DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Tuesday July 25th, 2023 @6:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold present chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment
Maxine Williams not present member
Martina Stanley not present member
Felicia Shanklin not present member
Dr. Tamara Cooper present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Ms. Bridget Robinson not present member

Welcome and Call to Order

The meeting will be called to the order.

Ascertain a Quorum

Amendment to the Agenda

Vote and approval of new board member, Bridget Robinson Motion made by: Janelle Wilhite Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Head of School Report

There are several items being presented for immediate consideration. First, a 4-H partnership to provide support for Project Based Learning as well as afterschool support. Next, a proposal to enter into an agreement with Mental Wellness Collective which offers mental health support for students and families in crisis. This group would work in tandem with the school counselor and school psychologist to provide resources to families (i.e. suicide and homelessness). Another proposal being presented for consideration, is a partnership with Dr. Grant and Sharp Sessions for afterschool and virtual tutoring for grades 4-8 in the area of Math. Additionally, a proposal to enter into an agreement with Dr. Dillard to provide professional development for K-8 teachers in the critical testing area of Math. At the next board meeting, there will a proposal to enter into a partnership with a global university for thought partnership for additional support in Special Education and other gaps in critical areas. Mr. Kayemba will present board action forms for stipends and new teachers and employment. During Executive Session, a recommendation will come to the board to discuss a school leadership change due to the resignation of Ms. Melba Smith, Interim Principal. Ms. Cooper thanked Ms. Smith for her work at DPA. Request will be made of the board for an award for her in addition to a service award. The appointment of Dr. Blackshear as the Acting Principal will be presented as an item for discussion during Executive Session. Stipends for some of the great work done around enrollment, the Summer Bridge program, pre-planning presentations done by teachers. The Academic Calendar proposal will be presented with calendars of 4 other schools/school systems for comparison. There is also a request to extend the services of Ms. Falco to November 30 due to the date changes instituted by DCSD in response to the hire of their new Superintendent. There will also be action forms for consideration for substitute teachers, summer bridge, etc. Ms. Cooper congratulated the new teachers and thanked the teachers and staff that assisted with ensuring the success of welcoming the new team members and the summer bridge program. Update on the restructure of DPA, in June the board voted to restructure the organization for maximum efficiency. There will now be two principals (one elementary and one middle school). Institutional operations efficiency was addressed as well, related to business finance and school operations. The Assistant Principal position was eliminated and a School Operations Director position was redefined. Also the School Business Manager position was modified. The Math Instructional Coach role was made part-time to have two people filling the role. The job descriptions have been re-written and posted. The postings will remain active for 3-4 weeks to give the public adequate time to apply and adhere to appropriate hiring practices at DPA. The goal is to have both Principals in place by September 1st. The Media Specialist position is now a part-time stipend role. Hopefully, this role will partner with 4-H to re-envision what project based learning should look like: whether digitized or print. Interviews for IT Specialist have begun. Have had some conversations regarding the potential business manager role. We are ensuring that we are following appropriate hiring practices to find and hire the leaders and restructure the organization. Lastly, Ms. Cooper thanked Ms. Smith and the Leadership team for working to make the school look more like an AVC school. Also a heartfelt thank you to the Governing Board for their support.

Approval of Minutes from the Last Meetings

May 30, 2023

Special Called Board Meeting-Budget Approval

7:00 p.m.


Welcome and Call to Order – Suzette Arnold at 8:30 p.m.

Ascertain a Quorum

Suzette Arnold - present

Roberta Walker – present Felecia Shanklin - not present

Maxine Wright – present Martina Stanley –not present

Janelle Wilhite - present Wanda McKay- LOA-not present

Tamara Cooper, Ex-officio-present

Approval of Agenda

Motion made by: Roberta Walker

Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Ms. Arnold explained that this Special Called meeting is for the approval of DPA’s budget for the fiscal year 2023-


Matters Arising

Ms. Arnold asked for any questions or discussion prior to moving to vote on the Budget as presented. There is a

consensus from the board that this budget will not be approved this evening and will go back to Finance Committee

for discussion, amendments and corrections. The budget will be presented at the June meeting for consideration and


The board will not take action today. Ms. Arnold thanked Mr. Kayemba for reviewing the budget with the board.

Mr. Kayemba will provide the list of all contractors (including employee contracts and those that have gone out for

RFP). This information will be available for review at the Finance Committee. Discussion regarding the process

being followed to secure contracts for the FY24 school year. Ms. Arnold reiterated that these contracts have to be

reviewed, approved and budgeted for prior to the end of June. Ms. Wilhite stated that she wants to make sure that

DPA is following the DPA Procurement process.

Executive Session


Any other Business

None presented


Motion made by: Roberta Walker

Motion seconded by: Maxine Wright

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

New Motion

New Item

Add to Parking Lot

Assign task

Motion made by: Wanda McKay Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Academic Committee Report

Ms. Arnold verified with the Academic Committee Chair, Ms. Roberta Walker, that the items presented for hire were properly vetted through the Academic Committee.

