Approval of Agenda with the addition of an Executive Session after the Public Comments
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Ms. Suzette Arnold | present chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Roberta Walker | present vice-chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Tamseel Syed | not present member | ||
Mrs. Wanda McKay | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite | present Treasurer | On Time | At Adjournment |
Maxine Williams | present member | On Time | At Adjournment |
Martina Stanley | not present member | ||
Felicia Shanklin | not present member |
The meeting was called to the order by Roberta Walker at 6:30 p.m.
Ascertain a Quorum – 6:30 p.m.
Roberta Walker – present
Suzette Arnold – present-virtually
Wanda McKay – present
Janelle Wilhite – present-virtually
Tamseel Syed – not present
Wanda Brooks-Long, Ex-Officio - present
So that there is agreement between board members on the agenda, and the amount of time spent on the meeting, the board shall vote to approve an agenda for the meeting. To the best of its ability, it will follow that agenda, and allow for the chair to move the board through the agenda as specified.
Approval of Agenda with the addition of an Executive Session after the Public Comments
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Approval of the Minutes from the Last Governing Board Meeting
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
The school leader reports on the status of the school.
Head of Schools Report
Principal’s Report – Interim Principal, Melba Smith
Reviewed Mission, Vision, School Motto and Core Values
Highlights-Fire and Tornado drills have been updated in the state repository. PBIS Celebration: Candy Cane holiday celebration party took place before the Winter beak. TKES formal observations are being completed. Preparing for midyear conferences with teachers and staff. MAP testing makeup tests will be concluded this week. MAP data will be available for the February meeting. AVC department and Instructional Coaches visited Tapestry Charter School to get ideas to enhance DPAs AVC program. The Parent and Community Liaison coordinated the Daddy-Daughter dance that occurred in December.
Student Enrollment
Kindergarten 54
1st grade 63
2nd grade 57
3rd grade 61
4th grade 62
5th grade 61
6th grade 72
7th grade 66
8th grade 59
Total 548
Kudos to Ms. Reid, Parent/Community Liaison, for submitting all Title I artifacts to DCSD Parent Family Engagement Coordinator.
Black History program is scheduled for February 24, 2023, and will be presented through AVCT lens.
Winter Awards Program is scheduled for February 3, 2023. Reenrollment began January 11, 2023 and the deadline to submit applications is February 3, 2023. After the forms are reviewed, a determination will be made regarding how many grade level vacancies remain. Then, the new student enrollment process will begin through Lotterease.
DCSD Innovation Team Visit on December 9, 2022, went well. Most 8th grade teachers did an outstanding job on the PBLs. The team stated that the students could articulate the facts and talk about their PL projects. The students used various modalities that related to their PBL with clarity and provided clarification, as needed. The DCSD Innovation team stated that the projects were engaging and even recalled students’ names. The team stated that they love the PBL/AVC structure. The team noted that “this is not the school they visited in November 2021. DPA outperformed all the schools in Region 6. Recommendations: One of the teachers needs more support. Work with the AVC Teacher to create a budget with the goal of modernizing the school to truly be an AVC school. The DCSD Innovation team conducted a visit today and the outcome will be presented at the next Governing Board meeting.
Ms. Smith shared highlights and pictures from the Winter Holiday Program.
Horse Playing and Bullying Workshop-The DCSD School Resource Officer assigned to our area conducted the workshop with our Middle School students.
Georgia Milestones Strategies and Best Practices for Preparation. Ms. Smith shared the plan and strategies that DPA has begun to incorporate in ELA, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies to ensure student growth and success on the Georgia Milestones test. Ms. Smith will email the presentation to the board members for their review.
Employees of the Month
The November Employee of the Month was Evelyn Guyton, Gifted Coach
The December Employee of the Month was Keith Gaines, School Custodian
Ms. Walker commented that she likes to see this portion of the report because it highlights the hard work of our staff and teachers.
State of the School Report-Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long
Dr. Brooks-Long reviewed the State of the School Report. The report states the Mission, Vision, Motto and Core Values and details about the demographics of the students that we serve. A description of “Innovation Growing from Good to Great” were shared.
Each goal identified in the Charter Contract were presented. A review of the following goals included:
Goal I: Academic Performance. DPA met 4 of the 7 First Look performance indicators comparing the 2021 to the 2022 Content Mastery data. We beat the state, county, and region schools in Second Look but we strive to attain 100% content mastery for all of our scholars.
Goal II: Academic Performance. DPA was not identified as a targeted assistance school. Goal met.
