Motion to approve the agenda
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Name | Status | Arrival Time | Departure Time |
Ms. Suzette Arnold | present chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Roberta Walker | present vice-chair | On Time | At Adjournment |
Tamseel Syed | not present member | ||
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long | present ex-officio | On Time | At Adjournment |
Mrs. Wanda McKay | not present member | ||
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite | present Treasurer | On Time | At Adjournment |
Ascertain a Quorum – 6:59 p.m.
Suzette Arnold - present
Roberta Walker - present
Janelle Wilhite – present
Wanda McKay – not present
Tamseel Syed – not present
Wanda Brooks-Long, Ex-Officio - present
The meeting will be called to the order.
Welcome and Call to Order by Suzette Arnold, Board Chair at 6:59 p.m.
Motion to approve the agenda
Motion made: Janelle Wilhite
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to approve the agenda
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to approve the minutes
Motion made: Janelle Wilhite
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to approve the minutes
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
URL for November Board Action Forms
Motion to amend the consent agenda with the removal of the cost of painting the classrooms.
Motion made: Janelle Wilhite
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to amend the amended consent agenda to remove the Letter of Intent for Charter Renewal and place the item in Discussion.
Motion made: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to approve the amended consent agenda with edits and corrections.
The amended consent agenda includes the following:
Cathy McNair – EIP teacher - $15,960.00
Lance Hancock – 7th/8th Grade social studies teacher- $65,172.97
Larry Ford – 7th Grade Math teacher- $83,841.97
Michelle Martin – Counselor - $85,841.97
Sonya Carter – 7th Grade ELA teacher - $83,941.97
Wydedra Jones – 4th Grade teacher - $65,172.97
Zina Saulter – Substitute teacher - $6,960.00
Renewal of Healthcare contract (Kaiser)
Renewal of Insurance contract (Metlife)
Motion made: Janelle Wilhite
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to amend the consent agenda with the removal of the cost of painting the classrooms.
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to amend the amended consent agenda to remove the Letter of Intent for Charter Renewal and place the item in Discussion.
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to approve the amended consent agenda with edits and corrections.
The amended consent agenda includes the following:
Cathy McNair – EIP teacher - $15,960.00
Lance Hancock – 7th/8th Grade social studies teacher- $65,172.97
Larry Ford – 7th Grade Math teacher- $83,841.97
Michelle Martin – Counselor - $85,841.97
Sonya Carter – 7th Grade ELA teacher - $83,941.97
Wydedra Jones – 4th Grade teacher - $65,172.97
Zina Saulter – Substitute teacher - $6,960.00
Renewal of Healthcare contract (Kaiser)
Renewal of Insurance contract (Metlife)
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Finance Report – Janelle Wilhite
The Finance Committee met. There was discussion regarding the Procurement Policy and the Budget Amendment that is needed.
Finance Dashboard - Ms. Yu is not in attendance and the financials cannot be presented. Ms. Arnold stated that it is not appropriate for the board to meet and not have a financial presentation by the Interim CFO.
Development Report
The Development Committee did not meet in November. There is no report.
Governance Report
Ms. Arnold reported that Mr. Syed is not in attendance to deliver a report. However, he did send an extensive email regarding on his position on items presented for discussion during the Work Session and that might be presented during the November Governing Board Meeting.
Academic Report – Roberta Walker
The Academic Committee met and discussed items that needed approval. In addition to new hires, the Academic Committee discussed Laptops for Teachers, Laptops for Students, Smartboards and Field Trips. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that all requested changes on the Board Action forms were made and are available in the Dropbox. Discussion regarding the urgency of student laptops for testing and AVC Curriculum.
The Board wants physical copies of all Board Action Forms for all in-person meetings even if the documents are put in the Dropbox prior the Board Meeting. Ms. Arnold stated that, as the actions are presented, the board should be looking at physical copies of the documents being considered for approval.
Academic Dashboard only
Due to technical difficulties, the Academic Dashboard cannot be presented on the Smartboard. Dr. Brooks-Long forwarded the dashboard to all board members. The dashboard discussion regarded enrollment, student demographics, student attendance, discipline, and teacher attendance. The reduction in students caused a reduction in FTE funding. Lengthy discussion regarding the decline in student attendance from August to October. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the decline in attendance correlates to arise in COVID and flu. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that we have not utilized the $70,000 budgeted for substitute teacher.
Discussion about discipline and the lack of documentation and data in Infinite Campus. Robust conversation regarding the need/justification for a Dean of Culture and Climate. Discussion regarding the difference between the responsibilities of the School Social Worker and the Guidance Counselor. Ms. Arnold stated that, based on the discussion, it appears that we need additional support for MTSS to handle the needs of the 34 PEC and 54+ MTSS students instead of a Dean of Culture and Climate to handle discipline. Discussion regarding the teachers needing additional training to build the skillset to handle discipline and discipline documentation. Since there are approximately 20 new teachers, additional training may be needed. Questions arose regarding Social Worker role and responsibilities and the difference between a “regular” School Social Worker and a Child Study Team Social Worker. Ms. Arnold asked if the Social Worker position requires a license/certification. Upon being told that it is required, Ms. Arnold requested that the board be provided with the Social Worker’s licensure. Ms. Arnold suggested that the Dr. Brooks-Long reach out to the Department of Behavioral Health for support, resources, and training since that has not already been done.
