degree. Dr. Bostic stated that there is one teacher that was assigned a co-teacher because they do not have a bachelor’s degree. Ms. Wilhite stated that since there has not been a Finance Committee meeting, this information has not been vetted. However, during discussion, she requested data regarding sustainability. This salary scale only includes certified teachers. Ms. Wilhite stated that the board action form needs to indicate the projected cost, not ‘variable’. Dr. Bostic explained that she put variable on the board action form because there are currently only 10 certified teachers although others are in the certification process. Dr. Bostic will create a chart with the number of certified vs non-certified teachers and a projection of what it might look like if the other teachers are certified and provide the chart at the Finance Committee meeting.

 Governance Committee – Dr. Lenise Bostic for Bridget Robinson

The Governance Committee met with Ms. Robinson and Ms. Walker presiding over the meeting. Discussed the 2024-25 Academic Calendar and Central Office lease.


50-1-23-2024 – Recommendation to approve 2024-25 Academic Calendar - Deferred

There were two options presented to the Governance Committee. The option that was recommended to move forward was Option A-190 days. Dr. Bostic reviewed the calendar in detail with the Governing Board. Ms. Wilhite asked if the charter specified 190- or 192-days. Dr. Merritt explained that the precedent has been to schedule 10 more calendar days than DCSD. Ms. Arnold stated that DPA needed to research the number of days required, irrespective of DCSD calendar, as outlined in the charter. Ms. Young asked how many instructional days are on the current calendar. There are 192 instructional days currently. Dr. Bostic will research to determine how many days are required for extended year and report to Governance Committee. Ms. Arnold asked that the school leadership is knowledgeable about the charter.  


Development Committee – Dr. Lenise Bostic for Kathy Young

The Development Committee did not meet. However, Dr. Bostic wanted to discuss a few partnerships.


70-1-31-2024 Partnership with Georgia State University for student field placements. $0 cost. Deferred.

Ms. Young stated that the committee did not meet, and the information was not received by the committee members. She requested that, in the future, correspondences be sent to the committee members prior to the board meeting. This recommendation will go back to the Development Committee prior to full board.


71-1-31-2024 Motion to approve the Partnership with SWA Connect to provide free broadband services and devices to our families that qualify. $0 cost. This is a partnership for free broadband services and devices for qualified households. There is a time constraint. Dr. Bostic just found out about the opportunity a few days ago. Ms. Young stated that a vote can take place, although the item did not go to committee, since it will directly benefit the students and parents. However, in the future, all items to be discussed in the board meeting is to be vetted by the Development Committee. 

72-1-31-2024 Partnership with MICO University Kingston Jamaica, International Partnership $0 cost. Deferred

(Academic) Motion to amend the agenda to add an Executive Session to review personnel items at the end of the meeting.

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

(Academic) Motion to approve the Academic Committee report as presented.

By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

(Finance) 30-1-31-2024 – Purchase of 63 Chromebooks with extended warranty and 2 Joey carts for $29,990.35 with the understanding that the board will receive procedures vetted through the Finance committee.

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Motion Carries:                                   3-yes; 1-abstention (Janelle Wilhite)

(Finance) Motion to approve the Finance Committee Report and accept unaudited financial as presented.

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

(Development) This is a partnership for free broadband services and devices for qualified households. There is a time constraint. Dr. Bostic just found out about the opportunity a few days ago. Ms. Young stated that a vote can take place, although the item did not go to committee, since it will directly benefit the students and parents. However, in the future, all items to be discussed in the board meeting is to be vetted by the Development Committee.

By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public Comment

Mr. Jerahmeel Boveland commented that the majority of the MacBook's are assigned to AVC and that he would ensure that the devices are on the inventory report. 

Other Business

There was no other business presented.

Executive Session

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and real estate matters at 8:54 p.m.

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and real estate matters at 8:54 p.m.

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to return from Executive Session and resume regular meeting at 9:23 p.m.

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

(Academic) 1-1-23-2024 Motion to approve the hire of Makia McFarland, Third Grade Teacher - $72,720.43 ($54,004.34 salary + $18,716.09 benefits).

By: Ms. KathyAnn Young Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

(Academic) 2-1-23-2024 Motion to approve the hire of Zalia Saulter, Paraprofessional - $49,929.52 ($32,400.00 salary + $17,529.52 benefits).

By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

3-1-23-2024 Motion to approve the hire of Zina Saulter, 6th Grade Teacher - $59,660.95 ($43,249.60 + $16,411.35 benefits)

By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

(Governance) 51-1-23-2024 – Motion to approve the move and yearly DPA Central Office space lease - $38,934.00 Discussion regarding the need for additional office space. The office space currently occupied by Central Office staff has 4 offices. There is a space available with 6 offices and one large meeting space.

By: Ms. Bridget Robinson Seconded by: Ms. KathyAnn Young

Comment by Ms. Arnold: any administrative edits or corrections are to be done and forwarded back to the board.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:31 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Bridget Robinson

There was no notable discussion on the motion.