Goal III: School Climate Star Rating of Four or More (Discipline and Attendance). Goal Met
Goal IV: Financial Performance Standards-Goal Met based on the Charter Contract parameters. However, based on new parameters that we were not aware that we were being measured against (a three-year trend), the debt to asset ratio and unrestricted days cash parameters are not met. Ms. Yu is working with Alan Mueller (GaDoE) to determine if these new ratios should be utilized for individual charter schools. Robust discussion regarding this standard and it’s appropriateness for individual charter schools.
Goal V: Governance Performance Standards – Goal met.
Goal VI. Not discussed
Goals VII-IX. Goals met
Operational Report:
There has been a decline in enrollment by 24 students with a loss of QBE revenue of approximately $69,000.00. The Parent and Community Liaison and Registrar are working diligently to regain students prior to March. The Parent and Community Liaison will reach out to those parents who have withdrawn their students to try to determine why those students have left. Reviewed employee demographics. There are 76% staff certified. Student attendance data was reviewed. Seventh grade has the highest attendance at 98%. Staff attendance data showed that there are staff with excellent attendance. However, Ms. Simpson will review the data to ensure that it is accurate. Evaluation completion data for instructional and non-instructional staff was mentioned. Human Capital dashboard was presented. There are two Special Education positions still vacant. Facilities items that we are currently working on are roofing, bathrooms, painting, and barrier gates. The full report is shared electronically with the Governing Board.
Ms. Arnold congratulated the team on the progress that we have made this year.
Motion to amend the agenda
Motion to amend the agenda to add Consent Agenda Approval to the Agenda.
Motion made by: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion carries: Unanimous vote
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Motion to amend the consent agenda
Motion made by: Suzette Arnold
Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Consent Agenda Items:
37-1-24-2023 School Inventory policy and Inventory Review - $0
41-10-25-2022 Email Services -One Identity $8,341.00.
Facilities Grant Expenditures
42-1-24-2023 Procurify – Procurement Software - $9,600.00
49-1-24-2023 Budget Adjustment to support Salary Adjustments and Teacher Stipends - $186,407.06
40-9-27-2022 Painting Classrooms and Hallways-$20,180.45
44-9-27-2022 Teacher Pay Supplement - $310,703.00
41-11-29-2022 Staff Salary Adjustments - $50,372.94
75-11-29-2022 Barrier Gate - $7,000.00
Motion to amend the agenda to add Consent Agenda Approval to the Agenda.
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to amend the consent agenda
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Finance Committee Report – Janelle Wilhite
The Finance Committee met, and the report was presented in the Governing Board Work Session.
Motion to Approve the Finance Committee Report
Motion to approve the Financial Reports as presented.
Motion made by: Suzette Arnold
Motion seconded by: Wanda McKay
Motion carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to approve the Financial Reports as presented
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Governance Report
Mr. Syed is not in attendance to deliver the report. However, there are several items being requested by Dr. Brooks-Long to be considered at the board meeting for discussion/approval.
There are several personnel items that will go into Executive Session. Dr. Brooks-Long will present the other items.
December 2022 18-week plan is not on the list but will be presented at this time as part of the Governance Committee report. The 18-week report was presented at the Governance Committee meeting was not approved there. Ms. Arnold requested that Dr. Brooks-Long present the report at the January Governing Board meeting.
Board Actions for Discussion and Approval:
30-1-24-2023 Motion to approve the contract with Zones to provide Network hardware and software technology support in the amount of $38,220.75 annually.
Discussion: This will provide a network manager and testing support.
Motion made by: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by Suzette Arnold
Motion carries: Unanimous vote
34-1-24-2023 Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding: Leadership Coaching, Charter Renewal Project Management and Charter Application Writing-E. Falco in the amount of $29,225.00.
Discussion: Additional documents were required to be sent to the Governance Committee prior to the Governing Board Work Session. The documents were sent to the Governing Board members on January 27, 2023. Three quotes were secured. The other two quotes were $60,000,00 from Kellie Peterson and $30-45,000 from Georgia Charter School Association.
Motion made by: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by Suzette Arnold
Motion carries: Unanimous vote
60-11-29-2022 Human Resources Support – Avolon - Susan Hammond in the amount of $15,000.00.
Discussion: This went from Governance to the Work Session for contract review in January 2023. Governing Board members asked for more specific information since this would be an addition of services to an existing contract. The cost of additional services would be $3,000 per month from February to June.
Tabled until February to the Governance Committee to give board members time to review the original contract and amendment to the contract with the addition of services.
