DeKalb Preparatory Academy

Governing Board

Regular Meeting - Saturday November 19th, 2022 @9:30 AM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Ms. Suzette Arnold present chair On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Roberta Walker present vice-chair On Time At Adjournment
Tamseel Syed present member On Time At Adjournment
Dr. Wanda Brooks-Long present ex-officio On Time At Adjournment
Mrs. Wanda McKay not present member
Mrs. Janelle Wilhite present Treasurer On Time At Adjournment

Welcome and Call to Order

Welcome and Call to Order by Suzette Arnold, Board Chair, 9:32 a.m.

Ascertain a Quorum


Suzette Arnold

Tamseel Syed

Janelle Wilhite

Roberta Walker

Wanda McKay– not present

Wanda Brooks-Long, Ex-Officio - present

Approval of Agenda

The committee approves the agenda items.

Motion to approve the agenda

Motion made:            Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Motion to approve the agenda

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Approval of last month's Minutes

Approval of the Minutes from the last work session

Motion made              Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker

Motion Carries:         Unanimous vote

Approval of the Minutes from the last work session

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Executive Session

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal matters at 9:38 a.m.

Motion made by:        Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded b:   Roberta Walker

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote


Motion to return from Executive Session at 11:53 a.m.

Motion made by:        Janelle Wilhite

Motion seconded by: Tamseel Syed

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote


Motion to take a 2 minute break

Motion made by:        Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded by: Janelle Wilhite

Motion Carries: Unanimous vote

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss personnel and legal matters at 9:38 a.m.

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to return from Executive Session at 11:53 a.m.

By: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite Seconded by: Tamseel Syed

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Motion to take a 2 minute break

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Janelle Wilhite

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

Head of School Report

Head of School Report – Dr. Brooks-Long and Melba Smith

Melba Smith, Interim Principal, presented the Interim Principal’s Report which included:


October Monthly Highlights and Pulse Check

Attendance Matters Initiative amongst students, teachers, and staff. On a bi-weekly basis, the thermometers outside of each classroom door is updated with the attendance levels for that time. Awards are given rewards on a monthly basis for classes, grades and grade bands.


Curriculum Night was well attended by parents. The highlight was on Reading and Math initiatives and the units being taught in each grade level. The coaches hosted A Reading Corner, Math Casino and Gifted Games for the students and parents to enjoy.


PBIS-Dancing/Prizes/Snacks-Ms. Smith shared pictures and it was note that the DPA Bulldog was in attendance. The students loved the dancing and popcorn.


TKES walkthroughs have taken place and now the instructional staff is preparing for formal observations

 The flag football team placed 2nd in the league championship.


Field Trip to the King Center The 3rd, 5th and 6th grade students along with over 25 parents attended the field trip to the King Center. The students were engaged in an in-depth conversation with Dr. Bernice King about the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The attendees toued the Kihng Center and the MLK Birth Home.


Accelerated Reader Kickoff – Pancakes and Pajamas – Encouraging students to read and take Accelerted Reader tests. This initiative increases Lexile levels.


Reading Recovery Room progress. The mirror will be added next week. The 6-7 rooms in the media center have all been sound-proofed and can be utilized for confidential student interactions.


Beta Club Induction Ceremony-90 students were inducted into Beta Club this year. Students were challenged to participate in the Accel/Algebra Academy on Saturdays.  


Student Enrollment

Grade Level                                       Students Recorded                             

Kindergarten                                                  54                                           

1st                                                                   63                                                      

2nd                                                                  57                                           

3rd                                                                   61                                           

4th                                                                   62                                           

5th                                                                   61                                           

6th                                                                   72                                           

7th                                                                   66                                           

8th                                                                   59                   

  Total:                                                           558


PBL/AVC Differentiator

Last month, Ms. Smith shared the list of PBL topics that our students in each grade level will focus on. This month, Ms. Smith shared the medium that each grade level will utilize to present their topics on December 9 during the DCSD visit.