There is one correction that needs to be made on the Evaluation Data tab for Central Office staff: remove the ‘TKES’.
All core content area teacher vacancies are filled because of the approval of the consent agenda. The CFO interview is scheduled for November 30, 2022.
The Facilities Grant of $80,000 has been approved. Discussion regarding the reallocation of funding to address the roof and the issues with the French Drain. The Facilities section of the dashboard needs to be updated with the status of each item. Brief discussion regarding ADT. There are water dispensers in each classroom and general use areas unless the teachers specifically stated that they do not want a dispenser in their classroom. A vendor was in the building today to address plumbing issues and the bathrooms.
Review of Board Actions for approval from Academic Committee to Governing Board:
Motion to approve Field Trips to the Georgia Aquarium (2nd Grade) and Fernbank (4th Grade) in the amount $2,435.00
Motion made: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Student Laptops and Smartboards-Tabled until inventory is complete
Ms. Wilhite stated that her main question is regarding inventory. Ms. Arnold stated that since the student laptops were one-to-one at one time, she has specifically asked for an official report to the board with the following information regarding student laptops: number that we have, number not functioning, number broken, number missing. Ms. Wilhite added that the board is requesting an inventory list that DPA would provide to DCSD if they were coming in to do an inventory audit. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that “we are working on the request to provide the requested, specific information on all equipment. However, if we do not purchase laptops for students, we will not be ready for testing.” Ms. Arnold stated that it is extremely urgent that this information be provided to the board. She reiterated that the previous CFO and a previous IT vendor previously provided this information to the board and suggested that Dr. Brooks-Long determine if some of the staff that worked with those individuals might be able to provide the inventory information.
Teacher Laptops – Tabled until inventory is complete
Ms. Arnold requested information regarding how many teacher laptops are currently available and how many are needed. This item was approved in Finance Committee; however, an additional quote is required. Ms. Arnold asked that there be documentation to delineate with computers will be assigned to students and which will be assigned to teachers.
FTE/QBE/ Funding, Scheduling, Training – Mary Bostic – Tabled
Principal Leadership Mentorship – Tabled – Update Accordingly
Human Resources Consultant – Susan Hammonds – Tabled – Update Board Action Form. Scope of work will be extensive. Fee structure does not align how the work will be done. The email with the specific services should be incorporated into the contract language. Update time period. Include Ms. Yu’s original contract amount and separate the additional services and costs.
Jackie Thomas -Custodial Worker (Part-time)-Tabled
Position is not on the organizational chart. Position needs to be advertised. Board Action not vetted in Finance. When discussed in Governance, decision was made to advertise the position.
Organizational Chart Adjustment- Tabled- Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
Survey Results- Tabled – Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
School Inventory-Tabled-Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
Letter of Intent-Petition for ReAuthorization; Legal Correspondence; 18-week plan-
Update letter to include the time period that the letter of intent will cover.
Teacher Pay Supplement – Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
One Login- Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
Teacher Pay Supplement – Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
Staff Salary Adjustments - Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
Barrier Gates- Board Action Packet unavailable for presentation
Discussion regarding the expectation that hard copies be provided to all Board Members at the Governing Board.
Motion to approve the Academic Report as presented
Motion made: Janelle Wilhite
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to approve Field Trips to the Georgia Aquarium (2nd Grade) and Fernbank (4th Grade) in the amount $2,435.00
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to approve the Academic Report as presented
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.
No public comments
Dr. Brooks-Long will provide the document to Ms. Simpson for her to secure Ms. Arnold’s signature on the document prior to submission to DCSD.
Motion to approve the Letter of Intent for Charter Renewal with the addition of the verbiage “for the 2024-2029 school years.”
Motion made: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to approve the Letter of Intent for Charter Renewal with the addition of the verbiage “for the 2024-2029 school years.”
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to move to Executive Session at 9:05 p.m.
Motion made: Janelle Wilhite
Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to return from the Executive Session and resume the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Motion made: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite
Motion Carries: Unanimous vote
There were no items for approval coming out of Executive Session
Motion to move to Executive Session at 9:05 p.m.
By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
Motion to return from the Executive Session and resume the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
All supporting documents will be printed and provided to all board members to complete business for the first half of the school year.
Motion to adjourn at 9:33 p.m.
Motion made by: Roberta Walker
Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhie
Motion carries: Unanimous vote
Motion to adjourn at 9:33 p.m.
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
There was no notable discussion on the motion.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:54 pm
Motion to adjourn
By: Mrs. Roberta Walker Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite
There was no notable discussion on the motion.