30-1-24-2023 Motion to approve the contract with Zones to provide Network hardware and software technology support in the amount of $38,220.75 annually.
Discussion: This will provide a network manager and testing support.
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold
This will provide a network manager and testing support.
34-1-24-2023 Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding: Leadership Coaching, Charter Renewal Project Management and Charter Application Writing-E. Falco in the amount of $29,225.00.
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold
Additional documents were required to be sent to the Governance Committee prior to the Governing Board Work Session. The documents were sent to the Governing Board members on January 27, 2023. Three quotes were secured. The other two quotes were $60,000,00 from Kellie Peterson and $30-45,000 from Georgia Charter School Association.
The Academic Committee met on Tuesday January 17th, 2023 @2:00 PM for what was scheduled to be a 0 hours and 43 minutes long meeting. Present: Roberta Walker, Melba Smith, Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long, Nikki Glover, Tylina Swinger, Evelyn Guyton Not Present: Wanda McKay The members considered the following items: 1. Welcome and Call to Order 2. HOS/ Principal's Report 3. AP/ Coaches Corner 4. Next Meeting Date and Time 5. Adjournment The committee considered 0 motions, of which 0 passed, and 0 failed: The meeting adjourned at 3:30PM
Academic Committee Report – Roberta Walker
The Academic Committee met and discussed items that needed approval. There are some recommendations for hire that will be discussed in Executive Session.
Board Action for Discussion and Approval from Academic Committee
1-9-27-2022 Motion to approve Laptops for Teachers in the amount of $29,800.00.
Discussion: To replace old laptops and replace with new laptops. Ms. Arnold asked if the laptops were a part of the items not found in the inventory. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the items not found did not include laptops. All teacher laptops are accounted for.
Motion made by: Suzette Arnold
Motion seconded by Wanda McKay
Motion carries: Unanimous vote
2-9-27-2023 Smartboards – Edge Business Solutions-Media Center, AVCT Room 13, Second Grade Rooms 33, 34, 35 in the amount of $25,800.00
Discussion: The board required that the school specify the location that each of the 5 Smartboards would be located. This item was discussed at Academic Committee but not the Finance Committee. Discussion regarding the process of getting instructional items approved by Finance Committee after getting the items approved by Academic Committee and/or Governance Committee.
Motion made by: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by No one seconded the motion
Motion did not carry.
This item is tabled until February to give Finance Committee an opportunity to ensure that the funding is available.
42-9-27-2022 300 Student Laptops in the amount of $75,900.00 from EdTech with an updated action form
Discussion: Are these laptops a part of the items not found in the inventory? Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the 300 laptops are all a part of the inventory that will be C-50 due to damaged. DPA needs the laptops for testing, Accelerated Reader and IXL. This is negatively affecting instruction. Ms. Arnold stated that it would be appropriate for the board to be made aware of the grade levels, if the parents were sought after for repair, etc. Ms. Walker stated that the laptops are in disrepair because during COVID the student cracked screens, removed key, etc. There has been an effort by the school to collect from parents but when you cannot collect, the school still must have instructional material. Ms. Walker also informed the board that DCSD replaced 100% of computers for instructional use. Ms. Arnold stated that the Board Action Form must be used to justify why the board is making the decisions that it is making. Ms. Arnold stated that the board action form must be updated with the pertinent details (disrepair during COVID, DCSD replaced 100% of computers, effort made by the school to collect from parents, etc.) from tonight’s discussion and sent to the board by tomorrow.
Motion made by: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by: Suzette Arnold
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
4-1-24-2023 Contract with Re-Imagine providing sole source Professional Development, In-school a la carte workshops, Summer Enrichment, Field Trips and Tours at a cost of $39,100.00
Discussion: Dr. Brooks-Long indicated that this is a sole source vendor. Ms. Arnold stated that the board action form must be updated to indicate that this is a sole source vendor and that Dr. Brooks-Long is to provide the board with documentation that the vendor has sole source designation.
Motion made: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by: Suzette Arnold
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
13-9-27-2022-FTE/QBE/ Funding, Scheduling, Training – Mary Bostic –
Discussion: Ms. Arnold asked for clarification regarding the difference between this training and the training provided by DCSD. This board action has been presented for presentation multiple times. If DCSD provides the training and if we have someone designated to do this work, then why do we need a contractor? Dr. Brooks-Long stated that DPA does not have a member of staff who has been thoroughly trained on all of the elements of scheduling in Infinite Campus. The training provided by DCSD assumes that the person receiving training has the background in scheduling and Infinite Campus. Ms. Walker reminded the board that the one person who was thoroughly trained left DPA unexpectedly. DCSD typically only trains one person. Since we have already been in a situation where the one person that knew scheduling left, she supports having training for more than one person. This is why we have the need. Ms. McKay asked, for clarification, if there is anyone trained to perform this function. Ms. Arnold stated that she feels that we are paying for a service twice. Ms. Arnold wanted it noted that she reluctantly seconds the motion. She is concerned that we are not paying attention to the ratios that we are being assessed by.