Kindergarten – Community Helpers-QR codes, students taking pictures of projects and video commercial base on their community helpers

1st Grade – Healthy Eating and Health Lifestyle-Video of Health Cooking Show and QR Code

2nd Grade – Fitness and Healthy Living – Infomercial and Workout video via TikTok (not to be posted)

3rd Grade – Local Markets and Healthy Eating – QR Codes to display work                   

4th Grade – Garden of Hope – QR Codes to display work, brochures, and commercials

5th Grade – Microorganisms – Record a video

6th Grade – World Hunger - Podcast

7th Grade – Food Deserts – Create ads and commercials

8th Grade – Preparing for Life after High School – a short film


Upcoming Field Trips

This month, permission is being requested for the following field trips: Aquarium (2nd Grade) and

Fernbank (4th Grade).


Instructional Professional Development:

October Professional Development encompassed the 4 Strategies of Teach Like a Champion. Those strategies are Threshold Strategy, Think Pair Share, Write Pair Share and Use of Equity Sticks.


Upcoming Professional Development:

MTSS/RTI and Data Input will be conducted by DCSD, Balanced Math Training, Guided Reading Training, Readers and Writers Notebook Training will be conducted by Mr. Dennis, Co-teachers/PEC Training will be conducted by the DCSD LTSE assigned to our school.


Professional Development for the Instructional Lead Team

Ms. Smith is forging a relationship with the Chief Academic Officer: Principal of DATE Academy, Dr. Kiedra Taylor. Additionally, she is completing Leadership coursework at Georgia Southern University and is registering for A Rigorous Principal Leadership Program (Summer 2023).

The Math and Gifted Coaches are attending the Georgia Educator and Georgia Mathematics Summit NCTM Conference. The Literacy Coach is completing the Reading Recovery Endorsement.


There at two certified teachers participating in the Teacher Support and Coaching (TSC) Endorsement Program. All Math teachers have been registered to attend the Georgia Metro Resa New Georgia Math Standards Training in January 2023.


Board Actions for Instructional Staff and Instructional Support Staff being submitted for full board approval

7th Grade ELA Teacher, 7th Grade Math Teacher, 2 EIP Teachers, 4th Grade Teacher, School Counselor, Substitute Teacher


Thanksgiving Celebration and DPA’s Shining Starts

The Parent and Community Liaison hosted the Staff Thanksgiving Celebration. During the celebration, the following staff that consistently exceed the standard were recognized: Keith Gaines, Custodian; DeAngelo Paschal, Health and PE Teacher; Anequa Jackson, Paraprofessional; Michael Newell, PE Teacher, Athletic Director, Connections Lead Teacher; Jonathan Rice, Music, Chorus and Glee Club Teacher and Bernard Robinson, Band Teacher.


October Employee of the Month

Michael Newell


MAP Data Review – Comparison of Spring 2022 to Fall 2022

Ms. Smith reviewed Spring 2022 MAP Data compared to Fall 2022 Map Data. She explained how the MAP data closely correlates with the Georgia Milestones and is a good indicator of how students will perform on the Georgia Milestones. Ms. Smith provided a review of data for each grade band, by subject, and the percentage of students per grade that tested above, at, or below grade level. (The full report is available by request). Discussion regarding the level of growth from Spring to Fall. Ms. Smith explained the difference between Beginning Learners, Developing Learners, Proficient Learners, and Distinguished Learners. Discussion regarding the value of the Summer Bridge Program, learning loss, Math interventions, data analyses, best practices and whether there are any additional resources needed from the Governing Board. Ms. Smith explained that there are content-level meetings on a weekly basis with the coaches and subject-matter teachers.


Board Comments:

Ms. Arnold stated that she sees the improvement and encouraged the Instructional Leadership team to continue to make positive strides. Mr. Syed raised questions regarding plans to Meet or Exceed the authorizer’s results moving forward. Ms. Smith explained that the Excel and Accel Academies, Math Manipulatives, Co-teaching, etc., will assist with addressing learning loss. Ms. Wilhite thanked Ms. Smith for the information and stated that she found the report very helpful. 