Ms. Wilhite asked about the Media Specialist position and how the time for providing support as both Instructional Coach and Media Specialist will work. Ms. Cooper explained that the goal is to eventually have 2 part time Media Specialists. For now, the full-time Instructional Coach will provide instructional support 3 days per week and media support (embedded writing, research, social media, technical writing) 2 days per week. Additionally, the goal would be to have classroom libraries with level readers by October. There are a lot of books in the school that are packed in storage that will be dispersed to the classrooms. Also, by January, a checkout/check in system for families that don’t have access to books at home. The goal is to update and re-vamp the Media Center for optimal use. Ms. Arnold stated that the backup documentation does not match the proposal and that the document needs to be revised to address the part-time stipend role. Ms. Cooper stated that the request for this evening is to approve the stipend for the one full-time employee Academic Coach to take on the additional responsibilities. Academic Committee Chair requested that this item be tabled and that further discussion take place in committee. Ms. Cooper asked for direction as to how to move forward with getting someone in to organize and prepare the Media Center to be ready for the beginning of school. Ms. Wilhite asked if the space, from a facilities perspective, will be ready for next week. Ms. Cooper clarified that she is requesting direction from the board as to how to move forward. Ms. Walker reiterated that this action will be tabled until the next Academic Committee meeting. Ms. Arnold clarified that the board action form must document the action being considered. Ms. Robinson asked if there is a virtual book platform in the interim. Mr. Dennis responded with an affirmative. Ms. Cooper stated that the reason DPA is attempting to get books on the shelves in the Media Center by Friday is because an attempt is being made to do a video for one of the partnerships. Ms. Arnold asked a question about the Summer Bridge board action form. Ms. Walker stated that the form needs to be redone to reflect just the additional funds. This action will be tabled so that the form will reflect exactly what is being asked. Ms. Arnold asked why the School Calendar is being revisited again. Ms. Walker stated that there is a need to revise the calendar to include professional development days. Three options are being presented. The action is tabled until a recommendation for which option is best comes from the Academic Committee along with the rationale for selecting 4 days of professional Development instead of 10 days of professional development.

1-6-27-2023 – Recommendation to hire, Jasmine Edmunds as School Counselor at $71,320.36 (base salary of $53,000.00 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

5-6-27-2023 Recommendation to hire J’Xarte Hill as an Elementary Teacher at $65,996.89 (base salary of $48,467.37 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

6-6-27-2023 – Recommendation to hire Emelie Lim as an Elementary Teacher at $83,941.97 (base salary of $63,245.50 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

7-6-27-2023 – Recommendation to hire Sharia Hillman as an Elementary Teacher at $75,889.00 ( base salary of $56,613.72 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

2-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to hire Vickie Fowler as an 8th Grade ELA Teacher at $78,858.68 (base salary of $59,059.31 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

14-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to hire James Mims as a 5th Grade Math Teacher at $72,194.92 (base salary of $53,571.57 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

7-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to hire Ramona Williams as School Counselor at $67,867.96 (base salary $50,000 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

4-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to extend the hire of Renee Solomon as part-time MTSS/RTI Coordinator at $12,000.00. through October 2023 in the amount of Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

3-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to enter into a contractual agreement with the Georgia Charter Substitute Network for the 2023-24 school year in the amount of $70,000.00. Although this item did not go through Academic or Finance Committee, due to the urgency of the need, the item was voted upon. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Finance Committee Report

Finance Committee Items for Consideration 37-4-25-2023 Recommendation to approve Avolon Financial Services for May and June in the amount of $3,900.00 only ($1,950 per month for May and June only) as approved in the Finance Committee, not the $21,900.00 presented on the Board Action Form. **Robust discussion regarding why the school is continuing to allow this vendor to provide services to the school after the Authorizer and the Governing Board have instructed the school to discontinue this service. Tamara Cooper, Acting Head of School stated that the services were provided unbeknownst to the Head of School although she understands the rationale, and without a board vote. Mr. Kayemba raised issues regarding the audit and renewal and not severing ties with this vendor prior to both. He also raised issues regarding ensuring that DPA is able to hire a Business Manager with Accounting expertise. Permission granted to hire the Business Manager as is already approved in the budget. Mr. Kayemba stated that Ms. Simpson will be assigned to work with Avolon during this transition. Motion made by: Janelle Wilhite Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker 1 Abstention: Suzette Arnold Motion Carries: Majority vote **Per the Governing Board, accounting services are to end at August 31, 2023. 32-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to approve monthly invoices over $5,000.00 not to exceed $135,000.00. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote 33-7-25-2023 – Recommendation to contract with INEXGA for the provision of janitorial services for the 2023-24 school year. This has not been vetted by Finance Committee and must be deferred and sent to Finance Committee. 34-7-25-2023 Recommendation to contract with A+ for the provision of landscaping services for the 2023-24 school year. This has not been vetted by Finance Committee and must be deferred and sent to Finance Committee. 11-7-25-2023 Recommendation to extend the date of the contract with Elisa Falco as the Reauthorization Consultant through January 2024. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote 40-7-25-2023 Recommendation to approve the partnership with 4H-UGA Extension Services Discussion regarding afterschool programs and in-school support focused on project based learning and the environment. Assistance with building out the garden and entrepreneurial strategies. Motion made by: Wanda McKay Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker Motion Carries: Unanimous vote 41-7-25-2023 Recommendation to approve the partnership with the Mental Wellness Collective at $65,000. This item was not discussed in Academic Committee or Finance and must be deferred back to committee for proper vetting. 8-6-27-2023 Recommendation to enter into a contractual agreement for Middle School Math Professional Development by Dr. Bobby T. Dillard at $8,575.00. Ms. Cooper requested that the funds be taken from the Professional Development fund balance. This item was not discussed in Academic Committee or Finance and must be deferred back to committee for proper vetting. Math Tutoring – need to provide the board with the board action form. Item will be tabled until it is properly vetted and a board action form is presented.

