DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Thursday November 30th, 2023 @6:30 PM

Meeting Summary of Actions

Meeting Summary

The Governing Board met on Thursday November 30th, 2023 @8:56 PM for what was scheduled to be a 2 hours and 13 minutes long meeting. Present: Suzette Arnold, Roberta Walker, Janelle Wilhite, Bridget Robinson, Dr. Lenise Bostic, Kathy Ann Young Not Present: Wanda McKay, Tamara Cooper, Jatoyia Franklin

The members considered the following items:

  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Head of School Report- Dr. Lenise Bostic
  4. Report from Academic Committee- Roberta Walker
  5. Finance Committee Report (Finance)
  6. Ascertain a Quorum
  7. Governance Committee Meeting (Bridget Robinson)
  8. Development Committe Meeting (Kathy Young)
  9. Public Comment
  10. Executive Session
  11. Other Business

The committee considered 7 motions, of which 7 passed, and 0 failed:

  1. Motion to approve the Head of Schools Report as presented. (passed)
  2. Motion to accept unaudited financial as presented. (passed)
  3. 34-11-28-2023 Replacing 5 Outdated Smartboards by Nisewonger Audio Visual Center at $17,418.00. Three quotes were obtained and are attached to the board action form. (passed)
  4. 50-11-28-2023 Facilities Grant – Motion to approve $78,718 facilities grant funds to offset the cost of the water tower. (passed)
  5. Motion to amend the agenda to include an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters after Public Comment. (passed)
  6. Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters at 8:03 p.m. (passed)
  7. 3-11-07-2023 – Motion to approve Jasmin Quillian – School Business Administrator – $86,072.46 ($65,000 salary + $21,072.46 benefits) (passed)

    The meeting adjourned at 8:56PM