Survey Data PresentationDr. Wanda Brooks-Long

Dr. Brooks-Long shared Middle School data extrapolated from the GaDoE survey. Specific questions regarding students’ behavior, mood swings, concentration, being still, worries and fears, indications of bulimia and/or anorexia, out of control behavior, overwhelmed for no reason, sadness/depression/withdrawn. Other categories shared related to use of marijuana, prescription drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and methamphetamines. She spoke to the importance of interventions by counselors and others regarding social-emotional support.


Board Comments:

Ms. Arnold asked: What are the plans to coach, teach, counsel students based on the results of the survey? Dr. Brooks-Long indicated that school health and wellness committee is going to look at the direction that our health curriculum should be directed. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that committee discussed putting modules together modules to address sex and drug education, social-emotional learning and civics.  Dr. Brooks-Long also stated that Ms. Smith has given a charge to the Health and Wellness Committee to look at the Culture and Climate Plan. The school leadership is looking at the culture and climate plan. The newly recommended School Counselor is also a psychologist and could assist with this initiative.


Ms. Arnold also asked about 4-H and whether there are other clubs that have a social component that address some of these issues where students can feel that they are in a safe space. Ms. Arnold will provide a 4-H Club contact to the School Leadership. Ms. Smith will provide an update in the next meeting.

Finance Report

Finance Report – Janelle Wilhite

Per Ms. Wilhite, the Finance Committee met and discussed the Finance Report Procurement Policy, Strategic Plan (Financial Goals). The only item voted on was the Budget Amendment for $50,000. Ms. Yu is to prepare the Budget Amendment and is to share before and at the Board Meeting. Dr. Brooks-Long requested permission to present Teacher Salary Adjustments and Teacher Stipend Board Actions at this meeting for review since she was unable to make the presentation at the Finance Committee due to

technical issues. New Hire supplement $2,000.00; Retention supplement(full-time): $2,000.00, Retention Supplement (part time): $1,000.00) Loyalty and Longevity Supplement $1,500.00; Wellness Supplement: $250; Employee Referral Program $200.00 per referral. Discussion regarding New Hire Bonuses being previously approved as a retention strategy.


Board Comments

Ms. Arnold stated that she specifically remembered this initiative being approved in the past. Mr. Syed raised the question regarding whether the initiative was approved for one year or if it was approved as part of ongoing practice. Dr. Brooks-Long will update the Board Action Form to include verbiage regarding 5 years of employment to receive the longevity supplement. Retention bonus is awarded to staff that returned from one Academic Year to the next. A staff member can get the Retention Bonus and Longevity Bonus. Clarification regarding whether the Longevity Bonus being a one-time salary stipend. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that the verbiage regarding stipends and frequency of those stipends payments should become a part of the DPA Salary Guide and Human Resources Policy regarding stipends. Ms. Arnold asked whether the stipends are performance-based or stand alone. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that retention and performance are two different things and should be treated as such. This should be addressed through the Human Resources policies. Ms. Arnold stated that the policies should be aligned on both sides: retention and performance. Ms. Wilhite clarified that this was a one-time approval and that ESSR funds would be the payor source. Request made by Ms. Wilhite to add the $299,000 Budget Amendment to the budget amendment amount for Legal purposes. Ms. Wilhite further requested that brief notes be added to the spreadsheets with the explanations of each supplement. Mr. Syed asked for all the supporting documentation to be included in the Board Action Packets for this month. Dr. Brooks-Long explained that when teachers received their salary adjustments, the calculations were incorrect and thus, the salary adjustments were processed incorrectly and there is a need to make appropriate adjustments. Discussion regarding sustainability and affordability and clarity around spending. Ms. Wilhite requested a report that would show the Board that DPA can afford the proposed spending. Ms. Arnold echoed the request to ensure that we are showing the sustainability. Dr. Brooks-Long stated that she would have Ms. Yu provide documentation that we can afford the proposed retention stipends.


Mr. Syed requested that Dr. Brooks-Long forward a link to the board members by next Wednesday with the budget amendment, changes to the board action forms and supporting documentation.