Review of school financials tabled until next month.

37-4-25-2023 Recommendation to approve Avolon Financial Services for May and June in the amount of $3,900.00 only ($1,950 per month for May and June only) as approved in the Finance Committee, not the $21,900.00 presented on the Board Action Form.

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Public Comment

Tylina Swinger (staff) -stated that the calendar revisions were presented as a means of building in professional days for staff members. She stated that the leadership team was asked to provide 3 options and that is why the options were provided. Secondly, she spoke about the Media Center and stated that the scholars have been without a functional media center since the beginning of the last school year. Finally, she is concerned about the turnover of the Interim Principal and staff morale.


Jerahmel Boveland (staff)- spoke about the possibility of receiving a stipend due to his time being utilized to support network information technology in addition to teaching. Ms. Arnold explained that the board can take action only after issues are presented to the board. Ms. Arnold stated that Mr. Boveland should follow the chain of command and then action can be taken after the item is presented to the board. Ms. Cooper stated that there is a board action form being presented during Executive Session to address this issue.


Pearl Freeman (parent)- Who will be the Interim Principal due to Ms. Smith’s resignation? Ms. Arnold stated this will be discussed in Executive Session. Parent stated that she is concerned about the lack of information and that processes should be in place to address urgent issues. Ms. Freeman stated that she was disappointed in this meeting as it seems that there is more discussion about reauthorization than other student related issues (PEC, MTSS/RTI process). Ms. Arnold thanked the parent for her comments and reiterated the commitment of the staff and board to address the student issues and reauthorization.


Nikki Glover (staff) -Thank you to Ms. Smith for her excellent leadership. She raised issues about lack of consistency, transitions and that changes are unsettling due to lack of communication with the staff regarding the changes. She stated that it would be nice for board members to attend functions and for there to be more cohesiveness between the school and the board. Ms. Arnold stated that when the school notifies that board of functions, board members attempt to attend.


Devonna Holland (staff)- When will the calendar for the new school year be updated? Ms. Arnold stated that the board cannot vote on the calendar revisions until it is presented again with appropriate decision points as soon as possible.


Ms. Arnold stated that there is another parent board member position available and that assistance is needed.


Chat question: How do you become a board member? Ms. Arnold stated that the interested person should put their email address in the chat and the board application form will be sent to that address. (

Executive Session

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.

Motion made by:                                 Wanda McKay

Motion seconded by:                           Roberta Walker

Motion Carries:                                   Unanimous vote

Motion to return from Executive session and enter back into regular session. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Actions Taken After Executive Session

6-7-25-2023 Recommendation for the approval of stipends for Pre-planning presentations by staff in the amount of $2,250.00
Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

8-7-25-2023 Recommendation for a one-time $2,500.00 stipend for Mattie Reid in the amount for additional duties for 2023-24 school registration and enrollment. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

5-7-25-2023 Recommendation for a one-time $10,000 stipend for Kelly Sims, Gifted teacher, for additional ESOL job duties. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

10-7-25-2023 Recommendation for the approval of Dr. Viola Blackshear as the Interim Principal in the amount approved for the School Principal $86,000. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Dr. Lenise Bostic to serve as the Head of School effective August 1, 2023. Salary has been negotiated. Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

1-7-25-2023 Recommendation for the hire of ReShonda Norman as School Custodian in the amount of $49, 643.46 (base salary of $35,000.00 plus benefits). Motion made by: Roberta Walker Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Other Business

Tamara Cooper was initially hired as the Director of Strategic Initiatives and took on the role of the Acting Head of Schools. Ms. Arnold stated that she wanted to publicly thank Ms. Cooper for her efforts and hard work.


Ms. Cooper thanked the board, staff and team for the opportunity to serve in this capacity.


Ms. Arnold thanked the new board member, Bridget Robinson, for joining the board.


Ms. Arnold thanked Ms. Smith for her hard work, in different roles, during her years at DPA and wished Ms. Smith much success on her future endeavors. 

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:21 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.


Motion to adjourn at 10:06 p.m.

Motion made by:                                 Wanda McKay

Motion seconded by:                           Roberta Walker

Motion Carries:                                   Unanimous vote