Motion made by: Wanda McKay
Motion seconded by: Suzette Arnold
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Principal Leadership Mentorship – Rescinded
Dr. Brooks-Long stated that this item is being tabled as the mentor has agreed to mentor the principal with out a fee. Ms. Arnold stated that the item should be rescinded and not tabled if the principal agree to mentor for free. If an item is tabled it means it will be revisited, if it is rescinded it will not be reconsidered for action.
Dr. Brooks-Long brought to the board’s attention that DPA is eligible for the ERC grant up to the amount of $1.2M. Mr. Sonaike will work with the school to prepare that grant.
1-9-27-2022 Motion to approve Laptops for Teachers in the amount of $29,800.00
By: Ms. Suzette Arnold Seconded by: Mrs. Wanda McKay
To replace old laptops and replace with new laptops. Ms. Arnold asked if the laptops were a part of the items not found in the inventory. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the items not found did not include laptops. All teacher laptops are accounted for.
42-9-27-2022 300 Student Laptops in the amount of $75,900.00 from EdTech with an updated action form
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold
Are these laptops a part of the items not found in the inventory? Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the 300 laptops are all a part of the inventory that will be C-50 due to damaged. DPA needs the laptops for testing, Accelerated Reader and IXL. This is negatively affecting instruction. Ms. Arnold stated that it would be appropriate for the board to be made aware of the grade levels, if the parents were sought after for repair, etc. Ms. Walker stated that the laptops are in disrepair because during COVID the student cracked screens, removed key, etc. There has been an effort by the school to collect from parents but when you cannot collect, the school still must have instructional material. Ms. Walker also informed the board that DCSD replaced 100% of computers for instructional use. Ms. Arnold stated that the Board Action Form must be used to justify why the board is making the decisions that it is making. Ms. Arnold stated that the board action form must be updated with the pertinent details (disrepair during COVID, DCSD replaced 100% of computers, effort made by the school to collect from parents, etc.) from tonight’s discussion and sent to the board by tomorrow.
4-1-24-2023 Contract with Re-Imagine providing sole source Professional Development, In-school a la carte workshops, Summer Enrichment, Field Trips and Tours at a cost of $39,100.00
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold
Dr. Brooks-Long indicated that this is a sole source vendor. Ms. Arnold stated that the board action form must be updated to indicate that this is a sole source vendor and that Dr. Brooks-Long is to provide the board with documentation that the vendor has sole source designation.
13-9-27-2022-FTE/QBE/ Funding, Scheduling, Training – Mary Bostic
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Ms. Suzette Arnold
Ms. Arnold asked for clarification regarding the difference between this training and the training provided by DCSD. This board action has been presented for presentation multiple times. If DCSD provides the training and if we have someone designated to do this work, then why do we need a contractor? Dr. Brooks-Long stated that DPA does not have a member of staff who has been thoroughly trained on all of the elements of scheduling in Infinite Campus. The training provided by DCSD assumes that the person receiving training has the background in scheduling and Infinite Campus. Ms. Walker reminded the board that the one person who was thoroughly trained left DPA unexpectedly. DCSD typically only trains one person. Since we have already been in a situation where the one person that knew scheduling left, she supports having training for more than one person. This is why we have the need. Ms. McKay asked, for clarification, if there is anyone trained to perform this function. Ms. Arnold stated that she feels that we are paying for a service twice. Ms. Arnold wanted it noted that she reluctantly seconds the motion. She is concerned that we are not paying attention to the ratios that we are being assessed by.
Development Committee Report – Wanda McKay
The Development Committee did not meet this month.
Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.
Larry Ford, 7th Grade Teacher, “Thank you for the approval of the new laptops for students and teachers.”
Deserea Jones, Spanish Teacher, “How do we go about getting substitutes in the school?” Dr. Brooks-Long stated DPA is still looking to find a substitute service that fits our budget and our needs.”
Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss at personnel, property, or legal matters at 8:42 p.m.
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Adjourn at 9:00 p.m.
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:17 pm
Motion to adjourn
By: Mrs. Wanda McKay Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.