Dr. Brooks-Long presented Kaiser ($350,797.44), MetLife ($56,315.71), OneLogin Email services ($7,548.25), and the Finance Procurement policy to be included on the consent agenda. Ms. Wilhite clarified that the Finance Procurement policy is tabled until January for the finance committee with the tracked changes. Dr. Brooks-Long also presented the Teacher Supplement Board Action form, Budget Amendment and Recruitment and Retention plan that will be cleaned up and prepared for Discussion Agenda.


Mr. Syed recommended that all board members send an individual list of items to include on the consent agenda. This will give the board members an opportunity to review the documentation that Dr. Brooks-Long will provide for inclusion on the consent agenda. Ms. Arnold reiterated that all items to be considered for inclusion on the consent agenda must come to the full board from Dr. Brooks-Long by next Friday, November 25, 2022. The expectation is that all items, itemized by committee, will be sent to the board members, reviewed by the board members, and confirmed so that it can be placed on the consent agenda for November 29, 2022. All board members in attendance acknowledged the expectation.


Laptops for Teachers, Laptops for Students and Smartboards – please put the recommended vendor on the Board Action Forms.


Inventory – Ms. Wilhite asked for the complete inventory list with all the relevant information: what the item is, where it is location, how much we paid for it, funding source, where it was purchased, date purchased, serial number, etc. If it can be pulled from the Destiny System, it is fine to use it. Ms. Arnold stated that the purchases that are being requested (computers and smartboards) need to be included in the budget and should be included in the budget amendment to ensure that there is an allocation of funds for these items.

Goveranance Report

Governance Report – Tamseel Syed

Governance Committee met and discussed a lot of items that will be sent back for re-work for the January There is a need for Human Resources Professional Development. Hopefully, in January there will be a lot of items moving forward. There are 2 legal items that were discussed in Executive Session as already being resolved. There needs to be a Board Action Form for the Letter of Intent for Charter Reauthorization. Dr. Brooks-Long will send the requested documentation to the board members so that it can be included in the consent agenda.


Dr. Brooks-Long brought forth a Board Action Form for a Human Resources Consultant - $4750. Discussion regarding the role of the consultant. Questions regarding the process of selecting this consultant: Did you post the position? Were there three quotes? Can the board members see her background and skills? How does the board know that the consultant selected is the best one, etc.? Dr.  Brooks-Long clarified by stating that this consultant works with Ms. Yu. Ms. Arnold stated that since we already have a contract with Avalon, we should amend the existing contract for additional services for HR support. The fact that this is a professional services contract is the requirement to have board approval. Mr. Syed stated that Ms. Yu must send a new statement of work to include HR.

Development Report

Development Committee Report – Melba Smith for Wanda McKay

Ms. Smith stated that the committee did not meet. However, DPA received the Toys for Tots grant. Over 600 toys will be picked up over the Thanksgiving Break and distributed to students as Accelerated Reader and IXL incentives prior to Christmas Break.


The golf tournament will be pushed back to the warmer months. The fundraising plan that will be discussed in the next Development Committee meeting is a Reading Program that will be spearheaded by Mr. Dennis. There is a potential to raise up to $30,000.00 with this initiative.

Public Comment

Our Public Comment period is for members of the public to address the board. Each member of the public may sign up to comment at the meeting, and will be allotted two minutes. The board will listen, but may not directly respond to any comments. Our meetings are open to the public and public record. As such, if your comment is about a private matter, please contact the board via email, or speak to the board chair privately.

No public in attendance. 

Any Other Business

Dr. Brooks-Long thanked the staff that stayed on this 5-hour meeting,

The Christmas Party is currently scheduled on Friday, December 2, 2022, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Ms. Smith will send the White Elephant Gift Exchange information along with the Evite.


Ms. Arnold also thanked the staff for remaining on the call. She also stated that this was a great meeting and that there would be more meetings like this as we get closer to Reauthorization.


Motion to adjourn at 2:03 p.m.

Motion made by: Tamseel Syed

Motion seconded by: Roberta Walker

Motion carries: Unanimous vote

Motion to adjourn at 2:03 p.m.

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:13 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Tamseel Syed Seconded by: Mrs. Roberta Walker

There was no notable discussion on the motion.